
The Only Leveling System

Nobody on Earth expected monsters to suddenly rush out from portals that appeared out of thin air. What happened was what would only appear in novels, mangas, or animes. Everything seems surreal. Unfortunately, for those who are in denial, none of this is a dream. This is REALITY. Rem’s "peaceful" life was shattered on that day. Many years had passed since then. Rem somehow ended up being the last human alive on Earth. She succeeded in defeating the Demon King. Despite all the rewards she received, Rem didn’t have the will to live anymore. Suddenly, a man in a white robe appeared before Rem. "I'm Alchit, the God of Light. Congratulations on your victory." 'What is there to celebrate? My family, friends, comrades... Everyone but me is all dead!' "What kind of god are you??! Alicht, the God of Light? More like A SH*T, the God of all sh*ts!!!" "HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! This is the first time anyone has insulted me like that. For that, I'll tell you a little something...!" Alchit leaned over to Rem's right ear and whispered: "This happened because I find things like this entertaining. You're simply a CHARACTER I took interest in. That's how you survived for so long." Before Rem could process what she just heard, Alchit ended her life ruthlessly with his blade. Was Rem going to die just like that? Yes! Of course, she is. Not even plot armor can protect her from this. How can a mere human survive any sword that pierced one's heart without dying? At least her death was quick and probably painless, right...? After dying, Rem got reincarnated into another world. The only problem was, she was reincarnated as a MONSTER. A monster that's the size of a CAT. Actually... Make that two problems. Rem can’t remember anything in her past life except for her first name, the day the portals appeared, some knowledge about the monsters she met before, being brutally murdered by Ash*t, and her immeasurable hatred for Gods. Having an annoying yet somewhat helpful system barely helps in the situation Rem’s in. "Why am I here, just to suffer?” Let's look at the bright side. Rem has another chance. A chance to get revenge in this new life of hers. Nonetheless, her priority right now is to survive. How will Rem survive in the current cat-sized monster body she's in? Will she ever succeed in getting her revenge? Can she get her memories back and uncover the truth? Join Rem on her journey and see for yourself! ——————————————————————— Tags: Adventure, Fantasy, FemaleMC, FemaleProtagonist, GameElements, Magic, MedievalWorld, ModernWorld, Monster, Monsters, Nonhuman, Overpowered, Portals, PowerfulMC, Rebirth, Reborn, Reincarnation, Revenge, System, Transmigration ——————————————————————— TOLS = The Only Leveling System ——————————————————————— ^Please note that everything in this novel is made up and isn't real. I have no intentions of trying to hurt or offend anyone! Thank you for reading!!!^ ——————————————————————— ^I'm back!!! :) I'll be rewriting and editing every chapter. You can see what I've edited under the auxiliary volume, "Revised Chapters." Hopefully, this will improve my writing tenfold!^ ——————————————————————— ^This is my first novel! I'm writing this novel as a new hobby I had come across, and to improve my writing skills. If there are any grammatical mistakes or spelling errors, please inform me. Feel free to make any suggestions you have! All suggestions and feedback are greatly appreciated! Thank you for reading this novel!!!^ ——————————————————————— ^This cover is by swd3e2 (I did some research, and this was all I could find about the artist)! I will take this cover down if the artist asks me to do so.^ *This Cover’s Artist: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/660788 ———————————————————————

JUnknownC · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
180 Chs


After leaving for the city, Rem realized that she hadn't inspected Alex's stats yet, so she decided to inspect his stats now.

<Inspect Status>

[Name: Alex]

[Role: Pure Blood Descendant of the Half-Ogre Ancient Tribe (x2 EXP Gain/x5 STR)]

[Race: Half-Ogre (x2 HP)]

[Level: 10]

[HP: 8,000/8,000]

[MP: 2,000/2,000]

[Element: Fire/Earth]

'He has pure blood...? Aren't there only pure bloods in vampires?'

{In this world, there can be pure bloods in any race. In this case, Alex is a pure blood because everyone in his family has something similar. It's possible for two elements to be passed down. The elements might be what they have in common.}

'There're other pure blood half-ogres, aren't there?'

{Yes, but only a few.}

'Well, this won't matter for now. Anyways, how am I going to explain this? Hm... Roy and Alex look similar to each other. They both have red hair and orange eyes. First, I'll have to hide Alex's horns.'

Rem put her hand on Alex's head and used her Disguise skill on him. Alex's horns disappeared, causing him to touch his head, trying to find his horns.

"M-My horns are gone!" Alex said, slightly panicked.

"I just hide it. You can see or feel it, but it's still there." Rem reassured.

"Ohhh, that's cool," Alex replied, relieved that his horns didn't disappear forever.

Rem also changed Alex's stats. Now, his stats would look like this whenever someone inspects it.

<Inspect Status>

[Name: Alex]

[Job: Claymore Swordsman]

[Race: Human]

[Level: 5]

[HP: 1,000/1,000]

[MP: 800/800]

[Element: Fire]

'This looks good enough.'

"From now on, you and Roy will be brothers. Got it?"

"Brothers?" Alex tilted his head to one side, not understanding what the word cousin means.

"Yes, you can even call Roy brother if you want to."


"Okay, Brother Roy!" Alex said brightly.



The three took their time to get to the city. Even when flying so slowly, it didn't take a long time to arrive at the shores again.

"Roy, land near the shores over there. Shift into your human form and then we can deactivate our invisibility." Rem stated, pointing at an area behind a large rock.


