
The New Vampire (book 1)

zamanyasmeen97 · Fantaisie
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Chapter Three

After a painful and horrible night Lily got ready for school but she couldn't find the jacket she wanted but then she remembered that she was wearing the night she attacked that innocent man so she probably left it where ever she attacked that man so she decided to put on a different jacket. After she was ready she went downstairs to the kitchen to get some breakfast when her brother walked in.

" Are you okay Lily after last night?" Luke asked his sister concerned.

" I am okay Luke don't worry." Lily replied carefully as if nothing had happened last night.

" How could I not worry Lily you scared the hell out of me when you just ran up the stairs like that never do that again!" Luke said whilst raising his voice a bit.

" I am sorry I didn't mean to scare you like that, I am okay, I promise Luke I would never lie to you ever." Lily said quietly while her lips quivered.

After their conversation Luke dropped Lily off at school, the first thing she did was try to look for Alex but she couldn't see him anywhere. Meanwhile back at the den Alex decided that he wasn't going to the high school where Lily was because he knew it would be weird if he went back after what had happened at her house last night. So Alex decided that he was going to kidnap Lily without her brother knowing so he would have to plan everything to the last detail to make sure that Luke wouldn't notice that Lily was gone and wasn't going to come back home for a while so he made the plan that he would tell Lily to tell Luke that she was staying at a friends house for a good while so her brother didn't worry.

Back at the school Lily was in English when all of a sudden she got a terrible pain in her stomach so she quickly put her hand up and asked the teacher whether she could be excused so as soon as she was excused she raced as fast as she could to the girls bathroom thankfully no one was in there but Lily was in so much pain that she ended up punching the wall but what Lily didn't know is that she was transforming again and she wished the pain would stop but it just got worse and worse. Her fangs ended up coming out and Lily was so confused as to why she had fangs she was so scared that she covered her mouth and after about twenty minutes of this she ended up staying in the bathroom for the rest of second period and when the bell went for lunch she went to get food but as she was lining up to get food Alex appeared out of nowhere.

" After school be careful." Alex said mysteriously.

" Why do I need to be careful?" Lily questioned him.

" You'll see." Alex replied.

She looked at him curiously and walked off confused. She didn't know this boy so why was he saying stuff like this? After a long three hours, she walked home hoping to prove this Alex as she didn't want him to be right. But she was so wrong it was his fault that she had too be careful. He made eye contact and left the school grounds but Lily got a glimpse of Alex before he went and she just carried on walking home. When she got home she noticed that her brother wasn't home and that was unusual because he was normally home when she came home from school. So she tried texting him and waited twenty minutes and there was still no reply from Luke, so she tried ringing him and his phone went straight to voicemail which has never happened to Lily before. After waiting an hour for Luke to come back home with no luck she decided to go and look for him so she left the house and went looking in the normal places he would be. The first place that Lily went to look for Luke was where he worked.

" Hey Lily, how are you." Luke's manager asked her as she walked in.

" I am fine thanks but I was wondering if you have seen Luke because he isn't at home." Lily asked with fear in her voice.

" No I haven't Lily sorry he didn't turn up for his shift." His manager replied with a concerned looking face.

" Oh well, thanks anyway bye." Lily said whilst walking out of the shop.

" Bye." Luke's manager shouted as she walked out of his shop.

After looking for Luke everywhere she could think he would be but she had no luck whatsoever so she decided to check the park. When she got there there was no one there the park was quiet and not a single person was there but then again it was about ten o clock at night so after the park she decided to go back home and see if he was there. When Lily got home she noticed the door was unlocked so she had her hopes up that Luke was home but when she entered the house she noticed a trail of blood leading to the living room she had the shock of her life. Luke was lying on the floor with blood all over him and he was passed out.

"Luke!" Lily shouted as she dropped her bag and ran into the living room and knelt beside him.

" Please be okay." Lily whispered while tears started to form in her eyes.

Luke was lying on the floor with blood all over his face, body and hands and once Lily checked to see if he was okay he wasn't breathing and had cuts and bruises all over his body like he was attacked by an animal so she rang for the police and ambulance while tears were flowing down her cheeks. After waiting 10 minutes for the police and for an ambulance arrived at her house and while the paramedics were lifting her brother into the ambulance the officers that were there asked Lily if she could come to the station to answer a few questions but Lily refused because she wanted to go with her brother and after she refused the officers allowed her to go with her brother to the hospital. Once they arrived at the hospital Luke was sent into surgery and Lily was told to wait in the waiting room so she walked to the waiting room with tears flowing down her cheeks and she sat down shaking. After waiting a few hours it was now 1 am and the doctor told Lily some news that she was dreading so much that they couldn't save him and that Luke was now dead....