
The One That Got Away | Yuzuru Hanyu

When someone moves cities, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and alone. It is even worse when you are an introvert and a nerd. Sakura learned it the hard way when she moved to Sendai because of her dad. She never expected her biggest competition in school to become her best friend. The one other thing she didn't expect was falling in love with him, only for the boy to quickly vanish from her life to follow his dreams. Years later, they meet again, only for tensions to go high. Will passion arise again?

AxelEmpress · Célébrités
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30 Chs

The Offer

The news of the CEO's visit shocked everything and everyone. Suddenly, no one seemed to be able to work or focus on the tasks ahead.

The truth was that this was very uncommon.

A visit from any higher-up was expected, but the CEO himself? It was either very good news or they were about to get the biggest lecture of their lives.

It's safe to say that everyone in the office was preparing everything to look as good as possible, nothing was out of place, and everything was according to the norms set by the company.

Sakura was also a bit stressed but she knew that any responsibilities wouldn't fall on her since she was just an intern.

Unlike most people at the office, she entered the building on the day of the visit as if it was just another regular day.

Her colleagues, on the other hand, went earlier than usual preparing everything to look perfect, arranging the flowers that they had bought and everything else deemed necessary and expected, in the true Japanese way.

The man of the hour arrived after a few hours, in the middle of the morning, and with an entourage far bigger than necessary.

He seemed very nice as he greeted everyone personally with a smile, stopping when he got to her.

A person that Sakura assumed to be the CEO's assistant whispered something in his ear and his eyes brightened.

"Ah, Honda-san, the person I came here for." He said in Japanese making her eyes widen.

"What?" She couldn't help but say before her cheeks reddened in embarrassment.

"Your thesis is impressive, Miss Sakura."

"How do you know that? I haven't defended it yet, it's not public "

"Forgive your teacher for showing it to me."


"Can we have some privacy?" The man asked politely and they were both quickly guided to a private office.

Sakura was looking around, too confused to even say anything before he told her to have a seat.

"I am very confused" she admitted out loud.

"I can hopefully enlighten you."

He was very smiley and almost attempted to comfort the young girl as best as he could.

"I have been looking for someone to coordinate the London office. As you might have realized already, we are still starting our endeavors here and there's still a lot to do. I wanted someone young, Japanese, and strong-minded and I feel like you will be perfect for the job."

To say that Sakura was completely dumbfounded by the words that the CEO had just said wouldn't cover all the emotions going through her head.

How was this even possible?

"But I haven't finished my degree yet." Was all that she could say in response to that.

"Consider it a mere formality. Your professor told me that you were on a good path to finish it with honors after all. You don't need that degree to be a good businesswoman."

"You want a woman, who hasn't even finished her education, to lead this project? How very Unjapanese"

She couldn't help but laugh and make him chuckle as well.

"There's the energy I was looking for. And yes, I want all of that, if you want it as well."

"Let's be honest, it's an irrefutable offer for anyone, let alone someone like me. But why me? You probably have too many CV's thrown at you every day, of people with more experience and habilitations than me."

"Curiously, most of them are either not Japanese or not overly familiar with England. You have been living here for a few years, you know the demographics better than any experienced businessman I can throw in here.

You're young and on top of everything, you have an impressive way of seeing things if your thesis is anything to go by. In this company, I always try to get new people with different views from the traditional standpoint. It's the reason why I ask for the opinion of university professors whenever I'm looking for someone."

"I'm a bit afraid, but if you feel so strongly about my abilities, I can't possibly refuse."

"It's settled then. I will give you all of my contacts and send you everything you might need, as well as inform the team of the new change."

"Wow, that's fast."

"You can keep up with your studies while doing this, yes?"

"I think so, Sir."

"I'm confident you are as well. And if you ever need anything, you can call me directly."


"Yes, Sakura, you will report straight to me."

"I see..."

"Congratulations and good luck. I look forward to working with you."

One handshake sealed the deal that Sakura never expected to make this early on in her career.

It was both overwhelming and exciting that all of her hard work during her studies was paying off so well even before she finished her degree.

Obviously, this was never something that she expected to happen, especially not on such a huge scale and that's exactly what she told her parents when she called them as soon as the CEO left her alone.

"Just accept your efforts and believe in yourself, dear." Was her mother's answer to her surprised reaction to this opportunity.

"Do you think I can do it?" She reluctantly asked her parents.

"We know you can... You're our little girl who grew up into an amazing woman. I have no doubts you are going to succeed in this, it's all you ever worked for!" Her dad answered almost immediately. "You're amazing sweetheart"

And just like that, her inner self started to officially accept that this was a reality. That she had a job and was going to work for a major company far earlier than she initially expected.

This was it.