
The nuclear test (Rough draft)

After the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the world was afraid of the might of nuclear threat. Due to this scientist tried to find a way to create a more controlled way to create a weapon. After a breakthrough, some scientists found a way to use nuclear waste and alter it in order to give people special powers. Numerous human experiments were made until finally there was a breakthrough. A little after this many advanced countries became able to succeed, however even if there was a breakthrough, the rate of people who were able to acquire powers after being exposed to the waste was still low. After numerous experiments in 1990, all the countries of the world decided to gather and sign a treaty to stop human experimentation. However, when the first generation of children was being born the radioactive molecules in the air gathered in different spots and created gates to different realms. These gates contained massive resources and along with it come monsters and new civilizations. These gates were successfully hidden from the public by governments around the world. It's now the year 2014, Luis is living a regular life in New York. Not liked by anyone, he was adopted his aunt's family due to his parents' death. His only moments of peace were when he trained his body and when he watched and read anime and manga, and hangs out with his cousin. One day during one of his runs a strange bag fell on him, which will lead to a change in his life.

Grasshopper_sensei · Urbain
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94 Chs

Promised Answers

"As I will!"

"Well, I'll be going back to the dorms then."

"I'll go back with you then! I want to ask you some questions!'"

"..." I look at her for a while... I'm not in the mood for this. Well, I never am, but right now especially. I start walking back to the dorms without answering her.

"Hey, it's rude to ignore other people!"

"It's rude to bother other people."

"Somehow, you look more irritated than usual. Did something happen in the training arena?"

"Not really, I look annoyed cause you're too persistent and I feel depleted."

"By depleted, do you mean magically?"

I shrug, I still feel plenty magic power I just can't take the backlash from my armament and I feel terrible, that's probably it

"Just give me an answer! Does it kill you to answer questions fully and truthfully?"

Yes, it does. How do I get to have this girl leave me alone?... This is the only thing I can think of right now...

"... Fine, I'll answer 5 of your questions truthfully, make your own informed decision and leave me alone."

"You'll allow me 5 questions?!"

"Yes, now you have 4 left."

"Wait, that wasn't meant to be one!"

"Too bad, I'm not obliged to answers your questions anyways."

"...I guess so..."

"So make the best of your questions.


We keep on walking quietly side by side and she doesn't say anything. She's probably thinking what she will ask, well I guess it's peaceful now that all we're doing is walking.

I look at her, it looks like she's lost in thought, it's been about 10 minutes of pure silence. Looks like someone who isn't used to thinking will take a long time once they start.

"...Alright, I'm ready." (Vanessa)

"Yeah, yeah. Get this over with."

"What were you doing in new york?"


"Hey, that' not fair! I could figure that much, answer my question!"

I sigh.

"I answered your question truthfully, your question was just too general, to begin with, so I answered a general question with a general answer."

"Ugh! Fine!"

"You already wasted two questions so try your best for the other three."

"......I will another time."

"What do you mean?"

"You said that I was allowed 5 questions that you would answer truthfully. But you never said that I had to ask today, so I can ask you to answer my question truthfully another time. So now, don't answer my questions truthfully."

Wait, how did she arrive at that conclusion!? I thought she would just use her five questions and leave me alone after that. She technically will but I didn't intend for it to happen over a prolonged amount of time.

"What guarantees you that I will answer your question truthfully when you want an answer?"

"I guess nothing, but I have a feeling that you will."

Well, I mean, I guess I will. I honestly don't like going back on my word...But where does she get this false confidence from?... I sigh

"Whatever, I'll answer your question truthfully all you have to say is 'Answer me this next question truthfully' and I will answer."

"Wow! You actually will!?"

"I don't like to go back on my word so I guess. Anyways, if that's all you need you can leave me alone now."

"We are going to the same place so why not just chat the way there?"

I don't care anymore. Ignoring her will be more annoying than going along with her so I might as well humor a little.

"If you can find a conversation topic I may be interested in then you will probably be able to strike up a conversation with me."

"...Have you been told before that you're condescending?"

That was sudden... I guess that did sound very condescending...Now that I think about it... both my demeanor and way of speaking have changed since that day, it's only been 4 months since and my personality has changed. I sigh

"No, not really."

"What was the sigh for?"

"Nothing major, I just came to slight realization since you pointed out my way of speaking."

It would be weird if it didn't affect me in the first place, to begin with...

"And what was that?"


"Huh?! That's it?"


We keep on walking silently without saying anything. She tries to strike up a conversation again.

"You know, I kind of wandered this but, how come you easily just stepped in front of my magic like it was nothing?"

"Because you weren't going to shoot."

"And how would you know that? You barely knew me."

"And I still barely know you, but I can tell."

"Tell if someone will harm you?"

"Yes..." An image of when I fought with Argus flies through my head..." Actually, no. I'm not really that good at discerning something like that."

"So what was-"

"We're already at the dorm, so it's time to go our separate ways. See ya."

<He has a lonely look on his face... I wonder why that is> (Vanessa)

".....Ok, goodbye."

We enter the dorm without saying anything and go our separate ways. This girl feels so different from when I was talking to her this afternoon. Did my words somehow change her behavior? Well, it doesn't concern... I sigh. This time it does, doesn't it?

Her behavior has changed due to my words and she's probably going to start to hang out with me more frequently. What exactly would be the best way to deal with her? I get to my room and use my phone to open the door...

...That's it! My phone has that library girl...what was her name again? Jennifer. The best way to deal with both the problem of Vanessa hanging around with me and that girl's shyness will be by having both of them be in a friendly relationship. If they are somehow able to hit it off then my problem on both ends will be mostly solved.

First, I'll discern how well can Jennifer interact with other people. After she becomes somewhat familiar with me I'll try to get Vanessa to go to the library and she becomes friends with her. If all goes well they'll become friends and I will be left alone.

Vanessa herself already has a shit ton of friends and seems like the sociable type. If all goes well Jennifer should be more reliant on Vanessa, Vanessa would be more busy with Jennifer and I would be left alone.

Well, that's the plan for tomorrow, right now. I need some sleep.

Not much to say this time around. My only issue would be that I'm not writing as fast and and as much as I would want to do so!!!!! But that has nothing to do with the story!!! Oh well

Grasshopper_senseicreators' thoughts