
The one always

That pressure of my academics triggers me every time. Knowing about my future after my academics is just impossible.

i just gave my high school term 1 board examination that was not too bad for me because of the reason the were objective type.The term 2 will held on somewhere near march month that examinations will decide my high school final results which is like fucking bad thing ever .....i always don't like to study but i can gain some knowledge from anywhere i would like to.How can a fucking piece of paper decide my future ....actually it can.

i am looking for a new coaching because of some reasons. This one is like near about 2 years i m studying here but i thought of being more improve in some of my subjects like physics and maths of course chemistry the most evil ones.

2 weeks then.....i can't found a damn coaching to study....oh my bad luck. exams were near and not knowing the shit which gonna be held after months when i get to give my finals.

Finally, founded one .

one of my neighbour friend told me about where he used to study. Teachers were there good . So i finally decided to take some trials of classess.

On my way to coaching that was 2 km away from my house and i never gone that far to just take coaching classes. But i had to .

My entry was nervous with cold days, my hands were shaking . Seeing new people around i am always not even interested in talking to any of them . they were like very moody and i just ignore them. But the first day i saw a guy,Brown trouser brown jacket a muffler over his neck ....looking sexy like hell. i just fell there but after all i breathe uo myself and look back at my books that motivate myself "i came here for study only for improve not anyone can intrupt".

i am teenage and never fell in love or nor even i got in such serious tyoe of friendships and relationships at all. I don't even like that people who were like all over being babies and darling and whatever shits.i just hatred that thing.

After 1 week i got a request on my instagram and a message too. I just accept it and open my first message that was from that guy i fell in first eye. nervousness all over my body,"hey,are you that new girl who just came to take coaching classes?". it was like very casual but I'm not even interested to talk to that guy also .

He used to talk to me or message me everyday and got closer in few weeks but as i don't talk too much i just answer his questions that was all like my favourite things what i likee and what i unlike things all introduction and all that stuff.

ofcourse that days of academics were important for all high school students. at that last time that guy refused to take classes anymore because he got in some fight trouble with some students.and yes i felt bad and i dont know why am i feeling too bad for a person i don't even know yet ? but i just know that refusing off from study at last moment it will not at all good. I always message him to come take classes and i don't even know why....

i poke hin each and every day, "come on,take your classes you are at your lose ". And he always be like ," why are you so concern about me ? why are you always feel sad if i m not studying? ". and with blankness i just say," i dont know, just because i don't want you to be failed in your finals".