
The Normo System

Hey Guys, This is just going tob e a classic system, cultivation novel with a twist. This is my first time writing a novel. Please support me if you like the book(Power Stones) I love you all

Slice_of_Life · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Wait a minute. I’m a NORMO!!!

"Kelson Warsay, step forward" said Elder Lianur.

Immediately a young man moved in front of the rest.

"Place your hand on the ball in front, young man" Elder Lianur repeated.

Honestly, it's been getting on my nerves, this old man has been saying the same line repeatedly for the past 3 hours to every kid that was called. Yo my names kier, and I am going to be an extremely strong warrior. Since I have been training my body since I was five.

"Congratulation's you have been given the rank of warrior, Kelson" Old ma- I mean Elder Lianur Said

Bastard Kelson's smile widened. There was a total of 7 classes, warrior being one of the best. Here I'll tell you about them, Warrior- uses close range combat techniques.

Elementalist- uses elemental attacks such as fire or water.

Healer- has the ability to heal themselves or an ally.

Mage/Archer- far range combat magic.

Tamer- can tame magical beasts.

Specials- these guys are weirdos and are extremely rare, their abilities could be anything from super strength to extra charisms. Finally Normos- these guys are people who are born without magic.

"Kier Deus, step forward" said Elder Lianur says.

Oh, it's my turn. I step forward and place my hand on that blue, glowy ball.

"Normo" the old man announced with a sneer.

Before I could express my disappointment, my surroundings turn black.


"Oh, it seems like you disciple has awakened" a man cloaked in shadow says

"Indeed, it's time for him to know" the man sitting on the throne says as he disappears

"It's too early for him" the man cloaked says knowing full well that the other is gone. "It's rude you know leaving mid conversation."

Hey guys i have school starting soon so I will only be able to do 5-6 chapters per week hope you undestand.


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