

[WARNING:MATURE CONTENT] He was as charming as he was dangerous and he became dangerously obsessed with a mysterious woman. He was obsessed with her mind and body and every taste of her left him yearning for more. The city of seoul had been terrorized by the infamous serial killer, known as the anonymous gift killer, who was none other than Dae Hyun, the protagonist and villain. Oh Yoo Na is a highschool girl from a low class family but after witnessing her best friend been gruesomely murdered by the infamous anonymous gift killer, she goes down the path of revenge that trails with blood on the dark path she has chosen. Her revenge slowly ends up taking the lives of people she cares about till she's left with an empty soul, at the end, will her revenge destroy her or will it make her become stronger to finally get her hands drenched with the blood of the killer like she had always wanted or will the killer get to her first?

Mel_goddess123 · Urbain
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58 Chs


It was Dae Hyun's inauguration ceremony as the vice chairman of the company as the Chairman had promised but it was the first step in his plan to becoming the Chairman and getting rid of everyone who stood in his way.

He walked briskly and elegantly into the hall which was filled with reporters and cameramen along with the board members who had voted him in as the vice Chairman of the company because of his impressive works.

He walked up to the podium beside the Chairman and the inauguration ceremony began as everyone got seated but the clicking of cameras could be heard as they took pictures of the Chairman and Vice chairman.

The Chairman gave a speech and after that, Dae Hyun gave his and contracts were signed, afterwards, he was inaugurated as the vice chairman.

He shook hands with the Chairman as he bowed slightly and a loud applaud was heard from the board members and staffs as everyone knew he deserved it but he knew he deserved more.

The reporters asked questions and he only answered a few with smart replies leaving everyone impressed with his intelligence. The ceremony continued with refreshment and he went over to meet Min Hye.

"Congratulations." She said with a small smile.

"Don't congratulate me yet, I have bigger plans." He whispered to her with a wry smile and she wondered what his big plans were but she knew he wouldn't tell her even though she asked so she refrained from doing so.

"What meeting do you have with Yoo Na today?" She asked curiously.

"She wants to invest in the new stocks, I'm helping her out." He said with an innocent look but he couldn't fool her with his look, not that he wanted to anyways since she already knew he'd kill her at the end.

"The new stocks costs millions, I'm not sure her parents have that ability." She said as she realized the girl's background. She deeply wondered what was going on in his head.

"I know." He said shortly as he returned bows. She didn't say anymore and soon, people started hovering around him, congratulating him on his promotion.

A news reporter came towards him.

"Excuse me Mr Dae Hyun, there's a rumour going in that you're engaged to your secretary within a short period of time. Was there any nepotism when you hired her because you both were having an affair? Isn't practicing nepotism unfair and against the company policies? As a good vice chairman of the company, isn't transparency and equality supposed to be the first policy you should follow?" The reporter threw questions at him all at once and everyone's attention was focused on them.

Dae Hyun wasn't surprised by the allegations as he knew exactly where they were coming from, he knew the Chairman would try to sabotage his relationship in every way possible and if it didn't work, he'd try to kill her, something he'd never let happen.

"Firstly, She was purely a stranger when she came to work for me and secondly, her credentials are perfect and she's over qualified for the job. With her credentials, she should be working at a higher position other than a mere secretary so it's more of degradation than nepotism since it's only applied to amateurs and lastly, we're not having an affair, we're getting married." Dae Hyun said and the reporter was left speechless by his remark.

Everyone in the hall cheered for him as another round of applause was heard on hearing that he was getting married.

The reporter quietly disappeared from their sight as people hovered around him, congratulating him.

"You followed my advice and got engaged quickly, I'm happy for you." Mr Park said as he congratulated Dae Hyun who feigned a smile at him.

"There you are Dae Hyun! I'm proud of you." The chairman said as he squeezed his shoulder slightly like a proud father but the glare he shot Min Hye didn't escape his eyes.

Both he and Min Hye bowed respectfully at the chairman and Mi Ra who was beside him.

"Thank you for your words, Sir." He said curtly.

"Congratulations, you have two things to celebrate for, your wedding and your promotion." Mi Ra said genuinely happy for the both of them and Min Hye wondered why she was no longer jealous but Mi Ra decided to let go since Dae Hyun was never hers in the first place and she had only known him for a few minutes.

"Thank you." Dae Hyun said with a charming smile.

"Let's celebrate then with a drink tonight." The Chairman suggested and Dae Hyun knew he was only trying to get his daughter close to him but it wouldn't work anyway so he accepted the harmless offer.

"Sure, let's do that." He said with a smile and Min Hye wondered if he was never tired of wearing a mask but she figured he had already grown used to it since it had been a part of him, unlike her who voiced out her thoughts, not caring about how she was perceived as in the society.


It was a Saturday afternoon, Yoo Na took her parents seals since they had gone to work and she didn't tell them about the stock investment since it'd result to telling them about her plans of murdering a person and she equally didn't want them to know Dae Hyun was helping her since they'd exploit him for their own selfish gains, so she figured it'd be better to do it alone.

She arrived at the company and she went over to the receptionist who eyed her from head to toe with a slight frown on her face as she wondered what a poor kid was doing there.

"What can I help you with?" The receptionist asked with slight rudeness heard in it.

"I have an appointment with Mr Dae Hyun." She said.

"You're here to see the vice chairman?" The lady asked in disbelief and Yoo Na nodded immediately. The lady's attention was on her laptop for a few minutes before she turned her attention back to the poor kid.

"You can go in." She said and they did.

Min Hye knew of her appointment so she immediately let her into Dae Hyun's office when she saw her.

Dae Hyun raised his head upward and adjusted his glasses when his eyes met Yoo Na's.

She bowed respectfully to him and he returned it with a polite smile. He motioned for her to seat as he brought out a paper and placed it in front of her without wasting any time.

"You brought your parents seals right?" He asked as she had explained to him that her parents couldn't come.

"Yes." She replied as she took out the seals but first she screened her eyes through the contract written on the paper.

Everything was well laid out and explained, all she had to do was invest in their stocks and she'd gain twice the investment but the money to invest on it was millions and she knew her parents didn't have that kind of cash in their account.

"It.." He cut her short, knowing what she wanted to say.

"If your parents don't have that amount of money, I'll invest with mine and later on, they can pay back after getting their profit from the investment." Dae Hyun explained and she was left speechless by his generosity. She couldn't refuse even if she wanted to as she needed it.

"Thank you." She said as she bowed in gratitude.

"I should be thanking you instead for being so determined to catch the serial killer, we'll make sure he pays for his sins." Dae Hyun said firmly and she nodded in agreement.

Dae Hyun smiled inwardly as he easily gained her trust, it wasn't so hard for him to do that as he gave out a sense of trust and comfort, his big allies in his games and manipulations, but she had doubts, she couldn't trust anyone no matter how harmless they looked.

The devil was once an Angel and she believed that the real demons always put on the mask of an Angel, but she didn't want to suspect anyone just yet until she got stronger leads and evidence but for then, she'd observe and examine.