
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · Fantaisie
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62 Chs

Interrogation (2)

[Interogation Room][Iris]

After putting the appraiser inside the interrogation room, we decided to leave and go into a room just next to it, that had a screen showing everything going on inside.

From here we could give questions to ask the appraiser and could easily hear and see everything going on inside the room

[So without any further ado, the first questions would be...]

[What is your name?]

[Keith Devans]

These questions were just to see who he really was, in case of any disguises.

[That is a lie]


it wasn't anyone in the room that let out that sound, but the appraiser himself.

"Hoh, so he isn't the appraiser", Bres said while hitting his left palm with his right hand.

[HAHAHAHAHA], The appraiser laughed.

It was only after a few seconds of laughter that the appraiser finally stopped and said.

[I'm Seo Hyun]

[That is the truth]

Bres who didn't need any more proof started to get impatient and said, "Do we really need to keep interrogating him, we should just kill him right now"

Leo then said, "We still need to know why he came here"

Bres clicked his tongue and sat down on a chair.

[Are you the appraiser?]


[That is the truth]

"Huh?", everyone in the room was confused



'So, me being Keith Devans is considered a lie, huh?'

Then that must mean two things, either one being that the lie detector only works on the truth of this world and not my truth or it is because I don't have the soul of Keith in me anymore.

The truth of this world would mean that I am, Seo Hyun, from my past life, and not Keith Devans, but considering that my status says that my name is Keith Devans, none of this makes sense.

Or maybe it is because I am still Seo Hyun but I just have the memories and body of Keith.

Snapping me out of my thoughts was the elf asking another question.

"Next question, are you a contractor?"


"That is the truth"

So I still count as a contractor due to my body being changed but my soul is not Keith's, so I'm considered to be Seo Hyun, I'm guessing.

This was getting way too confusing just for me, and my high schooler brain.

"Why did you teleport over to our camp?"

"Hum, it was because I was escaping from death and this was the safest place against the demons"

"That is the truth"

"Continuing, are you under the control of Amadeus?"

"No, I'm able to control myself freely"

"T-that is the truth"

"P-please give me a second", The elf nervously said while checking his earpiece, which probably told him what questions to ask.

"Then continuing with the questioning, how is that possible when you are a contractor"

"I am indeed a contractor, and one of the conditions was to give him my soul, and I indeed gave him a soul, but it wasn't exactly mine.

"That is the truth"

I think I now understand this a little bit better, so I'm guessing that my theory of I am still Seo Hyun but I just have the memories and body of Keith, is the correct one, or maybe not.

"Two souls?"

"Yeah, this body had two souls, and I will not explain anything further than that"

"That is the truth"



[Two souls?]

[Yeah, this body had two souls, and I will not explain anything further than that]

{That is the truth]

"Huh? So he had two souls?", Asked Bres.

"Well, that would certainly explain why he wasn't under the control of Amadeus, I guess"

Everyone was greatly confused by everything that was going on and being said, so the chairman then decided, that it would be best to find out his intentions instead of trying to understand how he escaped the grasp of the demons.

So we told the question to the lie detector, and he began the questioning once again.

[What are your intentions?]

[My intentions? I guess killing Amadeus]

[That is the truth]


[Do you have any intentions to harm the Union in any way?]


[That is the truth]

"Ask him if he would be willing to join us", Said Leo.

[Are you willing to join the Union in the fight against the demons?]

[Yeah, it's not like I have any other choice do I?]

[You don't, and that was the truth]

Bres who was still unsure of the appraiser then asked, "Apart from appraisals what other use does this bastard have?"

The lie detector must have thought of this as a question to ask, as he started the questioning once again.

[Apart from your appraisals how useful could you be in the fight against the demons?]


"Wait, that was not a question that we wan-"

[I am currently ranked (S+), and if I were to fight against Amadeus, my stats would reach the (SS+), thanks to my skills]

[T-t-that is the truth]

The room was silent for a solid minute until Lucia the most surprised out of all of us said, "He wasn't even ranked (E), a month ago"


This just made everyone more surprised and even the chairman who was the calmest during these situations was perplexed at what was just mentioned.

"(S+)? And he can even reach (SS+) when fighting against Amadeus?"

Everyone continued to discuss how he was stronger than one would expect and this continued for a while.

After more questioning about his standing, and what side he was actually on, it was finally decided that he would join us in our fight against the demons, of course, he would need to be put on a watch and would need to be chained down by my skill.


[Tent In the Union][Keith]

After the interrogation, they finally loosened the chains around my body and assigned me a tent near what is supposed to be their command post, just in case.

But even so, I didn't plan on leaving my tent as just on the way here, I received many looks of disgust and more.

I was still thinking about the dilemma I had with my soul, body, and more, that was created due to the questioning from the elf.

I wondered that maybe the system also has a mind or something like that, but I wasn't sure as it was never mentioned inside the novel.

The system only awarded skills, talents, and more to certain individuals and never did anything else, but maybe it also has a mind to itself.

I was too tired to keep thinking about such things so I decided to sleep, or that was until I heard the sounds of footsteps approaching my tent.

I could see the shadow of what seemed to be an angel but I didn't do the same mistake as last time and already knew who it was.

"Come in"

There was no answer but soon the blinds of my tent opened up and Iris, entered inside.

I guided her to a chair and went to my bed and laid down because I was too tired for anything right now.

The room or tent was silent for a while until I finally got tired of the awkwardness and began to speak.


The room was silent once again.

It was only after a few seconds that she finally spoke, "I wanted to ask you, about how you knew of the [Judgement] skill"

"...[Judgement] skill, you must be referring to the one that Arthur got, I'm I right?"

"Yes, I wanted to know about the skill and probably other skills like that one", She said.

I already knew she was interested in granted skills given by the system, especially the ones that are given due to righteous actions, as she was like a nerdy saint.

In the novel, one of the main reasons why she became a female lead and part of the protagonist harem in a sense was because of this love for knowledge relating to the skills and because Arthur literally had like 6 skills that were granted by the system.

I continued to explain the granted skills, and things relating to the system and she seemed to be trying to write everything down.

I explained that some skills are not granted even if the same action is done, because the system doesn't recognize the achievement as unique anymore and continued to explain the many things that can be done to be granted such skills.

I continued to explain the many things and before I knew it, the sun was already out.

We kept discussing things relating to the skills, and I even mentioned things about my revenge skill.

Looking at her, reminded me of the memories of Keith, reading multiple books, and being like a child that discovered something never seen before, every time he read something new.

I continued to speak but this time I didn't hear anything being written down, so when I looked in her direction I noticed that she had finally fallen asleep.

I stood up from my bed and put a blanket over her knees and also my small suit on her shoulders.

And although normally I would find this annoying, it actually felt quite nice speaking to someone after a long time being alone in the demon world.

I then went back to my bed and fell asleep.