
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · Fantaisie
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62 Chs

Life (1)

I left the cafe with Emma fast, because I didn't want to interact with non of the main characters, especially Ciel, who seemed to be glaring at me throughout that whole interaction.

It was already time for lunch so I decided to head home, while we were just at the cafe, we actually hadn't ordered anything and barely sat down, until the main characters appeared.

Emma was angry at me for leaving without getting anything but soon stopped pouting when I said we would go see mom.

After that I spent the whole time at home, reading some books in the library while also playing with Emma now and then.


[Classroom S1]

Monica entered the room and as always, she stood at the podium and glared at all of us, for some reason.

She then started to speak in a disappointed voice.

"You guys know that you are supposed to represent the academy as the members of the S1 class, which is supposed to be considered the elite class, right?"

To which many in the room nodded, I already knew this was going to happen, as in the novel it was said that Arthur and the others that failed, had to stay after school which already ended at 8, and continue studying till 12.

Normally, students that failed to pass an exam would be demoted to a class below, but in our case, the situation was special as we had an attack happen that made us take a break.

There were students like Noel and Arthur, that stayed in the S1 class thanks to their stats in the physical department but others weren't as lucky.

This was also the way in which contractors were able to get close to the S1 class and do another attack.

"This is truly pathetic, not only did most of the class fail the exam, but only 1 student was able to pass, and not only that, he took the number 1 spot amongst the first years, and that was Keith"

Huh? Those words caught me by surprise because normally it would be Ciel that passed the test, while I do have a cheat skill for studying and that was why I took first place, I didn't expect Ciel to fail.

She then explained about the second chance due to the incident and that from now on, students that succeed in the physical classes will be demoted to the lower classes.

"...With that out of the way, I hope you know that does who have failed will need to stay in classes until 12, and you also won't be allowed to join any clubs, as of the moment".

Clubs are just normal clubs, they are more like recreational things for students more than anything, the academy even allows clubs to take a long leave of absence for their recreational activities.

In Arthur's case, after he is done with the reinforcement classes he will join the historic club that does a lot of traveling mostly to the other 3 cities that protect the human border and some other small cities in the districts that are not really worth mentioning.

I would want to join the historic club but considering that I'm on the library committee, I can't really join them, and thinking about it now I haven't really talked to Alicia lately.

I also wouldn't join that club as it would mean getting attacked many times by contractors so I'm good.

Classes once again ended at 8 pm and I decided to head to the library to see if Alicia was there.

I entered the room and found two familiar girls talking to each other.

Angelica and Alicia, I walked up to them and we greeted each other, apparently for the past few weeks, Alicia and Angelica had been getting along while reading some books.

Angelica had also joined the library committee after contacting Monica as she got frustrated when I and Alica had disappeared for a week.

We discussed many things, mostly relating to books and all of that stuff but it was still enjoyable.

I also told them about the appraisal shop, well, Alicia already knew, but she had still not visited the shop yet, I then told them about the library and it was only then that Angelica's eyes sparkled in excitement.

They both wanted to come right at that instance so I decided to call mom and tell her that I would bring some friends, even though it was 8 pm.

Mon was excited as this was the first time in her life that Keith had told her that, he would be bringing someone home.

"My mom said she is okay with it, but you will have to stay and eat with us if you don't mind"

"Yeah, now let's go!", Alicia screamed.

The library hasn't really been used anymore as it is pretty much just online books nowadays, with the technological development in the human world.

This means the library was always empty, but there were books that you wouldn't be able to find online but most students don't really care about reading something new and only focus on the textbooks the school assigns and their training.

Reading and researching aren't exactly, prominent, within the hero society.

There were also grimoires and stuff but it was almost like people forgot they existed and didn't search for them, as most grimoires appear in dungeons meaning that finding one is going to be hard.


[Truth's Appraisal Shop]

We were finally home and once I opened the door, both Angelica and Alicia were left in shock.

I did tell them about it but they didn't seem to believe me and only think of me as some kid with a big imagination.

I then took them upstairs to the residential floor.

Emma came running to me and I had to pick her up, mom who noticed we were home smiled brightly and came running to us as well.

"Welcome, welcome, make yourselves at home", She said in an excited voice.

We all sat on the couch and Emma kept staring at the two girls next to me, I decided to leave her sitting on the couch and go change since I was at home.

Once I came back, I was betrayed, my cute little sister was now happily playing with Angelica and Alicia.

She didn't even look at me after I came back, ah, my heart.

Although it was nice seeing her bond with others as Emma was quite shy.

Mom also finished making dinner and we all sat at the table, the normal table we use was barely enough for four people but this one was way bigger.

We all chatted happily and mom got quite attached to both of them and it could be said that about them as well.

In the end, we didn't even go to the library, we just stayed on the second floor talking to mom and Emma.

It was 11 pm so It was already time for them to leave but Emma kept grabbing onto their uniforms as she didn't want to let them go at all cost.

It was only after they said they would come tomorrow as well, that Emma finally let go with tears in her eyes.

I could see the saddened faces of both Angelica and Alicia but I also had to take care of a request for an appraisal so it was best to let them go.

I was already done with the 10 requests from Lucia so it was now time to get a new customer in, or that was what I thought until I saw that the one that knocked on the door was actually Lucia.

We then went through the same process and before I forget, I decided to ask her for a favor.

"Miss Lucia, would you mind doing me a favor for the near future?"

"What is it?", She said in a curious tone.

"I would like to attend this year's auction if you wouldn't mind"

"Hoo, but of course there should be something for me, right?"

"Well, of course, any item you obtain in the auction I will appraise for y--"

"I accept", She said before I could even finish my sentence.

It would seem that Lucia really wanted to have her items appraised, which I understand considering the fact that she is ranked one and probably hit a wall of her growth, that she wished to surpass using artifacts.

After the deal was done I finally went up and slept like a log.

The following days were pretty simple and became a normal routine for me, Angelica, and Alicia.

We would attend school, they would stay in the library for 4 hours waiting for me to finish my classes, and then we would head to my home together and enjoy our time with Emma and mom.

There were also some times when they would come for themselves and I would have to stay at school in classes, while they enjoyed their time with my family.

There were some exams now and then but they actually went by pretty fast.

Alicia didn't really have to do anything as her internship was taken care of by joining my mercenary group but I did have to help Angelica study and Alicia also lent her a hand.

Surprisingly Alicia is pretty smart, I normally considered her a clutz but she actually knew a lot.

It was nice spending time like this altogether, so I was quite happy with this life.

Before when I had just reincarnated, all I really cared about was trying to help the protagonist but now I understood that I also had a life and that this world wasn't just a novel.

That's why I decided to not care about the storyline and just live my life how it is now.

Of course, I would still avoid the main characters as they are just danger attractors.