
The Ninja King

This is a Naruto Fanfic. All characters other than the main character don't belong to me. Reborn as the twin brother of Naruto is tough. Getting a system is a must. See as Menma Uzumaki conquers everything.

Vainwander · Anime et bandes dessinées
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The Beginning of chaos

I awoke abruptly, my eyes darting open to a deafening roar that resonated through the air. Confusion gripped me as I attempted to rise, only to discover a startling revelation—I had lost all strength, my efforts to push myself up futile. Panic surged within me, and my gaze darted around, desperately seeking answers for this bewildering situation. It was then that I made a startling discovery—I had undergone a weird transformation, reduced to a mere fraction of my former self. My hands, once large and capable, were now tiny and delicate, with minuscule fingers.

Before I could fully comprehend the gravity of my predicament, a mighty roar shook the very ground beneath me, drawing my attention. A colossal figure emerged from my peripheral vision, its vibrant orange presence dominating the scene. A mere second passed before it lunged forward, its massive claws poised to bring a swift end to my existence. Time seemed to slow down as I helplessly witnessed the impending doom, the claw, colossal in comparison, closing in on me.

Yet, fate had other plans. Just as the massive claw was about to land, two figures appeared with breathtaking agility, positioning themselves between me and my impending end. The claw pierced through their body, successfully halting the massive claw just inches from my vulnerable chest. The sudden turn of events left me overwhelmed, struggling to process the events that had occurred which resulted in saving me from certain demise.

However, before my mind could process and understand the situation, a tiny cry hovered in the air. I turned my gaze towards the source, finding a baby with radiant yellow hair and endearing whiskers. The sight added another layer of confusion to the already surreal scenario. Overwhelmed by the intensity of the situation, my senses grew hazy, and the world around me blurred. My exhaustion won, and I surrendered to my slumber.

In that moment, the stars increased their brightness as if welcoming someone extraordinary. The seas started raging the shores as if they wanted to clean the earth to welcome the guest. The wind started picking up and kept pushing the leaves to make a peaceful melody. The situation suggested that the nature was welcoming something. The world seemed to be happy for a second and went back to normal the next second.

It has been a year since I have come to this world, and I was able to pick up some information. This is a ninja world. I was born when the nine tails demon fox attacked the village. I have a twin brother. Although we are twins, we have a similar face, but we have different hair color. While my brother hair is bright yellow, I was born with deep red hair. We both had whiskers. His name is Uzumaki Naruto, and my name is Uzumaki Menma. We both have been in an orphanage since that day. What I was able to pick up was that it seemed that the matron hated both of us. She would sometimes not even feed us for days or would not even give a blanket when it was cold. She has never even taken us outside for a walk.

What surprises me more is that me and my brother can stay alive with these harsh conditions. I am pretty sure any other baby would have died. I was able to figure out that this was a ninja world because anytime the matron tries to do something extreme to me or my brother, few people with different animal masks would swiftly stop her from proceeding. They had clothes that would scream ninja to anyone.

The first 6 months were used to get adjusted to this world and doing baby things. As a baby, I have a very low awake period. I sleep few hours, wake up a few hours and repeat this loop. This is my second life. In my first, I was killed at 19 years because I didn't submit to a few people. I was neither a genius nor athletically fit, but I was brave. I did feel fear many times but that only lasts for a few seconds before I suppress it and face the situation. If I was given a choice between living 100 years but being a normal person, and living for a day as a king, then I would choose living as a king any day. This got me trying to climb the government ladder. But because of my personality, many despised me and hence, my journey had slowed down a lot. Not doing the slave work of the higherups just was the cherry topping they needed to end my life.

Since I got another chance to live, this life I would stay at the top. I will conquer everything in my way. I won't stop until nothing is left. That is the goal, and the ultimate destination I must reach.

As I was thinking through my thoughts, I suddenly heard an old voice. It was an old man with dark spots on his face and had many wrinkles. He wore a white overcoat and an oversized hat and had a cigar in his mouth. He stared directly at Naruto and me.

"What is their condition?" asked the old man.

"Hokage-sama, the condition is getting worse. The matrons that we replace with also don't treat them well. Due to the rumor spreading about them being the spawns of the nine tails, many don't have a good opinion about them." Said the masked individual.

There was silence for a while and then the old man turned around and walked out. While this all was happening, I was just staring at the old man. He seems well respected and in a high authority position. Why would he come to visit us? Is it that we are his grand children? That seems unlikely. There is no love in his eyes. This kept me confused for a while, as I came up with many crazy theories about why he came to see us.

I just started writing this fanfic. Please do help me get better as I help you get your entertainment.

Vainwandercreators' thoughts