
The Next Realm Over

After eons of fighting, an unknown force banished all gods and beings with supernatural powers to a new realm, the Next Realm Over. Any descendants of gods were also affected. The Next Realm Over, the new realm of the gods, had massive cities housing all gods and their descendants. Each major god group had their own land. In all god societies, there was one absolute rule, no breeding with other factions. Most followed the rule, but a select few didn’t. The ones born from two gods of different origins were either born a demigod of one side or born with no powers at all. That was the case until Set, God of Storms, and Hecate, Goddess of Magic and the moon met and had a son, Soban the hybrid.

Billy_Bags · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Ares II

Three months have passed and Soban was still getting beat, but he was able to hold his own for a minute each time. Anubis watched the training sessions while training his mind. Aella had gone off to school in Minerva to practice more spells.

"Faster, Soban, counterattack faster," Ares ordered.

Soban struggled to get up after Ares' recent attack. Ares walked forward and Soban swung his flail at Ares' leg but Ares quickly jumped over the attack and landed feet first on Soban's chest. Soban let out a sickly cough and closed his eyes. Ares chuckled and hopped off Soban. Suddenly, Ares was tripped and he landed on his back with his eyes wide open.

"I got you!" Soban yelled excitedly.

Ares got up instantly and looked back at the happy Soban. The crook Soban used had a blue glow.

"A barrier?" Ares said, confused by what just happened.

"Yup, I used it to block your stomp then pretended to get hurt. I used the moment you thought I was hurt to attack, and it worked," Soban explained happily.

Ares wasn't smiling. The look on his face slowly stopped Soban from smiling. Anubis looked on curiously.

"Great job!" Ares yelled with glee.

He quickly rushed to Soban and picked him up with one arm. Soban felt Ares' power strongly when they were in contact. It made him dizzy and burned his skin.

"Whoa, don't get too crazy now," Soban said.

"Even though it was a dirty trick, you are now the seventh person to ever lay a hand on me. It didn't hurt, but it landed. I was only ever hurt on three of those occasions, but that's a tale for another day," Ares said.

Darkness swirled around Ares and Soban, Anubis appeared in front of them. Anubis took a deep breath and forced a smile.

"I would like a shot at the God of War," Anubis said bluntly.

Ares laughed and set Soban down. He took a step forward and looked down on Anubis. He stood a foot over Anubis and was much more muscular. Anubis didn't back down.

"Anubis, how old are you?" Ares asked.

"Seventeen, but that doesn't matter, use your full power against me," Anubis insisted.

Ares shook his head and hopped back. He observed the darkness pooling around Anubis. It was alive, it flowed and made an odd humming sound. You could sense the souls of thousands in it. You could hear their cries of sadness.

"As you wish. Soban, go into the stands, observe this match and learn from it," Ares ordered.

Soban quickly ran away into a door. He was seen shortly after on the highest levels in the coliseum. Soban sat and shuffled in his seat with excitement.

Anubis rose a few feet in the air on pillars of darkness. Ares threw his blunt sword away and put his hands down.

"No weapons? How brave," Anubis said.

"You don't know anything yet, young god. My power is like an endless ocean, yours is like the sweat on the brow of an energetic child."

Anubis raised his arm and formed a ball of darkness in his hand. Ares raised one hand to defend himself. Anubis yelled and disappeared. Instantly, Ares realized what Anubis was doing and swung his arm behind himself. Anubis quickly reentered Ares' shadow and popped out of another.

"Tricks run in the family, I like it," Ares said.

Anubis popped in and out of shadows all while launching clouds of darkness towards Ares. With grace, Ares effortlessly blocked all of the attacks with a gentle wave of his hand. He looked around to see if he could find Anubis. No luck, Anubis was perfectly hidden. Anubis popped out of a pillar high up in the coliseum and floated above Ares. Ares laughed while looking up at Anubis. Anubis threw his arms out and spun around rapidly. A cloud of darkness escaped from his body and covered the area.

"Have fun with this," Anubis said when he stopped spinning.

Thousands of dead soldiers appeared. They landed on the ground and ran at Ares. They were soldiers from various moments of history. Some had flesh still on them, some didn't. Ares grinned as he prepared himself. He jumped into the swarm of enemies and began tearing them apart barehanded. Their swords shattered against his body as if made of thin ice

"Is this the build up to something great? Cause this is too easy," Ares boasted after killing half of the troops.

Anubis popped out of the shadow behind Ares and swung a blade of darkness towards Ares' neck. Ares caught the blade in his bare hands and threw Anubis while he gripped the blade. Anubis flew through the air and vanished into darkness before he hit the walls of the coliseum. He rose up from the shadow of one of his undead soldiers and watched Ares.

"Ready to see what makes me dangerous?" Ares said, his tone now menacing.

Anubis didn't say anything but Ares didn't wait. Enthusiastically, Ares clapped his hands together and a small flash shone from his hands. The undead warriors were knocked back a few feet. Ares was holding nothing in his hands. Confused, Anubis cocked his head to the side. Ares began cutting down the undead warriors with nothing.

