
The Omni Money System

What runs the world? Money! Alex understood this well, born as an unwanted child, he grew up under the roof of a billionaire yet lived like a homeless man. He would have been homeless once he turned 18 years old, but his uncle helped him marry into a rich family as a live-in son-in-law.

itachi1010 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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33 Chs

A Mage

"Hey Clizby, I'm outside. Where is the car?" Stepping outside the airport, I called Clizby, who said something about me getting a new car.

"Sir, the car should be pulling up to you about now," Clizby said while I looked at the Lamborghini pulling up to me. Unlike normal cars where the doors open outwards, these doors go up. From the car, a man in a suit came up to me.

"Sir Alex, this is your new car. Costume maid just for you." The man said while he handed me the keys, leaving me to look at my dream car in shock. Clizby was still my butler, a few weeks back I was speaking about my dream car, I always thought a Lamborghini looked cool.

Worth over 100 million, this car was both a beauty and a monster. it was all electric and could reach speeds of 60 miles in 1.62 seconds. with a top speed of 220 MPH, my Uncle went all out on a gift. I could only look at the car... I was in love.

Lana and I were getting a lot of attention, such a beautiful car of course would draw eyes like magnets. I took the keys and thanked the man, who nodded before hopping into another car and driving off.

I took Lana's suitcases and put them in the trunk of the car which was in the front of the car instead of the back. after, I sat inside and took hold of the beauty, while Lana just looked around she had never been in a car so expensive. They could rent something like this to look good in front of others, but to own it? this car was worth around 125 million dollars at least.

'I can make some changes to this car to make it faster, stronger, and better.' I thought while driving off, being in control of so much power for the first time in my life, I was in shock. with my fast reaction, I could easily go on a highway while driving over 100 MPH without losing control, But I didn't as that was breaking the law

I soon arrived at the hotel where I went to park the car before ordering an Uber. I loved the car, but I was scared of it getting damaged, so I instead took an Uber. the Uber ride wasn't long as we arrived at a run-down neighborhood, filled with people of poor backgrounds.

Lana was unable to look up as we arrived, the closer we got to her former home, her body began to shake. I didn't say anything and just looked at her from time to time. her mother's death had a huge impact on her still developing mind when she was a kid, unable to face the fact her mother died to ensure she was happy, she chose something else. She rather her mom abandon her than know she was the reason her mother died.

That guilt was something she could never live with herself, but because of this, a part of her died with her mother. the ability to love was something that didn't exist with her. All she cared for was money and benefits. Deep down she knew the truth, and she had pretty much told herself that money was the key to everything. With money, she would no longer go hungry. with money, she can live a happy life, then everything would be alright. But the fact she never looked back, she never realized just how far she had made it in life.

"... I can't do this." She said in tears feeling the car coming to a stop, they had arrived, but she couldn't get out of the car. she couldn't even look up.

"We didn't travel so far just for you to get cold feet out of the blue," I said while getting out of the car, going to her side of the car, and opening it. I held out my palm, to which she took feeling like she had no other choice. I nodded towards the confused driver who just drove off, not noisy enough to say anything.

"Look at your former home," I said while looking at the run-down house in front of me, Lana looked up just froze as memories came to her.

"... it was just me and my mom for as long as I can remember. My dad abandoned us before I was born." She said through tears while walking up to the house. She closed her eyes for a moment, before opening the door which was unlocked.

"I came from school one day to find her rolled up into a ball right here...I thought she was sleeping. She worked a lot..." She said while looking at the ground in the kitchen, remembering how her mom sold her body just to feed her.

"She always told me she was eating. I could have endured going a day or two without food. Why?" She cried while I just stood there, watching her break down once again. I sighed while looking around the room, as there wasn't dust everywhere, it looked like people had broken into this place to do some stuff. by the looks of things, doing drugs was among the many things.

"Your mother loved you enough to starve herself for you. She rather go hungry than see you try and endure it. She gave you everything, as you were priceless. a gift from god she was willing to do everything in her power to hold onto. Thats the love of a mother, she brought you into this world and tried to make it worth living." I said softly while picking up a dirty doll off the ground.

