
The Next Idol

Kai’s guide on living as a girl idol in his next life .

rinchen_z_ · Urbain
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What on earth is happening around me?!!

No! What the Hell in the world happened to me!!!

The panic and nervousness was oozing out from Karina together with her sweats, who dashed herself out of the practice studio and hid herself inside one of the door of toilet cubicles.

This was definitely not what she had expeced would ever happen to her. It was as if the world itself was playing a joke on her but ofcourse she didn't found it funny.

This definitely does not feel like a dream.

Karina concluded. She can feel her own loud thumping heart beat and the slight cold breeze on her skin from her previous sweats from practice.

Awwww~~ what kind of mess have she gotten herself into Karina stomped her feet in frustration.

Her name wasn't even Karina to begin with.

To hell with Karina!! she wasn't even a Girl to begin with.

He used to be a very passionate street dancer in the world of hip-hop with his own crew until at the age of 30 he scored himself a jackpot and became one of the most in-demand choreographer around the whole world, coming up with numerous trending choreographies and setting up mind blowing performances on the stages around the globe.

That was until he just turned 40 and to his delight he and his crew were invited to perform infront of the US president himself, a huge honor for anyone out there who always wanted to prove their worth to the world and this invitation was like a medal of success, that finally all their sweats and hard work have been finally recognized by the people who once looked down upon them for their passion. And that they never gave up.

But before all these could happen and he could enjoy the glory with his teammates, he found himself among a group of beautiful young ladies discussing about their formation during a song verse.

Somehow he managed to calm himself or rather just stayed quite and analyzed what was happening suddenly.

Weirdly enough not only was he able to understand what they were talking about but also speak those same words exactly. Which he later recognized it as the Korean language called Hangul.


How did this happened??! I don't ever remember learning this language!! Is this some kind of witch craft?

Kai almost lost his calm when he smoothoy understood what they were talking about and noded along .

Coming from a Vietnam-American family, Kai could also proudly say that he knew much more language than a normal person does but korean was definitely not one of them.

Korean became a very popular language to learn, due to all the Kdramas and Kpop which were a big hit at that time.

He also knew a few of them but being a middle aged man by that time, he wasn't that interested in fanning over some idols who were not even half his age, so he mainly focused on pure hip-hip songs and coming up with dance moves.

Who knew that one day he would end up as one of those kpop idols whom he once thought was childish.

Kai wanted to laugh at his own situation but his heart and mind both denied and neither did his face cooperate with him, it felt heavy.

Kai's face was as black as a pot right now, seating himself on one the benchs around the terrace and breathed in some fresh air to cool his head .

Something which could only ever happen in those fictional novels were suddenly brought to reality and that too in his life.

Kai didn't knew how to react.

Should he be happy that he was once again given a chance to live and experience a different life?

or sad for his almost full-filled but unfinished dreams and passion?

I need help. SOS

Basically writing this novel to fullfill my fantasy now

rinchen_z_creators' thoughts