Roy landed where Rem pointed. Then, he shifted back to his human form. Getting rid of the invisibility, the three walked towards the cabin. When they arrived, a few unfamiliar people waited for them. The first thing the men did when they saw Rem tried to capture her. Rem dodged all of their attacks.

"Who are you guys and why are you attacking me?" Rem asked.

"Come with us. We're the knights of this city. We got a report saying that someone saw a monster turn into a human. They're suspecting that you're the monster." One of the knights explained.

Rem's eyes furrowed.

"Alright, I'll come with you. Roy, take care of Alex while I'm away, okay?"

"Of course." Roy nodded, holding one of Alex's hands.

Alex seemed confused, but he shook it off.

"Come back soon!!!" Alex yelled as Rem walked away with the other knights.

Roy glanced at Kaito, glaring at him for a split second.

"Why did they take Rem?" Karina asked, having a worried expression on her face.

"I don't know," Kaito answered, shrugging.

Yukio was still outside training, swinging his sword nonstop while Yukino was in the bedroom, resting. Oliver just watched all the commotion, munching on a few fruits.

"I hope Remie's going to be okay..." Karina said aloud.

Karina noticed Alex behind Roy, clenching on Roy's shirt.

"Ah, who's this little guy?"

"He's my younger brother, Alex," Roy claimed.

"Hi..." Alex said shyly, still clenching on Roy.

"You two sure look alike." Karina pointed out.

"Of course, we do. We're brothers!" Roy lied, guiding Alex to his room.

Kaito looked at Roy and Alex suspiciously.

"It's late, Alex. You should go to sleep." Roy ordered, closing the door behind him.

"Okay..." Alex did as he was told obediently.

Sitting next to where Alex was sleeping, Roy began to speak with Rem.

'My senses are telling me that Kaito was the one who reported you.' Roy said in his mind, using telepathy.

'I was suspicious of him too. When I changed from monster to human form, I sensed someone nearby, but I wasn't too sure back then.' Rem exclaimed.

'What should we do?' Roy asked, feeling even more cautious than before.

'For now, stay put and don't do anything unless someone attacks you or Alex.' Rem ordered.

'Understood.' Roy claimed, glancing at Alex with a worried look on his face.

Rem was brought to a large building somewhere inside Orthio City. The building was guarded by knights everywhere.

'What should I tell them...? Well, I'll just have to wait for them to ask some questions first.' Rem followed the man who seemed to be the leader of the knights.

There were knights surrounding Rem as if she was a criminal.

"Get in." The man Rem had to followed demanded, pushing her inside a room.

Trying to keep her composure, Rem walked in. Inside the room, there were only two chairs and a table with the lie detector device on it. Rem sat down on one of the chairs. The man who pushed Rem sat down on the empty chair, hand gesturing the other men to leave the room.

"A bystander reported that they saw a monster shift into a human. Are you that monster?" The man asked, staring coldly at Rem.

"No, I'm not a monster." Rem answered.

'I'm a Kager, not a monster.' Rem thought, already knowing how the lie detector works.

As long as the person being asked the question keeps their calm, the device would not mark it as a lie. Rem hypothesized that the device was never a lie detector in the first place. It works by calculating the heart rate of a living being. Rem concluded that the man before her was wearing something that causes the device to become unable to calculate his heart rate. The device can only calculate the heart rate of living beings from a certain distance. This was the reason why the man ordered his men to exit the room.

"Hm..." The man looked at Rem in a skeptical way when he saw the device remain green.

"Hah... I have nothing else to say. Stay here. The investigator will arrive soon. He'll be the one to interrogate you." The man stated, exiting the room.

'An investigator...?'

Confused, Rem stayed in her seat, wanting to see what will happen next.

'If they're going to do anything to me forcefully or if any of them finds out the truth, I'll have no choice but to use plan B.' Rem thought, staring at the wall in front of her.


An hour passed, and the door finally opened. Rem saw a tall man with short, jet black hair and golden eyes. He was wearing detective-like clothes. The man closed the door behind him walking towards the empty seat. Rem inspected the man's stats.

<Inspect Status>

[Name: Lawrence]

[Job(s): ???]

[Race: ???]

[Level: ???]

[HP: ???/???]

[MP: ???/???]

[Element(s): ???]

'Oh, great...!' Rem sighed, staring at the man as he took a seat.

"I'll get straight to the point. Unlike you, I'm a busy person. So, were you the monster who shifted into a human back at Arka City?" Lawrence asked, his eyes glowing in a golden color.

'Is he using an ability...?' Rem wondered.

'Please don't let his ability be what I think it is...' Rem implored.

"No..." Rem replied.

Lawrence stared at Rem with his cold, indifferent eyes.

"Okay, you're the monster," Lawrence concluded.

'My luck is horrible! He's strong... Can I beat him? There's no way.'

{You can't beat him yet. You're too weak, too weak!}

'I can't escape now. I'll have to wait till that Lawrence person leaves.'

"I don't know how a monster like you managed to get in the city so easily, but you better not think of escaping," Lawrence warned.

He grabbed Rem's wrists, putting shackles on them.

"With these on, you can't use any magic. There's also protection on it so even if you have a lot of strength, you can't break these shackles." Lawrence claimed, saying these words in a confidant tone.

Then, he left the room as the other men entered, guiding Rem to the prison. Feeling perplexed by what Lawrence said, Rem decided to wait till Lawrence left the building. To do this, she used the map to see where Lawrence is.

There are already over 900 people who have put this novel in their library!!! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

Thank you all so much! (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

(Can you believe that I'll be "graduating" next Monday? Sadly, I can't go to graduation to get my certificate...! (T^T))

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