
The Omni-Warrior [A Ben 10 Fan-Fic]

The tale of a man given the chance at rebirth in one of his favorite worlds, witness as he becomes The Omni Warrior. [This is an Alternate Universe] [I do not own anything in this story except my OC]

Some_Rando_6421 · TV
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6 Chs


-Alternate Chapter 1 Death & Rebirth-

Author's note: Only a bit of this chapter was changed to accommodate my OC being adopted instead of sent to earth, with these to chapters please let me know if you all prefer this origin or the original

Floating in an infinite vacuum of darkness a single light can be seen flashing, the light of a soul.

"Congratulations!" A Cheery voice sounds

Surprised the soul blinks and shifts as if looking around.

"Oh right, give me a second." the cheery voice sounds again and the darkness disappears replaced with a white room with a table and two chairs, soon after a figure manifests. The soul is startled as the figure appears from nowhere and slowly forms into a male with brown hair, green eyes, a wide smile and what appears to be a toga.

The man in the toga claps and the souls own body starts to emerge, a mirror fades into existence in-front of the soul revealing his looks, black hair with tinges of purple, red eyes and wearing a white gown.

"Ahem. Once again congratulations you have been chosen to be reborn any world in the multi-verse and have been granted five wishes before you are sent off." the toga man says still smiling

"I'm... I'm dead? But... how I was only just playing video games, also who are you?" the man replies confused.

"I am the god of rebirth assigned by the creator to this section of the multi-verse. As for how you died, your house exploaded after a bolt of lighting hit a gas leek from a gas can in your backyard." the god replied

"Seriously? What a lame way to go out." the man sighs

"It is fate, there was no way to avoid it. Anyway let's get this show on the road and send you off to your new life!" the god said cheerfully while a holographic screen popped up in front of the man

<Please chose your new name>

The man looks at the screen and says out "Ethan Hayle"

<Name chosen please chose your new world:



Harry Potter

Ben 10>

Looking at the selection the man was confused "Why are there only four options?"

"These were singled out because of the impact they had on your childhood, where you loved everything about magic & superheroes." the god replied

"I see... hmmm... I'll chose Ben 10."

<Please chose your looks>

"I'll stay as is."

<Please say your wishes>

"For the first wish, I want a High Human body and have the DNA of anodites so that I can use magic."


"For my second wish I want my own omnitrix that has purple instead of green, and I want it so that it can never be stolen."


"For my third wish I want a system based around the omnitrix so that I can upgrade it and have additional modules."

<Granted. Omni points can be gained from acts that benefit the universe>

"For my forth wish, I want the Omnitrixes to be sent to us at 17."


"Finally, I want to be Ben's adopted brother"

<Granted, name changed to Ethan Hayle-Tennyson>

"Good luck, young Ethan." the god says as his farewell

With that the screen closes and the room disappears causing Ethan Hayle to fall into the void.

Chapter 2 A new beginning

{3rd person}

Bellwood December 15th, Year 2000

"Huff... Huff..." a cloaked figured breathed heavily while running

"We're almost there baby... they'll look after and protect you" the cloaked said looking down at the small bundle in her arms, soon after saying that she arrived in front of the house of Carl & Sandra Tennyson

"Mommy & Daddy will miss you, but this is necessary to keep you safe." she said sobbing in front of their front door

She placed her baby done with a note, rang the front door 'DING-DONG' then ran off.

Shortly after a pregnant woman opened the door only to see nobody there "Who's there dear?" Carl asks from the loungeroom

"Nobo..." before she could continue she heard a baby crying, looking down she saw a new born baby wrapped in a bundle with a note pinned to it.

'Carl, Sandra please look after my son Ethan, it's too dangerous for him with us. - signed Sterling & Ariana Hayle

"Oh god!" Sandra said picking up the baby and walking inside "Dear come quick"

"What's wrong?" Carl asks whilst walking over

"Sterling & Ariana left their baby for us to raise" she said looking sad

"Do you know what happened to them?" Carl asked looking worried

"No... the note didn't mention anything just that they entrust him to us" Sandra responded

"Sigh... Then we can only do our best till they return for him" Carl sighs while hugging her

"Hmhm... I guess little Ben has an older brother now" she said while watching Ethan suck her finger

"Come, let's get him fed then put to bed, I'll go buy another cradle tomorrow" Carl said gently leading them to the kitchen

-12 days later-

"Waaaaah Waaaaah" two babies were born, a baby boy with a brown tuft of hair and green eyes called Benjamin Kirby Tennyson and the other a baby girl with an orange tuft of hair and green eyes called Gwendolyn Catherine Tennyson. Standing outside the baby nursery was Carl Tennyson and his brother Frank along with their Father Max holding his adopted grandson.

"Look, Ethan, there's your little brother and cousin." Max said adjusting Ethan so he could look into the room "Agoo" came out of his mouth as he reached out to the babies

"Looks like he likes them already" Carl laughed at Ethan's reaction

"How can he not? They're so cute" Frank replied with a grin on his face as he looked at his daughter

"Alright, I have something to discuss with you two" Max said turning serious

"What is it Dad?" Carl & Frank ask at the same time

"I was thinking we need to tell them about my old job when they're old enough, with what happened to Ethan's parents" Max said

"I agree Dad, I think we should wait till they're ten for that" Carl replied

"I agree too" Frank nodded

"Alright that settles it then" Max said heaving a sigh of relief, they then went back to watching the babies before Carl & Frank went to spend time with their wives

"I'll make sure you can protect yourselves" Max whispered looking down at Ethan