
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · Fantaisie
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62 Chs

Start (1)

After the demon in front of us sitting in the bed, finished explaining his plan for a revolution, I was left confused.

'How can a contractor, be able to even think of killing its owner?'

'Can we really survive the fight against a SS ranked demon and its army?'

I was unsure about everything but he then came up to me and the giant sitting next to me and told us to swallow something.

It seemed weird that he did such actions but then.


I felt as if my heart was about to explode, it was a sensation that I wish to never feel again.

After that, he told us that he put a string around our hearts but I couldn't understand, I just knew that my life was in his hands now.

He then said, "Tonight I will be imprisoning that giant over there, and you, elf, will go back to the other female slaves and show them that you have suffered at my hands".

After that, I felt mana surrounding my body and I started to float in the air, then I was shaken in the air for a little while and finally dropped to the floor.

He looked at me and said, "Good, enough".

After that, he told us both to stand up and follow him into the prison.

We arrived soon after and the prison was as big as the hall, there were cells on the sides and a long, large and big area in the middle of them, the prison was quite well lit and it was not dark whatsoever.

"I will put you in a prison cell, so deal with it for now, and tomorrow that elf will come with everyone, after that is when the plan will begin"

The giant nodded his head and he went into one of the cells, the demon then put some chains around the hands of the giant but they were pretty loose.

He told me to go back into the female living area and went back to his room right after saying that.

I was left alone in prison together with the giant, I was stressed after what just happened and decided to sit down on the floor next to the cell of the giant.

I then asked him a question to resolve my mind.

"Do you believe we could actually survive all of this?", I asked.

I didn't receive an answer so I just stayed quiet, then after a few minutes, he began to speak.

"Hmm, Survive? I do, in reality, we slaves don't really have a way to escape this hell, the Union has been fighting for years but even so, nothing has changed, this is our only chance of being able to escape, and that is, with the help of the contractor", He said.

"B-but, what can he do to help us escape?", I said in a trembling voice.

He thought about it for a second and said, "Contractors can't disobey their demon, and demons can't disobey the demon king, but this wasn't the case for that contractor, it is almost as if he still had his mind to himself, meaning that he would be able to disobey both his demon and the demon king, meaning he can fight back against them"

"But even s-"

Interrupting me, he continued to speak, "The only reason why I believe in him is not because of that alone but because of his rage and confidence, he truly is confident in killing that demon and the anger inside him when he mentioned that demon's name was something I have also felt"

"But if he can't kill that demon then we will just end up dead together with him and we would have died for no reason"

"That might be true, but either way, no other salvation is coming for us, the Union will not make an attack force to come and save some slaves, our only chance is to follow that contractor, and our lives are already in his hands"

"That's...true", I couldn't really deny that, not even a single slave was someone that could be of any importance to the Union and if the contractor could really fight against an SS ranked demon, then the demon king and the other dukes of the demon realm won't be able to fight against him carelessly, and us his followers could be safe.

'Our only hope, huh?', that is a sad reality.

"Yeah, our only chance is him isn't it?", I asked.

"That is true, but we could also be able to escape if we become strong enough", He said.

"Huh? Explain"

"If we are able to kill all the underlings of the demon, we would be able to escape the battlefield while the contractor is fighting Amadeus, allowing us a window to escape"

...That was true, the contractor only said to take care of the enemy's dogs.

I stared at the dark and disgusting feeling and was determined to follow this plan.

I went back and did as he said.

The next morning I gathered everyone after the demon left to go to Amadeus's castle and brought them all together to the prison, where the giant tried to persuade them all.

"I am, Kasmor, a giant that belonged to the Union, and I have gathered you all here today to start our only chance of escaping this disgusting hell"


After opening the door an elf with silver hair entered my room.

"I'm here to report on the current mission", She said.

She seemed like she had matured, might be just me but I could tell that something was different.

She then got on one knee and began to explain the situation.

Apparently, everyone was willing to follow the plan of rebelling against me and escaping from this place, although escape from the demon realm was impossible even if they succeeded in killing me.

But little to no people knew of the fact that the demon realm borders could detect anyone coming in and out of the place, meaning they would be tracked down and killed.

Anyways back to the topic.

Kasmor had given a speech about how they should escape this place and kill that contractor appraiser, he began to show his martial art after destroying the chains with the hands created by the art and everyone was in awe at that moment.

Surprisingly, a female slave had a skill called [Encarcel], it was a skill that created a barrier around the target and it was indestructible from the inside and outside, but of course, it had a small duration of 5 seconds, meaning it was an ok skill.

They all agreed because, of two facts, one was that I was only an appraiser for the demons and it was kind of known that I didn't have much combat experience.

Two was the fact, that they could kill me without alerting Amadeus, and that was because even if a demon makes a contract, he doesn't really know what happens to the contractor, he could put a magic tracker on me, but if a contractor were to die, his demon wouldn't really know.

Although they were linked by the contract, it really wasn't anything more than just selling yourself and being controlled by someone else, it wasn't an actual link.

I then told her that I had left some weapons hidden in the prison so she could tell Kasmor about them and start training the slaves.

After roughing her up so it looked like she had just been, cough cough, she left and I went to sleep.


[Amadeus's Castle]

I arrived at the castle and was called up to see Amadeus just after coming inside.

I knocked on his big door, I was let in and as always I bowed with my right hand on my chest.

"I heard you called for me, my lord", I said while looking at the floor.

"That is correct", He said while sipping on a glass of wine and continued by saying, "you see, I have a mission and I will have to bring you together with me"

"A mission?"

"Yes, I have been called to fight on the Union's front as their 3 SS ranked are currently going on a rampage you see, but we also have artifacts collected from them, that we wish to use but can't appraise"

"I understand, my lord"

"Well then, we will leave tomorrow in the morning, go and appraise some artifacts before we leave"

And with that, I left the room.

But going to the front will be quite the hassle for me, considering that I was only barely able to reach D rank after a month of continuous killing.


[Name: Keith Devans]

[Overall Rank: D]

[Strength: E+ to D- (Potential: Unknown)]

[Agility: D- to D(Potential: Unknown)]

[Endurance: E+ to D-(Potential: Unknown)]

[Magic: B to B+(Potential: Unknown)]

[Inteligence: A (Potential: Unknown)]

[Luck: C+ (Potential: Unchangeable)]

[Charm: E- (Potential: Unknown)]


I was able to increase my stats quite a bit, considering that I have done nothing but kill demons of the F rank.

I was also able to increase my magic control, not thanks to practice but thanks to.

[(S-)Glomer's Gloves LVL 2]


[8% ///----------------------------------------- 100%]


After the leveling up from the gloves, my stats didn't really increase apart from 1 subrank in magic but I was able to control my mana way easier than before. I could now control 10 knives in the air and have more force when using them.

It was still better than nothing, but going into the frontline of a war wasn't exactly my dream or something like that but it wasn't that bad either.

I should be safe, thanks to three SS ranked demons, and I might get my hands on some artifacts, considering that the other demons would also want a relationship with the best appraiser.

After a day of appraisals, I went back and just went to sleep.