"Yet you betrayed her in the worst way possible by becoming the person you became... for that, you're the 4th most hated person in my eyes," I said softly, leaving Lana unable to say anything but just look at me.

"But unlike number 3, 2, and 1. I see your mindset turned into the way it was since you were just a little girl. Reality is cruel, your childish mind simply tried to protect you. I can't truly hate you forever," I said while showing her the doll.

Seeing that doll, Lana was hit with another flash of memory. She remembered one day she saw the doll in a store, and wanted it. her mother seeing it stole it, although her mother tried to lie and said she bought it, she now realized her mother didn't have the money to spend on something like dolls. She had to have stolen it.

She took the ugly doll and removed the dust from it. She said nothing for a good long time, before slowly speaking.

"Thanks... I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I died, leaving my mother's name dirtied like that." She said while getting up, and left, heading towards a tree not too far away. I followed her and watched as she went on to start digging, near the tree with her hands. I went to help, and after a moment, she pulled out a jar.

"I didn't have the money to give her a place to be buried, so they cremated her... I put her ashes here." She said while hugging the jar, and just resting against the tree, removing the dirt off the jar.

"What do you think she would feel seeing me?" She asked softly, to which I was quiet for a moment before just sitting next to her.

"Disappointed seeing your character, you become the complete opposite of her, putting money first before anything. form what I could see about her, she would blame herself, thinking it was all her fault you were hurt like that." I said calmly to which she nodded with a bitter look as she agreed with me.

"... I never thought I would say this. But thanks for destroying my marriage... but don't step in again, leave it to me to fix. if I fail, then I will try and be a better mother to my children. if I can fix it, I will be the best possible wife to my husband and children." She said with a gentle sad smile,

"You will have my support..." I said with a soft smile...

In another world, one that couldn't be reached by simply traveling to it, but by teleportation, one would find a world of magic. Dragons flew in the sky. there were also weird-looking lifeforms flying in the sky with some having humans on top of them. 

The world was still recovering from the battle with the demons, but the demons had to fight those of this realm and those of the angel realm, leading to the defeat of the demons. yes, the war was hundreds of years ago, but the impact on the land and many regions could be seen.

At this moment, in the biggest kingdom. the Blazing Dragon Empire, one would find a guild currently studying a flashlight. One should know, that people on Earth had already created lasers, so what was so special about this flashlight?

It was special because it was smaller, used far less energy, and best of all, it was powerful enough to rival spells. So yes, they were amazed and wanted to understand this flashlight.

"Merlin, what do you think?" The middle-aged man who had left Earth asked the oldest living human to date. A man who had reached such high levels in magic, that he was able to break the limits of the human lifespan, living hundreds of years.

"This human... I want to take him as my disciple. I will personally go meet him, it would be a waste for him to remain in that small world." Merlin said while looking at the flashlight. That small world was created to ensure that humans wouldn't die out, it lost its usefulness and he had been using it to study the effect of humans growing without magic.

"I think we shouldn't. Someone with a mind of his learning magic could be dangerous... I say we enslave him." A bold man said calmly, causing many to nod their heads. humans who have shown abnormal ability on earth have been taken away from Earth, and enslaved. this is because their outlook on magic greatly boosted their power when using magic.

Many noble families wanted to send their children to earth, but Merlin forbade this, which led to Merlin not being liked by many at the moment. now he wanted to take in a disciple from Earth? they were of course not going to sit back and allow it.

So after some talk, it was in the end decided that this genius would come to this world, but be enslaved and put to work like everyone else from his world. One of the stronger mages there personally went out to capture him as he had a spell that could create a copy of a target. that copy would take the place of that genius, slowly drawing away from everyone, before just disappearing.

With a flash, he appeared in the North Pole where those two kids instantly fell to their knees seeing him. 

"I'm here to capture the boy known as Alex, where is he?" He was a man, around 40 or so years old. he had blonde hair and gave off the air of a man who rather not do anything, which is the reason he learned Clone Magic. He was called Kane

The two young men wasted no time in showing him where Adam was. but when Adam told them he had left for Mississippi, they left to go to Mississippi. But on the way there, they were met with a white-haired man.

