
Investigating the Snowy Village

"Act as a traveling doctor then wait and see. Use brute force if it's necessary," Albert suggested after telling him and the Kings about the village I found in the snowy area.

"No, that's too reckless. Watch that place for a week first. If there's no one from the outside coming to that village then it's not likely that the cult has taken over that village. Then you go to the village and wait for a few days before revealing yourself as the cult's enemy. If they are hostile toward the cult, then ask for their cooperation," old man Henry suggested.

That will take longer time. But everyone agreed to that plan so that's what we will do.

"Then while Roy is busy, the base is ready. We can send the agents to scout the continent. We will send the agents who are summoners who have made a contract with a werewolf or a weretiger so they can hide themselves from the enemy. They will investigate other places that might be hostile toward the cult," Fabio said.