
The normal Guy in Cote

Minbhone_pyae · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

Worst discovery

"I will explain about the special exam now. For this exam, students will be decided into 8 groups patterned after a planet in the solar system."

Now that's just a straight up lie.

"The exam will be conducted within each group. Each group will consist of several students from each class."

"People from class C too?" Kei said.

"Three students from class A, and class B too!" Yukimura pointed out.

"Th-th-they should be enemies, right?" The guy who names I still can't remember screamed.

Right now, the teacher is explaining the rules to us but if I'm being honest, I know the rules like the back of my hand. I've thought of every way for us to become the new class C. The best way I thought of was simple really. All I have to do is just tell all my class what to do since Ryuen is a dumass.


Really, all that's on my mind right now is Kikyo. She's been avoiding me recently and I can understand that. But I don't want this accident to ruin our friendship. But thinking about it always reminded me how careless I was acting around her. I was so void of human interaction that it felt like I treated her in a special way. This makes me realize that maybe I should have just stayed alone after confronting her about her past. She wouldn't have helped the class but at least she wouldn't have to face this problem.


"Are you also confused too Kazuya-kun." Kei asked.

"Oh, no, no. I actually found a way to end this exam on the first day, ha ha." I answered scratching my head.

"Wow, you're amazing." "Yeah with you, we'll reach class A in no time."

But one person was skeptical, I guess?

"How? How are you going to end the exam in just a day?"

"Chill out Yukimura. This time I'm going to tell everyone the plan ok?"

"Sure but it better make sense this time."

"Don't worry this time it's just like solving a 1 by 1 Rubik's cube."

They all looked at me confused, even the teacher.

"Uh, it's hard trying to solve it the first time but when you solved it. You think to yourself ' I made it way harder than it had to be.'"




After that wonderful explanation I was called by Horikita to discuss about the special exam.

"It's about time."

"You know it."

Then I got the message.

"I'm not the VIP what about you." Horikita asked.

The reason I'm not afraid of any events in the novel happening is simple, really. There's a quote that says, 'The only way to win the game is to not play it.' I say that's BS , because I'm pretty confident that I can win this game, after all its rigged from the start. I showed her my phone as she seemed to be surprised. I would be too, After all ...

...it says I'm the VIP.

"What do you think of the exam?" She asks.

"I'd rather not tell you the amazing explanation I told to the students that got called to the same room as me."

"So you're bad at making people understand you? Noted."

"Hey, I'm a great communicator you know? I can even speak Spanish. You can test me."

"Okay, como estas?"

"Uh senorita, Estoy herido."

"Eses estupida?"

"Estoy herido?"

"Edit note he's also mentally disabled."

"What a nice weather!" The voice behind me said. "Let me have a seat too." And I looked back to see the most punchable face in this world right now, for me anyway.

"Suzune, are you the VIP?"

"There's no way I'm telling you or maybe if I ask you, you'll tell me?"

"If you wish so."

Ok that was a smooth line. I'm stealing it and putting it in my book.

"But first Kano Kazuya." He turned towards me.

"How did you manage to find out the Identity of the leaders on the deserted island back then?"

"From Ibuki's report you don't discuss or Scout out about the leaders at all."

Dyum why do you have so many pauses in your speech?

"It's easy to figure out really. I knew from the moment Ibuki was in our camp that you were still on the island, Ayanokoji saw the leader card in Katsuragi pocket, so I knew that the leader was his most trusted friend Yahiko Totsuka and Kushida has a close relationship with Ichinose so I knew who she would pick the leader as."

"So the test results weren't a fluke after all huh?"

"I did my research on you Kazuya, it seems you got perfect test scores and great physical abilities. I wonder how someone like you could have been judged to be a defect."

"Can't you tell? It's because I want to be in class D! and I have my reasons beyond some sappy crap like to help the people who are struggling."

"Everyone has a reason for their rank Kazuya. and I'll abuse that to bring you down."

"In your dreams Kazuya, isn't like you he doesn't have anything you can use to bring him down." Horikita came to my defense.

"Ho, but it looks like he gained just that."

he tries to search for his phone but then he realized.

"Here." I give the phone to him and looked straight into his eyes.

"and I'll say this only once, Fuck off."

"Both Katsuragi and Ichinose proved to me that they're pretty good at what they do. I know they're not my enemies,... you are." after saying that he left.

"He seems to be very obsessed with you." Horikita pointed out.

"Yeah, it's going to be a drag especially since I am injured."

"Keep joking about that and no nurse is going to be able to fix what I do to you." 