"An invisible sword? That's it?" Anubis said to himself.

Ares smiled and continued cutting down the soldiers and getting closer to Anubis. Anubis vanished when Ares came close and went to another area. Ares clapped his hands once more and he held his hand high. Anubis readied himself for Ares' assault. Ares smiled and flicked his wrist downward. Anubis was knocked into the ground and was unconscious instantly. Still smiling, Ares quickly put the weapon to his side and spun around and blew every undead soldier away. They disappeared into darkness and Ares stood with no damage done to him.

"And the match goes to Ares," Ares said.

Soban skipped down the steps and then jumped into the arena. He rushed to Anubis who was slowly getting up.

"Anubis!" Soban yelled.

Anubis held his hand up and pushed Soban away. He stood on wobbly legs for a few seconds then dusted his gold jewelry off and bowed.

"Wow, that was incredible, I tried as hard as I could," Anubis said while taking off his headdress and rubbing his bald head.

"You did well, I had to use the basic version of my ability, and not many people can force me to do that," Ares said.

A loud knock came from the outside. It turned into a huge bang as whoever was outside slammed into the barrier. Ares rushed away and waved for Anubis to hide himself. Anubis sunk into darkness and Soban made sure he was in Greek form. Soban heard Ares talking to someone. He crept closer and closer to hear what was going on.

"They are attacking us periodically, go and settle things for good this time," an unfamiliar voice said.

"It will be done," Ares said confidently.

"Don't leave a single demigod or god blooded creature alive," the voice said.

"Yes, Lord Poseidon," Ares said.

"By the way, why do you have this barrier up?" Poseidon asked.

"I finally have a new student," Ares said happily.

"Well, you will be gone for a long while, you will have to set up someone to supervise his training until you come back," Poseidon said, ending his sentence with a yawn.

"I have someone in mind."

"May I see this student?"

"Hybrid, come out," Ares ordered nervously.

Soban waited a few seconds before walking out into the open. He walked down a hallway to where Ares and Poseidon stood.

"Great god Poseidon, it is a pleasure meeting you," Soban said and bowed his head and didn't look up for several seconds.

"Pretty formal for a kid. What are you, ten?" Poseidon asked, looking more at the ground than at Soban.

Soban looked up and saw a man nearly as tall as Ares but he couldn't tell if he had any muscles due to the thick blue robe on his body. He had a long damaged looking beard that was gray on the outside and dark gray on the inside. He had a large golden trident in his right hand and he also had a necklace with a miniature city inside a sphere of water.

"Eleven," Soban replied firmly.

"Impressive, the last student of Ares was only able to train under him when was an adult. The fact that you can even stand next to me at your age or any age is a feat that not many can do," Poseidon said while looking at Soban's weapons.

"Thank you, Lord Poseidon," Soban said and bowed once more.

"Why do you use the weapon of an Egyptian pharaoh?" Poseidon said bluntly.

"Um, that's why I'm called the Hybrid, Greek origin, Egyptian weapon," Soban lied not so gracefully.

"Interesting, seems kind of blasphemous but I will allow it. What shall you do after your training here is done?" Poseidon asked.

Soban glanced at Ares for permission to tell his actual goal. Ares nodded and Soban looked back at Poseidon.

"I'm going to kill Ra," Soban said coldly.

Poseidon looked at him skeptically. He raised his golden trident and swung it at Soban. In a flash Soban raised his crook and caught the attack but was knocked to the side slightly. Poseidon laughed and the ground shook.

"You have great potential, you better train hard, and if you do I'll give you a lesson in a few years," Poseidon said and raised his hand.

Soban readied himself for another attack but that wasn't what came. Poseidon manifested a necklace similar to his own. He handed it to Soban who put it on immediately.

"What is this?" Soban asked.

"It's a necklace of mine, there are only three of them in existence. This one is called Sirenia. It is a city that has many thousands of magical mermaid-siren hybrids living there. The result is that you have a barrier around you that protects you from all forms of fire and heat, even Ra's heat," Poseidon explained.

Soban's eyes filled with joy and he ran to hug Poseidon.

"No no no, go and continue training before I reverse my senile decision," Poseidon yelled.

With glee, Soban ran away and back into the arena of the coliseum. Poseidon returned his icy blue eyes to Ares.

"Why did I just do that?" Poseidon asked Ares.

"He's a likable kid, and he dreams big, something most gods don't do" Ares responded.

Poseidon shook his head and walked away. Ares left with him and closed the barrier. He came back an hour later with a man in a golden robe. He was nearly as tall as Ares and just as muscular. They walked into the arena and approached Soban.

"Soban, this is my greatest student, he came to me when he was nineteen and has been my right-hand man since the transfer to this realm. His name is Achilles and he is a very skilled person," Ares explained with pride.

