
The One That Got Away | Yuzuru Hanyu

When someone moves cities, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and alone. It is even worse when you are an introvert and a nerd. Sakura learned it the hard way when she moved to Sendai because of her dad. She never expected her biggest competition in school to become her best friend. The one other thing she didn't expect was falling in love with him, only for the boy to quickly vanish from her life to follow his dreams. Years later, they meet again, only for tensions to go high. Will passion arise again?

AxelEmpress · Célébrités
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30 Chs


The way Yuzuru was offering to simplify things, just made her wish things were as easy as that.

Yuzuru still trained in Canada as far as she knew and she doubted he had any reasons or will to come back to Japan.

Not only that, letting them have this now could easily turn into a mess since she needed him to sign with Kosé.

"We can't Yuzu... I don't want to risk anything when I'm just starting on this team. I already have enough people judging me and thinking I'm not good enough for the job. The last thing I need is people saying that I only managed to sign you because we're in some kind of relationship."

"No one has to know."

"As if we can hide... Did you notice how much tension was in the room? Everyone could tell there was something between us."

"You looked like you hate me..."

"Sometimes I do... Sometimes I hate you for choosing skating and leaving like you did but then I remember just how good you became and how much you achieved."

"If I can't have you like this... Can we at least be friends?"

Sakura was half relieved, half disappointed that he was suggesting this. She had no idea how it would be to try and get closer to him now after avoiding him for so long, but when she thought about it, she didn't want to let him go either.

The woman nodded with a gentle smile as she agreed to at least try this. If he was going to sign with them just because it was good for her, then the least she could do was to try and put the past behind them.

"Sure... I think we can try that."

"Give me your contact."


"Yes, your number, Sa-chan... And not the one you use for business."

She quickly ripped the paper that he had written on before and divided it in two before writing the digits that he seemed to want so badly.

"Well, Honda-san, we got ourselves a deal."

Sakura couldn't help but chuckle at the way he said that, grasping the double meaning far too quickly.

"Should we get the contract?"

"If you want me to sign it..."

"Give me a few minutes."

She quickly headed outside the room and called for her assistant.

"Koshiro-san, get me the contract please."


"Just hurry up."

"Yes, ma'am."

When she was back in the meeting room, Yuzuru was already seated and apparently saving her number on his device.

It barely took a minute before she felt her own phone vibrating in her pocket.

"You better not ignore me, beautiful girl" the message said, making her smile almost immediately in front of his eyes."I meant it, you know?"

"I won't."

"Good... Now tell me what you guys will need from me."

"That's all you want to know?"

"Yes... And preferably if I will see you during the times I'm filming or shooting too..."

"We will see, depends on my schedule."

"Of course...miss future CEO..."


"What? You have the skill... As long as I'm not the one you're trying to convince."

She wanted to badly throw something at him, but she would need his face intact for the first shoot so it was out of the question.

"We will need some promotional shots, of course, a video or two and if you're willing, we have been thinking of doing something in a blog entry type of style. It would probably be just writing some short texts about a theme and your views on certain things..."

"Sounds fun."

"You always loved writing..."

"I still do."

Just at that moment, as their eyes were fixed on one another once again, her assistant entered the room and gave her a file with the contract copies that she had prepared.

"Koshiro, you can leave now"

Sakura didn't say anything about her assistant as she handed a copy to Yuzu.

"Read it and see if you want to change anything. You can call your lawyer back too if you feel the need."

"Did you write this?"

"With the company lawyer, yes."

"Then I trust it."

He gave a quick overview of the responsibilities he would have before quickly signing it, skipping the read of half the contract.

"You're crazy."

"Don't tell me you only figured that one out now..."

She couldn't help but smile at the way he said that. Yes, she was still pissed with Yuzuru and worried about having him close again, but at the same time, this was still the man she cared about, maybe even something else.

Unlike what she thought before, he hadn't changed one bit. Yuzuru was still the man she has grown up with, still that mushroom boy inside.

It was only then that she was reminded of her gift.

"I... Got you something. Happy late birthday..."

She took the bag from under the table and gave it to him with a red face.

"You remembered..."

"Of course I did..."

"Can I open it?"

"I guess... it's not much, but it reminded me of you."

"Then it's the best gift."