
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Jeux vidéo
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90 Chs

Chapter 74 Type D

Chapter 74

Walking slowly but surely through this forest, he looked toward the crystal trees in search of the sacred fruit.

"So all the escaping back there was futile?"

"I just didn't know you could put the darkness to this use."

Responding to Andrey who even without changing his expression manages to convey his disbelief, I bring my attention back to the darkness that surrounds us and camouflages us with the environment, yes it is a simple but effective use of darkness.

"Don't mages spend quite a bit of time honing their skills, you know, sometimes I doubt you're really one."

"And you've been very critical lately, haven't you that you were the icy, expressionless face?"

Hitting back at Andrey with pure sarcasm, since we're obviously pulling pranks on each other, which we don't seem to be by his damn expressionless face, we move on with the quest for crystal fruits.

"I've been thinking about it, but if these fruits appear so magically, can't we buy one at a store somewhere?"

Looking towards Andrey who is still lost in the search for the fruit, he asked something obvious... If it just occurred to me.

"umm... I understand your approach, but that would be useless, I don't need the fruit itself but the energy that is preserved inside it, obviously this energy is more powerful when the fruit is on the tree ready to be harvested, then even if we buy it it will only be a richer fruit than normal."

Returning his gaze from the trees he focuses on me before giving me a lecture about the fruits, something that has become a routine lately when I ask him any doubt, he seems to have a taste for explaining things.


Quickly responding to the incoming attack which is like a particle cannon from the previous Regis only more powerful, I gather the darkness that was covering Andrey and myself while gathering more from the surroundings which by putting all that together with more mana managed to create a shield in front of our bodies.



"How did he notice us?"

"he couldn't, oh I see, look around us."

With the explosion sounding in front of us, I signal Andrey who is deactivating his <guard> ability to look at our surroundings, they are filled with a kind of fog or haze, but upon looking more carefully it is possible to differentiate that they are finely shattered crystals almost like super-small particles.

"We forget our surroundings when we talk... No Now that doesn't matter what we have to do is finish this thing off."

Nodding towards Andrey who pulls himself together and prepares for combat, the shield begins to crumble revealing the thing that attacked us, it was the same circular sphere as always, only now it had about 8 cylindrical bars rotating around it instead of triangles and squares, it was like when you draw a sun as a child.

"This one seems to be different from the ones we have seen so far, not only for its shape obviously, but for its characteristics, such as the lack of shields."

Talking to Andrey before stepping back to generate distance, I ask the system for the status of this thing.


Hp 800/800 Mp 0/0


Level: 5

Race:crystal creation

Occupation:tree mage








Abilities:<collective mind><crystal control><shared Mp><crystal concentration> <crystal shaping>.

Description:automatic creation of the crystal forest, it is located in the medium deep areas of the forest and is responsible for eliminating threats.


With its noises or words, depending on how you look at it, four of the rods that are 3D cylinders turn towards us and followed by that they glow briefly before launching a walk of energetic shots.

"<dark control:shield of darkness"(-250mp).

*Boom!* *Boom!*

Before the energy shots manage to hit him, Andrey basically dodges them using his physical abilities, which I can't do, if I'm a mage, then I simply create a shield of darkness to stop the few shots that manage to reach me.

"I'm going on the attack, give me support <cut>"

Throwing some quick orders Andrey goes on the attack with his ability activated, giving some turns, jump and movement beyond what my body would be capable of he quickly reaches the vicinity of the creature avoiding all the shots, but before his attack connects he is stopped by one of the cylinders from which a glass-like crystal barrier is generated, followed by this two other cylinders move towards Andrey's front and charge his attack although they are stopped to then be mobilized towards the defense due to the multiple spears of darkness that go towards them.

*Boom!* *Boom!

"it seems that it has not lost its defensive function and one could even say that it has improved."

With his words we wait for the dust to assist to see the level of damage, if it was stupid I should have followed the strategy of stellaris, that is, continuously bombard the planet until they surrender, with the disappearance of the dust we manage to see small crystalline particles coming out of the trees, the ground and even the air, followed by that the central sphere begins to glow and open outwards like a flower.

"Oh, we should have kept attacking."


Releasing a bolt of pure lethal energy, everything that entered its path was completely destroyed, the trees that were hit are completely eradicated and those nearby fly away due to the air pressure, the earth crystallizes where it passes and the air simply gains an almost palpable weight.

"aghs" (-500hp).

"Nea are you okay?"

Using the tactic of body to ground and roll, seeing the lightning shoot out the first thing I do is throw myself to the ground as I start rolling, this still wasn't completely effective as my right arm along with the bow were taken by the lightning although my arm lived thanks to the system the bow wasn't so lucky, shouting towards Andrey I give him a positive, but all this doesn't end the Regis now starts to spin sending the lightning all over the place making it impossible to get back on my feet.