
The One That Got Away | Yuzuru Hanyu

When someone moves cities, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and alone. It is even worse when you are an introvert and a nerd. Sakura learned it the hard way when she moved to Sendai because of her dad. She never expected her biggest competition in school to become her best friend. The one other thing she didn't expect was falling in love with him, only for the boy to quickly vanish from her life to follow his dreams. Years later, they meet again, only for tensions to go high. Will passion arise again?

AxelEmpress · Célébrités
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30 Chs


Sakura didn't expect the shoot to end and have Yuzuru come straight at her.

"Honda-san, any dinner plans?" He asked with a cheeky smile.

"Nothing special."

She was almost scared of what he had on his silly mind. They were still speaking in front of her team, who was very fluent in Japanese.

"Good. I know a few great restaurants in Toronto." That made her eyebrows raise immediately before he continued. "Will you do me the honor of your company?"

Sakura heard the catcall that someone immediately gave and glared in the direction of her assistant who instantly stopped the little show.

"You want to take me out for dinner?"

"Just as a thank you for trusting me with this endorsement. It was a great opportunity for me."

"I see... I don't have much time. My flight back is early."

"That shouldn't be a problem, I know you're a busy woman so I won't take too much of your time."

"Fair enough. You have my contact information, yes?"

"Of course. I will sort the details and let you know."

"Very well, Hanyu-san. See you later."

Sakura ignored the looks of everyone as she left the set with her team right behind her.

"So...boss... You and Hanyu?"


"There seems to be some tension in the air... And we know you two knew each other before he signed."

"We went to the same school, that's all."

"Really? But he was so formal."

"We are in a business situation. What did you expect?"

"He still asked you out in front of everyone."

"Yuzuru is just messing with me and testing how far he can go with his little game."

"And you let him? You?"

"I'm indulging when we're in public, but I have a whole dinner to have his head."

Her assistant looked at her with scared eyes and she chuckled.

"Calm down, I'm joking."

"Are you?"

"Just go. I will see you tomorrow at the airport."

"You don't need anything else? I can get you from the hotel tomorrow."

The last thing she needed was to have people around her when she was with Yuzu. He was too unpredictable.

"No, I'm sure I'm grown up enough to be alone. Get lost."

"Of course, ma'am."

Sakura patiently awaited his call while going through her luggage. She had barely brought anything but a few work outfits and comfy sweats to wear at the hotel if pajamas were too cold.

It didn't take too long for her phone to ring.

"Hey, Sa-chan."

"What happened to Honda-san?"

"You want me to call you Sa-chan in front of everyone?"

"No, just messing with you... So, dinner plans?"

"I was thinking we could just stay in?"

She laughed hard at that. Why had she even expected him to take her out when he barely left his house?

"That's so on brand for you... I can't believe I was worried about not having anything to wear."

"We can go out if you want..."

"No, it's fine, as long as you don't mind me showing up in comfy clothes."

"You can wear your pajamas if you want, I wouldn't mind."

Her head was immediately in the gutter.

"They are not the sexy kind."

"Who needs sexy clothes when the plan is to get you naked?"

She audibly gasped at how direct he was over the phone. Even if she had been thinking about it ever since he was on the set, Sakura didn't expect him to be so blunt.

It was almost insulting.


"I'm messing with you! Just wear whatever you want."

"Okay. Give me the address?"

"What hotel are you staying at?"


"I'll pick you up."

"You don't have to."

"I'm not taking no for an answer. Just tell me."

For some kind of reason, she told him without any more fight.

Sakura was still too weak for him.

It took mere 15 minutes for him to text her that he was waiting for her and just a few seconds after, she was out of the door in her comfiest workout clothes.

Finding out that Yuzuru could drive was something that she didn't expect, but it was rather nice when she contemplated the alternatives.

"Your mom won't mind?"

"She isn't here."

"She isn't in the apartment?"

"No, she's in Japan for some event with my dad."

"Ah, I didn't know. So you're alone?"

"Just for a few days."

"Yeah... Must be hard since you're used to having her here."

"It's not that bad. I can handle myself for a few days."

"I'm sure you can."

And then the uncomfortable silence settled. The heavy weight of the tension between them was finally obvious.

"You know I didn't invite you because I wanted..."

"It doesn't matter, Yuzu. I don't have much doubts that I will be on your bed later, but it has nothing to do with what you said, it just seems inevitable for us."

This time he was the one gulping and assessing what she had just said.

Thankfully, arriving at his condo broke the conversation for a little bit and the tension as well.

He guided her through the elevator and as he opened the front door he looked at her once again with a little smile.

"I was thinking we could order something."

"Sure. Whatever you feel like."

Just like that, he was opening the door in silence, gathering the right words before saying them out loud and she was doing the exact same thing.

It seemed like both of them were somewhat walking through glass around one another.

But even before they got to decide what to order, the tension finally won over.

Yuzuru had just walked through the door when she heard him close it.

That was the last thing that she heard before her body was pinned to the front door and his lips kissing hers.