"A mage? What are you doing here Mage? Who permitted you?" Kane asked with a deep frown while looking at Zeus who was flying in front of him.

"That's not important, my lab is around here and I don't like you mages coming near it. Why are you here?" Zeus asked to which Kane frowned even more.

"I asked you a question, who gave you permission?" Kane asked while the air grew heavy, Zeus sighed softly while simply shaking his head

"Answer my question first, if you're just here to capture a human and enslave them, I would move aside. if not, I will ensure I slaughter everyone within at least 100 miles before fleeing. none of you sensed me for all of these years, don't think that can change." Zeus said with crossed arms, making Kane's eyes turn cold. but seeing the magic circles appearing in the sky, all aimed toward the ground, he realized Zeus wasn't playing.

"I'm here to enslave a boy, nothing more," Kane said in annoyance to which Zeus nodded while the magic circles disappeared. But just as Kane was about to speak, Zeus disappeared, shooting towards Kane.

Kane and the 2 young men were shocked to see Zeus making the first move, but they were even more shocked by Zeus's overwhelming speed, easily breaking the sound barrier, and forcing Kane to act quickly.

A clone of a knight appeared before him, blocking Zeus' punch before a sword appeared in the knight's hand. What happened next was something that shocked Zeus, at speeds that should have been impossible, that being the speed of light, Zeus was cut into countless pieces. 

"So weak," Kane said with a sneer, before frowning seeing Zeus' pieces turning into lightning and disappearing... it was just a clone. Zeus appeared the next moment, his finger on his chin while looking at the knight in deep interest. 

'Anything with mass shouldn't be able to reach the speed of light, as doing so means said thing has infinite mass, meaning it needs infinite energy to make any movement. at that speed, even sand could destroy a planet.' Zeus thought while looking deeply at the knight, before he held his palm out, lightning gathered, which all turned and gathered, taking the form of the knight.

"W-what?" Kane's eyes almost popped out.

"It's just me trying to recreate your cloning magic," Zeus said with a smile, Kane snorted while having his clone attack. He was not shocked to see Zeus clone easily destroyed, followed by Zeus being defeated at a speed he couldn't even react to... but again, it was just a lightning clone.

"You're so weak... how am I unable to sense you," Kane said in annoyance, if he could sense Zeus, things would be going far easier for him. but he couldn't sense Zeus' life force or even his magical energy which was annoying.

"Thats because I controlled the electric field around me, preventing my aura from being sensed," Zeus said lazily while appearing before Kane. The knight disappeared once more, cutting through Zeus, but this time Zeus was nothing more than the collection of light. this left the Knight open as Zeus touched it from the back, and went on to sense the workings of this knight.

'It's human?' Zeus thought as he was destroyed once more, and yes he was a clone as well. Zeus was truly interested in seeing the Knight who broke the law of physics.

'With magical energy, nothing is impossible. I have recreated his Cloning magic, i'm unsure if it's better or weaker.' Odin's voice entered Zeus' head, Zeus was giving Odin back all of the information since Odin was best skilled in this thinking stuff.

With the cloning magic recreated, Zeus went on to clone the knight, but he didn't simply create one but an army. Now, before you start asking. was this Knight a perfect Copy of Kane Knight? The answer is yes, and no.

This new clone can do anything the other Knight can do, but either it or Zeus has to see it first. they are both as fast as each other and as powerful. but how on earth could Zeus create something so powerful you may ask? This was the beauty of magic, so long as your magical energy was capable enough, then you could do it. even if Zeus' magical energy wasn't capable, his energy control capability more than made up for it.

Instantly, the knights shot off at the speed of light, shocking Kane and his knight clone. but they were sadly overwhelmed by the pure number of enemies. Kane's knight was easily defeated, Kane wanted to create more clones, but his arms and legs were quickly cut off, leaving him screaming in pain.

Zeus flashed, appearing before the young man and placing his palm on Kane's head. using his Lightning Magic, Zeus went on to read Kane's memories. It took some time, but he soon had all of the information in Kane's mind, which he sent back to Odin...