Soban had heard of Achilles before, he had bested three pharaohs, three on one, even with them using their enchanted weapons. Achilles walked forward and inspected Soban.

"So this is the mythical hybrid?" Achilles said, his voice deep but welcoming.

"My name is Soban," Soban corrected.

"Sorry, my young friend," Achilles said.

Ares led the both of them to the center of the arena.

"Soban, fight Achilles using all your power. Show him what you have learned. I, however, must go," Ares ordered.

"Even the Egyptian power?" Soban asked.

"Of course," Ares said, now exiting from the coliseum.

Soban took several steps back and smiled at Achilles. He growled and charged forward. Achilles' robe turned into spectacular looking armor. Soban hesitated for a second and Achilles pulled out his spear from his armor. It wasn't a traditional spear, however, it was glowing orange and it was made of a gold colored material.

"Don't hesitate, charge," Achilles said.

Soban continued and raised his crook. Achilles jabbed his spear at Soban's chest. The spear bounced off the magic shield of the crook and Soban swung his flail at Achilles' waist. Achilles didn't move. The flail impacted the golden armor and was blasted back, sending Soban with it.

"I never need to block, my armor is impenetrable," Achilles said.

Soban picked himself up off the ground and sighed in annoyance. His eyes darkened and his skin did the same. Achilles smiled and a plate covered the open part of his helmet.

"Block this," Soban yelled.

Storm clouds formed overhead and Soban floated in the air. Winds swirled around the coliseum and Anubis rose out of the shadows and took a seat in the stands. He removed his headdress and locked it to his waist.

"We practiced this move for Ares, it will definitely hit you, and whether or not it will hurt you will remain to be seen," Anubis said loudly to cut through the sound of the roaring wind.

Achilles didn't move and the storm clouds started to crackle with electricity. Achilles quickly whipped his spear through the air. It moved like a blur, even to Anubis. It pierced Soban through his stomach and the clouds disappeared. Soban looked down but he wasn't bleeding and there was no wound.

"Your powers have been sealed for ten minutes, enjoy the beat down I'm about to give you," Achilles said as he slowly walked towards the descending Soban.

Achilles snapped his fingers and the spear he threw disappeared. Soban raised his crook and attempted to raise its shield but it didn't respond. Soban quickly dropped his weapons and ran into Achilles and grabbed one leg. He used all his strength to lift Achilles and swept his leg out from under him. Achilles' armor morphed back into his normal clothes and he let himself be slammed into the ground.

"Great takedown, but not good enough," Achilles said.

Achilles used the remaining forward momentum to propel Soban into the air. Soban landed hard on the ground and slowly got to his feet. Achilles quickly got up and rushed Soban. The eyes of Achilles were filled with intrigue as he fought Soban. Soban tried to land a punch but Achilles repeatedly countered or dodged. Soban's face began to show desperation and he went for another takedown.

"Too slow," Achilles said.

Achilles swung his elbow down right at Soban's spine. Soban spun instantly and grabbed Achilles' arm and flipped Achilles over him. Achilles jerked his legs to the side and spun to counter the throw and landed on his feet. Soban held on to Achilles' arm and wrapped his legs around it as well. Achilles tried to shake him off but Soban tightened his grip. Achilles laughed and cocked his arm back. He thrusted his arm forward with full force to whip Soban off. Soban let go right as he swung his arm, sending Achilles off balance.

"You are a tricky little boy," Achilles said while trying to stay upright.

Soban landed on his feet and continued attacking Achilles. He managed to push Achilles over and jumped on his back. He threw a few punches to the back of Achilles' head while Achilles just laughed. Achilles stood without difficulty and tossed Soban off. Soban tried to get up but Achilles grabbed the back of his neck and lifted him off the ground.

"Give up," Achilles ordered.

"Ok, I give up," Soban struggled to say.

Achilles dropped him and started clapping. Soban rubbed his sore neck and stood up.

"How did I do?" Soban asked.

"You need some improvement, but I have high hopes for your trickery, we will focus on it as a main fighting point," Achilles replied.

Achilles walked over and picked up Soban's crook and flail. He looked them over while walking back to Soban. Soban reached up and Achilles handed the weapons over. The mighty warrior towered over the young Soban. His dark hair and dark eyes were intimidating and Soban was a bit more scared of him than Ares but felt a strange connection with him.

"So what's the next exercise, some sparring?" Soban asked.

"No, let's train your evasiveness and durability; it will work well with your trickster fighting style," Achilles responded after a short pause.

"That should be exciting!" Soban said.

"I won't hold back like just now, are you ok with that?"

"Of course, master Achilles."

Achilles smiled and rubbed Soban's head.

"Just call me Achilles."

Soban nodded and he walked backwards to prepare for the training session. Anubis chuckled and put his headdress back on and returned to the shadows.

"I'm going to throw spears at you and you are going to dodge them," Achilles said and pulled a spear from his clothes.

Soban nodded and Achilles began tossing the weapons at him.