
Family trip(1)

"Hey dad. Am back from school."Tessa called from the threshhold.

"Am in the study."her father replied from one of the rooms upstairs.Tessa made her way upstairs and took the direction to the right. She approached a room at the end of the hall next to her father's bedroom.She knocked on the door lightly and let herself in.

"Hey dear. How was your day of school?"

"It was okay. How was your day?" Tessa asked as she settles in one of the chairs on the other side of her father's work desk. Her father was going through some papers in the drawer in the corner of the room next to the sofa.

"The usual. Went through some paper work, signed a few documents. Nothing new."he replied.

"You didn't go to the office today?"Tessa asked absentmindedly not really paying attention to what she was asking.

"No. I told Tim to handle my shift today."Greg answered her as he made his way back to his desk. He placed a document on the table that he had retrieved from the drawer.

"Hey how about we go out for dinner today what do you think?" Greg asked suggestively.

"Can we go to the Chinese place across the street from the park? Tessa asked back. "Sure."

"Yay. I'll go get ready."

Tessa run to her room bubbling with excitement. It wasn't the first time they were going out with her dad but she loved every single moment they spent together. She loved exploring new types of food. One could actually call her a foodie. She found pleasure in trying out foods from different cultures. Her father told her she got it from her mother but since she barely knew her she couldn't clarify the claim.

She opened her dresser and pulled out a pair of black faded jeans. She ramaged though her cabinets for a top to go with the jeans. After emptying almost half the dresser she found a navy blue tank top with the word 'queen' at the front. She placed them on her bed and quickly run to the bathroom. She immediately got out of her clothes and placed them in the hamper. She walked to the bathtub and stood under the shower head. She turned on the water and instantly felt her muscles relaxs as the water hit her body soothing the aches from a very tiring day at school. She was internally grateful that today was the last day of school because she could not endure this strain on her body for another day. She gently squeezed shampoo into her palm and massaged her scalp in a slow unhurried manner.

She turned on the shower and rinsed her hair until it had no more soap left. She grabbed the sponge from the hooks right next to the tab and squeezed some showering gel into it. She gently washed her body and rinsed it afterwards.

She stepped out of the tab and grabbed a towel from one of the cabinet. Tessa was lost in thought as she wondered how Flora was. They spoke everyday since she left but it still felt weird being apart. She left the bathroom and move back to her room. She dried her body and started on her hair. She grabbed a hair dryer from the one of the drawers of her night stand and plagged it in. After drying her hair, she applied some body gel and a little lip gloss. She wasn't that much of a makeup person. She slipped into her clothes and stood Infront of her full length mirror. She appreciated the look and was happy she was able to pull it off.

"Tes hurryup." Greg shouted from down stairs.

"Coming dad."

Tessa grabbed a pair of snikers that was next to her bed and run down stairs to meet her dad.


Tessa replied with a nod as she quickly slipped on her shoes and run out the door. Her dad locked the door and placed the key under the flower pot.

Throughout the car ride Tessa was too preoccupied. Her eyes were pretty much glued to her phone. She barely registered what her father was telling her. She hadn't received any reply to the messages she sent Flora in the morning and afternoon. When she checked her phone that afternoon, she thought that maybe Flo was busy and couldn't reply before but after waiting for more than four hours now, she didn't know what to think.

The restaurant was decorated in a chinese traditional manner. There were strimmers everywhere. On the ceiling were hanged red lanterns. The chairs and tables had red clothes with golden swirls forming pictures of flowers in the red background. A thin lady in around her mid forties walked towards Tessa and Greg with a big smile.

"Welcome. Welcome. Follow me and I will lead you to a free table."the lady said politely. She had a very thick Asian accent. The restaurant was full to the max with very many people. Some even Tessa knew. On the wall to the north was a painting of a dragon. Tessa turned to her left a saw another painting but this one was of yin and yang. She couldn't stop stirring at it.

"Tes. Tessa"he dad called


"You've been very distracted today. What's wrong?"he asked with a tone of concern.

"It's nothing dad. Am sorry"

"Hey. You know you can tell me anything."he persisted.

She released a heavy sigh. "It's just that I haven't received any response from Flo. I sent her texts all day and she hasn't replied to any of then."she said lowering her head.

"Maybe she's busy. Give her some time. Ok?"

Tessa lifted her head and gave him a small smile."Ok. Thanks dad." He squeezed her hand slightly in a way of response.

The lady returned to them with menus an inquired what they would like to have. They gave their orders and ten minutes later their food arrived. They involved in small talk as they ate their food.

"Honey, I have a surprise for you."her dad said with a lot of enthusiasm.

"What is it?"Tessa asked.

"We're going to visit aunt Kendra."he said.

"Seriously?"Tessa asked excitedly. Aunt Kendra was her mother's elder sister who lived in the countryside. She last saw her two years ago at a family reunion. She was a petite lady around her late thirties but she didn't look anything above twenty eight. She had black long hair and brown eyes. She was kind but at the same time reserved. She loved Tessa to bits. Tessa would think of no better way to spend her summer.