
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · Fantaisie
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62 Chs

Ally? (2)

[Union's HQ][Iris]

"He might be an ally", The chairman said.

After the chairman said such a bewildering statement, everyone in the room opened their eyes in puzzlement and some interest.

Leo and Bres were denying his statement but the chairman said that it was only a possibility and nothing else, although I could tell that he thought otherwise.

After all that discussion of how maybe it was possible and Leo denying it, Lucia then said, "Well, he was a mentally strong child before he became a contractor, so maybe he is still fighting against the demonic energy in him?".

Leo looked at her for a few seconds and soon denied it by saying, "Although that may be true, you have to remember that he also probably sold his soul to Amadeus, meaning he has lost all control over himself".

Everyone seemed to agree with Leo, but he continued and said, "That wizard probably had bad mana control so he was just launching fireballs everywhere"

Bres grabbed his chin and started to speak.

"Well, yeah I think that the wiza-", but suddenly.


An alarm started to resound throughout the camp, that Interrupted Bres's statement.

Everyone looked at each other and checked their watches.


[A while ago in the demon Camp][Keith]

I was currently laying down on the floor and could tell that the fight had started as I felt the ground tremble, meaning that the undead lord had jumped down from the cliff once again.

It was only after around 20 minutes that I started to feel something inside of me, a painful feeling that I had once experienced before.

Apart from my headache I also started to feel sore, it was like that time when I ate the [Mhingseng], it felt as if all my muscles were starting to break and everything inside me started to change.

I didn't know why, but I could guess it was because the fire wizard probably started to bomb the demons and was able to kill a large amount.

But due to my burning head and my aching muscles, I passed out from the indescribable pain.


"...ke up"

"Wake up!"

I opened my eyes slowly and could see a demon yelling at me to wake up with a face filled with anger and nervousness.

I looked at him dead in the eyes, ready to kill him at any moment, and asked, "What do you want?"

"Make your undead lord return, right now!", He screamed.

... it took me a second but I understood exactly what was going on, so I told Baggy who was next to me, to recall all of his summons.

The demon next to me backed away after he heard my command, and I was once again left alone with my burning head and sore muscles.

Since I could guess the battle was over I decided to check my status.


[Name: Keith Devans]

[Overall Rank: S+]

[Strength: D to S(Potential: Unknown)]

[Agility: D+ to S+(Potential: Unknown)]

[Endurance: D to S-(Potential: Unknown)]

[Magic: A- to S+(Potential: Unknown)]

[Inteligence: A to SS-(Potential: Unknown)]

[Luck: C+ (Potential: Unchangeable)]

[Charm: E- (Potential: Unknown)]


'Huh? How many did the wizard kill?'

I was having such thoughts to myself, and after around 20 minutes, all of Baggy's summons finally returned and I told him to unsummon them. After he did so, I put him in his dimensional space as he was getting annoying.

I wanted to sleep now as I was still tired, but I heard footsteps coming up to me so I stayed with my eyes open but was still incapable of moving due to the pain.

And before I knew it someone grabbed me by the neck and lifted me up, it was Botis, who had an infuriated expression all over his face, he also had a bleeding shoulder.

"You bastard!", He yelled in a raging voice.

"I'm sorry?", I asked in confusion.

He then started to explain to me, how my undead lord was not retreating after he told him to do so, and it was only after 30 minutes that he had finally started to back off.

It took me a second to understand but I knew I needed to respond fast.

"I-I was passed out before and was unable to give orders to the undead lord, sir", I said in a tired tone.

"Huh? You passed out!? explain yourself or I might just kill you right now"

I didn't know what to say but after looking at Amadeus for a second, something came to my mind.

"I was hit by an arrow in the forehead, and after 5 minutes I felt as if my whole body was giving up on me, that's why I passed out"

Amadeus seemed to be thinking about something but he nodded his head and told Botis about the arrow.

But Botis didn't let go of my neck yet.

"Now explain why your undead wizard, killed almost 500 of our demons and 2 of our generals, you bastard!", He said while glaring at me and holding my neck more tightly.

I finally understood why my stats had increased so much, just from that battle alone, of the 4000 demons here to battle, 500 were taken out by the wizard and even 2 of his generals had died.

I didn't really have to think much about what to answer and just said, "The wizard had bad mana control".

I could still see him raging but he finally put me on the ground.

I was thinking of cleaning myself up and straightening out my suit, until Botis said, "Did you really think that was a valid excuse?!"

He then started to choke me, and I wasn't able to breathe, I looked at Amadeus and Yuki for help but both of them just stared at me and didn't do anything.

'Ah, I think I overdid it', I thought to myself after remembering the 500 kills he had mentioned.

But even then my head thought 'Haha, I didn't even mean to kill that many but what can I do now?'

This feeling of regret inside me regarding the situation soon turned into annoyance.

'Damn it, I can't die yet, I haven't even killed that bastard yet', I thought while staring at Amadeus.

'Ah, I have that don't I' But then I remembered something that I had gotten a while ago.

I put a huge grin on my face and could see everyone's faces turn to anger and confusion.

And I then moved my lips and muttered, "Wrap".

I felt mana surrounding my body and my view changed from a bunch of demons and a disgusting desert-like environment to a forest in a matter of seconds.


An annoying and loud sound then started to resound throughout the forest, and I could see the Union soldiers coming after me.

Currently, I had a headache, my muscles were sore, and I also felt nauseous after the teleportation, so I couldn't do anything even if I tried.

I was soon surrounded and restrained by the many guards.

I could see 3 of the commanders walking toward me after being captured by the normal soldiers but before I could speak or hear anything, I felt my eyes closing.

It was then that I heard something I didn't wish to hear, just as my eyes closed.

"We should kill him"

But before I could say anything, I was only surrounded by silence and darkness.

'Ah, wait!'

'I still have to kill that bastard!'

I tried to speak but no sound came out of my mouth.

I couldn't see anything, hear anything or do anything.

'So I died?'

I died once before and just like last time, my heart was aching.

But this time I felt that there was another reason for it.

It was because I hadn't killed that bastard, Amadeus. I felt anger from just thinking about him, but the thought of him continuing to live while I die here without seeing his lifeless body made me sad.

I still remember that day, when he killed mom right in front of my eyes, I felt like the world had collapsed and that nothing mattered in this world, but then I thought of a new purpose in life.


But in the end, I was not able to achieve it, I died again, and just like in my last life, I only made mistakes throughout it that all ended with my death.

It was then that I felt a warm feeling wrapping around my body.

It felt like I was being cleansed from my sins. It was a feeling that could make anyone feel at ease.

'So my time has come', I thought to myself.

'Maybe I will reincarnate into another novel or a new world where I won't be so stupid as to make the same mistakes I did before'

Even after the system had given me the revenge skill, I was still unable to achieve my new wish, I felt empty inside just thinking about Amadeus and my worthless life.

I felt my conscience fade, and soon enough my mind went blank and all thoughts in my head finally disappeared.


I felt as if I was waking up from a long nap, I felt tired.

I didn't know what was going on, but it felt like I was alive once again.

It felt different, unlike when I first reincarnated, this time I felt like I had just woken up from a long dream, I felt tired and exhausted just like before my death.

It was then, that I felt the warm feeling around my body once again.

I finally opened my sleepy eyes and only one thought came to my mind.

'An angel'