"Yes ma'am" I straightened my back.




I'm currently in the Discusstion and uh...

"No matter how many times I've seen it this is the worst."

not exactly my thought but close enough.

everyone looked tense and they didn't even seem to have the plane to discuss at all. But then I realized that all of the students that were tense was being like that because of me! I mean, I guess having a lot of private points and single handedly making a class win is kind of intimanateting. especially for the class C girls. I'm never going to hit a woman but they don't know.

"Shall we start by introducing ourselves? The school instructed us to do so after all."

Thank you Ichinose-san. I promise you, I'll save you from Nagumo at all costs.

"Is there any point in introducing ourselves right now? only those who want to do should do it."

I mean speak for yourself. I may be awkward at interacting with people but I at least I like it.


-does that make me a masochist?

"I can't force them to do it can I? but there might be a microphone setup in this room."

The play, the finesse.


"so, the only one at a disadvantage in that case would be that one who didn't introduce themself."


dyum bro, you got caught lacking.

"Thank you" Ichinose responded.



after Ayanokoji's second worst introduction, it's my turn.

"Hi, my name is Kano Kazuya, and I would like to tell you guys that-

I am the VIP. Thats all." and I set back down.

ha, doing these types of things is being my trademark now. The only difference being this time they have to take it seriously.

"now, that the introductions are over. how should we move forward next?"

wow, she didn't even show any signs of nervousness at all. Ichinose-san really is amazing.

"If you don't want me to be the facilitator, can you let me know of it?"

"Yes ma'am"

"hehe, then I'll proceed first of all, if there's something we don't understand we could talk about it. anyone here has a question?"

hm? nothing? aren't they going to ask how there's 5 D class students in this group?

"Then let me ask the question instead, ok? I think the best source of action for us is for all of us to clear this exam together and pursue outcome 1 is the best plan for us. what do you guys think?"

"isn't it obvious?" Kei said in the most uninterested way possible. In hindsight just like Kikyo her acting is too over the top and it looks really fake.

"I am of course in affirmative." the duck did he mean by that?

"I agree, I also want private points and I would like to cooperate with you if possible." I mean Ayanokoji you do know that other outcomes also get you points right?

"Of course I'll help too." How could I forget he's still here. who is he anyway? he's not in Ike group.

"what's with that character?"

Kei, I don't know how you keep reading my mind.

"We class A will allow ourselves to be silent." This is still without a doubt the dumbest stratagy that Katsuragi has cooked up.

after that went on a long discussion about if staying silent is the right move or not. The only thing that my brain registered was when Kei make the weird sounds because the class A guys asked her to explain the rules. ha, cute. other than that, my mind wonders back to the texts me and Kikyo exchanged. well not really exchanged.

Flash back

[Yo Kikyo I need your help again sorry!]

Kikyo has liked your message.

[I just need you to tell some people in class D about who the VIPs are.]

[and yes, I know you're one too.]

Kikyo has hearted your message. 

[and again sorry]

and she didn't respond after that.

End of flash back

This whole thing is taken a lot out of her. I should try to apologize her after this vacation. I couldn't be a lover for her. the least I can be is a friend.

"No matter what, class A's policy remains the same. we will not be open for discussion." the class A guy declares.

"well, well, what should we do now?" Ichinose said out loud.




I'm right now relaxing, and I see it. here it comes.

"Can I have a word with you Karuizawa-san? HEY! I want to ask you something."

"What?" how can she sound more uninterested than Ayanokoji?

"Did you have a fight with Rika before summer class?"

"huh? what are you talking about? who's Rika?"

"she was in class C with us and wears glasses. with dumpling hair remember?"

"I don't know you must have the wrong person."

"WE HEARD IT FOR SURE. that a girl from class D with a ponytail was being mean to her."

"She said she was waiting in line at the cafe, and she was interrupted and pushed." another one joined.

"I don't know anything about that."

"YOU don't remember? it was you and I want you to apologize to her!" and another one.

"I'll ask Rika to make sure, okay?"

"hey don't-"

I grabbed Kei's arm and knock the phone out of the other girl's arm myself.

"Yo, ladies chill out you're springing an action you're all definitely going to regret like it's nothing." the second wheels clearly recognized me and tense up again.


"Ask Ryuen for a new one." I glare at them.

"and I'm not joking that guy owes me about 3 million points, so you can just ask him for a new one. just tell him I broke it."

after that they scrammed with tails between their legs.

"Thanks Kazuya-kun."

