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"We've seen it from the surveillance camera, but it was raining, and the surveillance camera didn't capture a specific license plate. However, we asked the guard, and they all said that it was a car from the neighborhood, " the female police officer said. Moreover, the car was going in and out every day It was impossible to go up every day and ask the car owner why he went out today and how many people were in the car. Therefore, this case was getting more and more difficult to investigate.

"Ah, so you don't want the license plate number? " The Paparazzi, Aqiang, asked. He thought that if Gou Zai provided the license plate number for that night, the police would be lenient with him for driving without a license.

He was so tired that he wanted to be quiet.

"Do you have it? " Officer Cheng asked. Although he had a good grasp of the cars coming and going in and out of Zhaohua community these days, what if there were suspicious cars coming and going that night As a police officer, he couldn't miss the slightest possibility!

"there should be. " Aqiang nodded. "My driving recorder should be able to capture the license plate number of the cars coming and going. "

That day, the car stopped at the main entrance of Zhaohua community. Then, the rain poured down and continuously hit the window. Because of the poor visibility in the rainy day, in order to prevent accidents, they still parked in a slightly bright environment.

"You still have the contents of the car recorder after such a long time? " The female police officer was puzzled.

Aqiang still nodded. "Hehe, didn't I hit an old lady earlier? Then, the contents of the car recorder were all exported to the computer. "

In that case, it was fortunate that the car accident happened. Otherwise, the contents of that night would have definitely disappeared. After all, even if the car recorder took pictures from all angles 24 hours a day, the memory was limited.


Aqiang smiled. "Then can you guys help me speak a little? Although I don't have a license to drive, I'm an experienced driver who has been driving for nearly 20 years. "

"Hehe, that's one thing. " The female police officer smiled. "Don't worry, we'll take care of the friends inside and treat you well. HMM, arrange a relatively quiet room for you. As for work, sweep the floor and deliver food. Is that okay? "

Aqiang:"..."what, the, * * * * * !


At that time, Alun drove back to true dragon entertainment. As he entered the glass door of the building, he bumped into a few colleagues who were out. One of them looked at him strangely. "Oh, isn't this true Dragon Entertainment's Silver Horn King Alun? He's back. Did you get any big news? "

One of them smiled and said, "just you, Alun. Where's Gold Horn King Aqiang? You guys are the Golden Partners of True Dragon Entertainment. You guys are always together even when you're in jail. Why are you the only one here today? "

Alun rolled his eyes in his heart and waved the document in his hand. "sorry, I still have something to do. I'll take my leave first. "


As Alun walked forward, he heard the whispers of the few people

"Didn't they just get a few big shots? They really think they are the leaders of our magazine. They really have big faces. "

"That's right. The two of them have their nostrils up and their eyes on the top of their heads when they walk. It's annoying to see them, but the editor-in-chief still treats them like treasures. They deserve to be imprisoned together for a while. ". "But it's been almost two months now, and the two of them haven't gotten any big news. Instead, the magazine company has spent 80,000 yuan on them. I'd like to see what kind of fire the editor-in-chief will fire if they can't come up with any big news. "

"Do you think he's in a hurry right now with a portfolio in his hand? Could it be that he's captured some big news? "

"silly, there's so much big news in the entertainment industry these days. Zheng Mingri was knocked into a vegetative state, Su Nuanyu was the assassin who killed Jiang Xiwan, Jiang Xiwan gave birth to three children, Li Yan was pregnant, and Wang Xingan and Li Nan, this loving couple, both cheated on each other... ... What other important news do you think they can get to cause a stir in the entertainment industry?"

"That's true. " The news that shocked the entertainment industry had been too focused these days. The people were caught off guard, and the audience's hearts were tired. He wanted to see what kind of important news this so-called golden partner could get.

"Let's go, let's go. If we have the time to guess if the two of them got any important news, we might as well hurry and film other celebrities. What if we get some big news? "


Alun laughed coldly in his heart after hearing this. He walked hurriedly towards True Dragon Entertainment's chief editor's office.

In the chief editor's office

There was a blue ink chrysanthemum wallpaper. There was a flower rack placed at the door. It looked like a bicycle. The seat was a place for placing flowers. There was a hanging basket. The branches were hanging down. It was lush and verdant. The basket was also a place for placing flowers. There were a few pots of succulent plants.

At that time, the chief editor was holding a flower pot and spraying water at the pots of plants. He was even humming a light song.

He saw alun enter the editor-in-chief's office. The relaxed look that Alun had when humming the song instantly became serious and serious.

"Alun, why are you here now? Where is Aqiang? "

"brother Aqiang is in the police station again. " Alun scratched his head awkwardly and replied.

The editor-in-chief: "�� O �� ... what? " He was only forty years old this year, so he did not have deafness or deafness. So what did he hear just now?

"brother Aqiang is in the police station again. Then, this time, cough, cough, it seems like he is driving without a license. " Alun expressed that he was very tired. It was not easy for him to get out for only two days, but Aqiang was in again.

Speaking of which, the last time he hit someone, it was also Aqiang who hit him. Originally, Alun did not need to go to the police station, but because he was beaten up by the old man's son the moment he met him and Aqiang, so.. With a good temper, he could not help but have a physical conflict with the old man's son. In the end, when the police arrived, the old man's son backstabbed him and accused him of assault. Therefore, he was also sentenced to fifteen days in detention, and he was imprisoned for fifteen days with brother Aqiang.

The chief editor sat back in his seat and was silent.

After a long while.. "You came back to tell me this It's not that I want to say it, Alun, you and Aqiang. Although I value both of you and you have created a lot of income for our True Dragon magazine, in the past two months, you have withdrawn 80,000 yuan from the company, but there hasn't been any useful information returned... ... ..."

Alun shook his head, "No, no, I came back to show you this. Brother Aqiang said, how do you want to handle it? "

The chief editor took the information bag from Alun and looked at Alun in confusion. Then, he lowered his head and opened the information bag to read the contents.

Alun continued, "this is the first-hand information that brother Aqiang and I spent two months to get. "