
The Non Existent Extra

Life is unfair. That's something I figured out when I was young. It's not just life but the world itself is unfair. I was an orphan who joined a game design company trying to survive. But I was fired when the owner's son wanted the damn job. Thankfully I had backup plans. However, all those were thrown out the window when I was thrust into the world of one of the stories I created. My first story. And honestly, I felt...happy. This was a place where I could take advantage of everything! I could live a peaceful yet rich life! All I had to do was follow the story. There was one problem though. I was an extra. And to add to that I had no memory of who I was. ___________ Ok so just a little disclaimer this is obviously based on The Author's POV but I did also base it mostly on ORV as well as IOAMI

WorldEater_11 · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Prosperity (1)

Elena Montfort or as many people call her "Saint Elena" was one of the few 13-star ranked players or heroes. But what made her extremely popular was her broken ability.


The skill allowed her to heal anything even people on the verge of death. But what actually made it broken was that it was the natural enemy of demons and the abyss itself. If she used it on a demon it would desecrate into dust but it also had the ability to destroy the abyss. 

Now why didn't she do that?

Well, it was because of the consequences of using that skill. 

You see the consequence was that she had to use her life force. This fact was widely hidden until her death. 

If she wanted to heal a person who was on the brink of death that'll cost her a few years of her life. 

And considering humans live for around 250 years now, it wasn't exactly a lot but it would stack up. Now of course there was a cure for it and it was the sap of the world tree which I had already absorbed. But I could pop into another realm with the realm key I got to get my gift. If I go there then I'd be able to get a bottleful to give to her.

But I wasn't going to do that yet. 

The reason was the benefits weren't worth it not to mention I didn't think I could survive in that other realm. 

However, the main reason I actually didn't do this was because I wanted to copy that unique skill of hers. With my gift, I could copy any skill even if it is unique. 

Of course, if I would've normally used that skill I'd also suffer the consequences but considering I absorb the sap of the world tree they wouldn't affect me.

As I got dressed I looked at my status screen. 


Name: Arthur Irwin

Gift: The Lost Eye of Wisdom And Knowledge

Rank: 1 star {Mid} 


Strength: G+

Agility: G+

Intelligence: G+

Stamina: G+

Magic Power: G+

Preception: G+




{Grade 5} [Medici's Thunderdance]

{Grade 3} [Omni-Combat Mastery]


Smiling at it I exited my room and met with the others.

From what I could recall their names were Autumn, Caleb, Harper, Maya and Gabriel. The one who invited me was Autumn and I could tell that the girl named Maya didn't really feel comfortable with me going.

If my timetable was correct someone else would be there. 

I didn't just accept the invitation so I could copy the gift. No, I accepted it because I wanted to see someone.

As an author, you'd want to see your characters live and breathe. Whether that's a TV show, a live-action movie or a show hell even webtoons and manhwas count. But my story didn't receive that mainly because I ignored all of the emails that asked to make it into a comic. 

Writing novels was something I did to help me with my day-to-day life, not for a career. Although I did kinda regret that decision. 

But now that my novel became my reality I wondered what my characters looked like, would they act the same as they did in the story?

However, I shook those thoughts out of my head when I heard Autumn start a conversation with me. 

I replied as politely as I could. 

Listen I never had any friends…in high school at least which was mostly due to the bullying. So I wasn't exactly a great talker with kids.

Although I didn't really know many interests of the kids in the novel I tried to use my memories as a way to help me get friendly with the group. 

Not that I was going to hang out with them after this.

We then made it to the place where the speech thing was going to happen. I looked around to see people setting up chairs. I could see a lot of people waiting and chatting.

"She's pretty popular," I muttered 

"I mean it should be expected. She's one of the leading figures in stopping the criminal organization from running rampant" Gabriel said

Caleb then added "But really most of the people that come here are men,"

"Make sense," I nodded

Finding our seats we waited for Elena to show herself. After a while a beautiful woman came on stage. 

Honestly, all the words she said entered one ear and went out the other. It was like I was listening to the liturgy and stuff back when I was in high school. But I looked around and frowned.

'Not here?'

But then I internally facepalmed 

'Probably wearing a disguise'

However, then suddenly I was snapped out of my daydreaming were the bright lights falling from the sky. 


"That was so moving," Looking to my side I saw Maya with tears in her eyes.

I was confused "She's a big fan," 


I then got up from my seat with the rest "Wanna join us to go to the mall?" 

"Sorry, I gotta go home," 

Politely rejecting Autumn's invitation I used my gift and located Elena.

Honestly, this was the best chance I had. There was a reason I wanted to help Elena. In 5 months she would die and it's obviously due to her gift. But as I walked toward her I noticed a calico cat.

'...is he following me?'


Elena sighed as she made her way to the car with her bodyguard. 




"Are you alright miss?"

"I'm fine Amanda," holding her hand to signal to her that she was fine she entered the car.

Lately, her condition has been getting worse and worse. The skill [Prosperity] while powerful had finally started to take a toll on her.

Before Amanda closed the door she asked her "Do you want me to cancel your appointments?"

"No, I'll be fine,"

"Alright," closing the door Amanda let out a sigh.

"Excuse me," 

Hearing a voice Amanda turned to see a boy standing there with a smile. Looking at him she probably could guess who he was.

'One of those annoying fans,'

"Sorry Ms. Montfort isn't taking any gifts," she said curtly

"Oh no I'm not a fan," the boy said calmly "I'm here to see guild master Elena Montfort herself,"

'Oh is he-' Before she could finish her thought the boy spoke causing her to freeze

"I know she's currently in a bad state due to her unique skill and I have the cure,"

A sudden pressure descended on the boy "Who told you that information!?"

Despite the pressure weighing down on the boy his face still had that irritating smile on his face.

"Amanda," Hearing the voice Amanda immediately withdrew her pressure. Rolling down the window Elena looked at the boy.

"You said you have a cure correct?"

"Indeed I do,"

Elena looked at the boy and started to think.

'If he is lying we would discover it straight away but from his bold approach it seems he has some sort of ace up his sleeve'

"Amanda when is my next appointment,"

"In about an hour ma'am," 

"Alright, how about you get in," Elena offered "and can we talk somewhere private"

"With pleasure," However, before the boy went in he looked at something in the distance "Is something wrong?"

"Nah," after getting in the car they drove out of the parking lot.