"don't. believe it or not you actually did not thing wrong even though you definitely pushed the Rika girl."

"hm? what do you mean?"

"ha ha, nothing."

"well, you want to hang out I don't really have anyone else to do that with."

"How about Kushida or Kikyo?"

"let's just say she's mad at me."

"huh? do you need advice?"

"what from you? please."

"Hey, I have a boyfriend you know?"

"and where had that got you? I'm pretty sure you guys haven't even kissed yet."

she quiet down and looked away.


why did she doing that remind me of Kikyo. I shake my head.

"comon lets go" Kei said.

I followed her. and talking to her and hanging out with her make me gain more sympathy for her. but- but weirdly also for Kikyo too. I just can't seemed to get her out of my head. Do I really feel that much guilt? But was I even wrong in the first place?...

...yes, yes you were Kazuya. If you had kept you're distance this never would have happened.


"You know? You should just tell her how you feel. It'll make her understand why you did it?" She asked.

"What did I do?"

"I don't know."

"Hey do you have away to win this special exam?"

"You could say that I have just wait till the second discussion. But enough of that serious stuff let's go have some fun."


We run around one the ship like we were little kids. And it was so much fun. But again Every moment I spent with Kei, Kikyo keeps creeping into my head. Its that I don't want to see her sad but also can't make her happy. It's quite the predicament if I do say so my self. On the bright side Kei genuinely seems to enjoy our time spent together. That's good. She won't put hope on things that won't happen anymore.




Right now we're back in the discussion room, and everyone is discussing how to actually find the VIP.

Heh, this make it the perfect time to strike.

"Everyone if you don't mind would you check your phones?" I asked.

Just as I said that everyone's phone buzzed.

'The tiger, cow , rooster, horse, monkey and ox groups have concluded their exam, everyone in theses groups no longer need to attend the exam any farther.' that's what they should be seeing right now and looking at their faces it looks like the it worked."

"N-no way." "H-how?" "That's impossible." "All of them?"

Thump* the class A guy hit his hand on the table.


"It's not a trick. It's just that Katsuragi is really, really stupid." I deadpanned.

"But Kazuya-kun now that all other groups have ended that means the only VIP left is in your class." Ichinose pointed out.

"Well? I'm not denying it. I said it at the beginning remember? I am the VIP. Believing it or not it's your part."

And bam.

All the phones buzzed again.

"Looks like some dumbass took the bait and run."

After that the class A stormed out.




The next day

Things have been looking up so far, other than the Kikyo problem there's not much to do. We surpassed class C and are almost surpassing class B. And Horikita isn't Ayanokoji's pawn, and Kei the event that let Kei to that path isn't even happening. But most importantly Ayanokoji did what just said he's just a normal student now. Thinking about all of this I remembered that I taped a phone in the place Kei was supposed to get bullied I should probably go and fetch it.

As I was walking to that place I heard laughing sounds.

Huh? That's weird. I followed the sound and then I heard it. The unmistakable sound of a girl crying, pleading, begging. I sped up till I was running. And then-.....

..... this- This is.....

What Kazuya saw was something that he dreamed up in his worse nightmares that being something in the novel going way worst because of him. What he saw was a girl he loved barely staying alive.


What he saw was four girls pouring 6 buckets of toilet water on the girl he loved.


What he saw was four girls abusing the girl he loved, so much that her hair is a mess and she's bleeding from her mouth and nose.

'There's has to be a reason, any reason. This doesn't make any sense, it's not even the right day' he thinks. But Karuizawa's whimpers snapped him out of it. And he quickly walked towards the girls knocked 3 of them out and try to choke one to death but he stopped before he loses himself.

Seeing Karuizawa in this state was unbearable to him so he hugged her tight and told her "you're a strong girl, Kei. I know you are. But let it all out ok. Don't hold back the tears it's all my fault. Cry for me too, ok?"

Karuizawa applied and cried on him for a long time in that time he thought about everything. 'there was no sign. no warning' he thought. 'and why did they go so far this time? Is it because of me?' he kept thinking deeper and deeper till. He heard something, a footstep right behind that corner. And then he remembers everything 'You like Kei?' 'yeah' 'cool'. He realized that Ayanokoji didn't see him as a threat rather he saw him as a tool. That made him pissed.

After calming down Karuizawa he said "I've hurt lots of people, many who deserved it, many who did not. I've also broken a lot of rules and laws and I'm generally a bad person."

"But I have never ever killed anyone" he tells her.

"When I find who did this to you...."

He looks back at the corner.

".... he's going to die."

To be continued.