
The Next Rune God

humanity has been brought to the bottom of the food chain in a instant Vampires werewolves Demons mutated monsters and the worst angels humanity wasn't ready they were already having a nuclear war and many new diseases god has seemed to abandoned the world but he left one chance to fix the world but can it be fixed this is my first original novel I am currently working on a rune system for the novel tags I couldnt put in for some reason: #Noharem, #Rune system any more I should out in just comment I am not a writer or I would post more chapters english is my worst subject but I thought this would be fun cover is not mine if you want to taken down comment and if I see it I'll take it down this novel is for me to enjoy writing it will probably be slow

Yodaren_Gaming · Urbain
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Chapter 3

I wake up and eat some canned raviolis with Jack then I had a idea if he's so big he could carry more storage for me I get the backpacks and get to work carving I have 10 backpacks that I hopefully will be able to get two uncommon runes carved I get to work after 5 attempts I was able to get 1 uncommon I continue to test my theory and it works after the rest I get one more uncommon rune so for every 5 #5Ex runes I make I get one uncommon rune for now I'm sure it will increase as I get better at rune carving I tie them together with a rope I got and make sure it is a little big and adjustable so if he gets bigger it will be able to fit him I put it by where he likes to lay down Jack starts sniffing it I say "it's so you can start pulling your weight around here I cant have a lazy dog for what's out there" Jack seems exited to be able to help me

I get ready to apply the Rune #8TS I have read through the basics and I know it will hurt now as much as my first rune I also practiced it around 50 times with some paper they cant do anything but I got some that looked like uncommon and one that looked like a rare which isn't surprising the #69Rad rune is rare type and #5Ex is rare type but should be epic because of the uses it can have but #8TS is uncommon type because it cant interact with the environment besides gathering mana to fuel the rune which is something I'm still skeptical about why can't we use mana if it's everywhere I take the ink this is going to hurt a lot more because I don't have electricity and take longer because I have to use it like a ink pen

after a few hours I finished and I guess that hard work payed off because I got my first rare grade rune it makes it 15 times easier to train stamina and gives a 2 times boost to agility and strength training which is insane there are runes for agility and strength they are #9TST and #10TA but I will save those for later Endurance cant be trained with tier 1 runes its linked to willpower and that's tier 2 and above and the requirements to become a tier 2 rune master is you need to create 5 epic grade runes that are epic type which is hard but I didnt expect it to be easy

after carving the rune I get ready to head to the mall I plan to get the rest of the military section then and some more of the clothes I call Jack and put the backpacks on him and get my backpack and we go when we are walking Jack jumps onto a car and caves it in Jack is strong we get there and empty the military section I have taken a lot from there already so there was just some more guns and we didn't just ever take from the front we went into the back the same goes for the food then we went to the clothes shop and got the clothes from there then we start heading back I think to myself what else do I need from the mall ah yes next time I will be raiding the pharmacy I don't know if the pills will be any good but the other medical supplies will be we get back home and eat canned food then I get ready to sleep it has been a productive day

I wake up and start a work out regimen that is designed to help me work on my stamina I do it outside so the #69Rad rune can keep absorbing radiation also when I take a break I study the runes and there uses I have Jack running around with heavy items in bags I use basic rune backpacks for this because it requires more strength to lift (time skip incoming)

Its been 1 month since I started the routine and I cant progress any more with my routine Jack has become very big he was 3 times the normal size before the routine now he is 10 times the normal we looted the mall for all its worth I made all the back packs in the mall into rune backpacks I have 60 basic grade backpacks and 11 uncommon now the math doesnt add up that's because I got my first rare grade rune it has really good features it cuts the weight by 90 percent and makes the back pack 20 times bigger I have 8 backpacks tied together on Jack all uncommon and all my stuff in there I plan to search the city and then go out of the city to try to find survivors your also probably wondering what's going to happen to the other backpacks that I carved runes onto I have a truck I keep them in it doesn't work but Jack can easily pull it that's how strong he has gotten I also had time to read the rune book I know the runes in and out I haven't carved any more because I felt that I didn't need them right now I didn't need more added to my routine I tested my stamina daily now it's 100 times what I had normally I eat more too that part of the reason I'm leaving my home I also removed the runes from my home because I don't want anyone else getting their hand on it until I release the runes to the survivors anyway we set off I remember there is a only canned food shop thats supposedly could last anyone a year is they bought the whole thing

as we are walking we look at the scenery it doesn't look pretty like nature but it has its own appeal a desolate street where no one can be seen except the occasional skeletons we get to the shop and it has a weird atmosphere Jack senses it too and starts growling I unhook the truck from Jack and slowly approach the door to look in then all of a sudden a mutated monkey jumps out at me Jack jumps at it I back away the monkey has no hair and a disfigured face with one extra limb it also it a little bit bigger than it should be Jack easily kills it because he is really strong and bigger I open the door and tell Jack "is there anymore in the building" Jack shakes his head he is very smart I go in because I trust Jack and the food is all gone the monkey must have ate it all only the cans were left I hear a commotion out side and I see Jack fighting a bunch of mutated monkeys I get a machete out ready to fight the monkeys there are 10 of them 2 come towards me I get ready to fight I slash at one of them cutting it in half the other one jump at me I dodge and decapitate the monkey and Jack finishes killing the other monkeys with a little effort I burn there body's and hook the truck back to back to get a move on but then we see a wave of monkeys I know Jack and me cant handle them so I say "Jack Run" and he starts running faster than a car luckily I secured the truck I know they will chase me as long as I'm in the city so we need to get out of the city

(I am studying the Dao of Cliffhanger I'm just a beginner at it)