
The New Vampire (book 1)

zamanyasmeen97 · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Chapter Seven

Once Lily recovered from the shock of seeing the person who took her, she kept thinking why would Luke do this and why would he kidnap her. Back at the den Alex was worrying so much that the other vampires were concerned because Alex has never worried this much about anyone in his life. After everyone came back from looking on the streets they all told Alex that they had no luck in finding Lily, so Alex decided to look  around and next to the tree that Lily was before she disappeared. Alex walked out of the den and went to the tree and he seen a phone on the ground but the thing was that is wasn't Lily's phone so Alex thought it must be one of the people's who took her so Alex picked the phone up and ran back to the den up to diagnostics so the tech vampire could see if he could check where this person had been in hope of finding Lily.

Back to Lily, she was still tied up to the chair so she tried to get out of it but couldn't as the rope were very tight. After trying to get out of the ropes for about ten minutes a door opened so Lily quickly stopped and looked around as if she wasn't doing anything. Someone she didn't know came into the room and dragged her and the chair to a different room to where Luke was. Once they put Lily's chair down they slammed her down back into the chair and tied her up ferociously and walked towards Luke and the group of them started to whisper about something but Lily couldn't make out what they were whispering about and once they finished whispering and pointing they all walked to the other side of the room whilst Luke started to walk towards Lily with  a stern look on his face indicating that he wasn't happy.

" I thought you were dead, how are you still alive?" Lily asked Luke whilst trying to hold back her tears.

" Well I'm not dead." Luke replied bluntly.

" I can see that Luke, but why have you kidnapped me and what do you want with me?" Lily questioned him whilst looking at him in disbelief.

"  I am alive because i faked my death , people in the hospital were in on it and I brought you here because I want to ask you some questions." Luke stated quite clearly.

" Ok but why did you have to fake your death?" Lily asked quietly but Luke heard her.

"Stop with the questions, I am asking the questions!" Luke shouted at her whilst he slapped Lily's face.

" O...okay." Lily stuttered after being hit, with her face stinging and red.

" Who is Alex?" Luke asked her while raising his voice a little.

"I don't know who you are going on about." Lily stated while quivering.

" Yes! You do stop lying to me!" Luke shouted at the top of his voice.

"Answer my question!" Luke shouted at Lily whilst she was shivering from the cold.

" N...no I don't know who Alex is." Lily said quietly.

" Okay, bring her back to the back room whilst I make a call." Luke told his fellow people to do.

Back at the den Alex had no luck with getting the information off of the phone as it was blanked out like it was meant to be left there, so Alex decided to go back to the tree to see if he could find anything else which would help get Lily back. After looking for about ten minutes Alex sat on the wall thinking how was he going to find Lily, but while he was sat on the wall thinking someone put their hand over his mouth and put him into a van. Alex tried to get out but he couldn't as he was weak and the only thing that could have made him weak was vervain. One guy in the front of the van said that the van was laced with vervain as they had already grabbed another vampire and when they said that the only thought that went through his head was that Lily was the other vampire they grabbed and a horrible thought went through his head, what if they are torturing her and why do they want her. Back with Lily they guys that dragged her back to the other room she was in started to hit her and abuse her until she told them how she knew Alex but Lily wasn't going to give Alex up never in her life would she do that because she had faith that Alex would come and save her but what Lily didn't know was that they had Alex who was now being dragged into the main room where Luke was waiting and told them to bring Lily back into that room. After putting them both in the same room they all left including Luke to go and talk about what they were going to do and left Alex and Lily in the same room but away from each other.

" Lily are you okay?!" Alex shouted to her from the other side of the room.

Lily didn't answer at first as her face was beaten and so was her body and she had no energy to answer him but Alex hadn't seen Lily's face yet.

" Lily, answer me please are you okay?!" Alex asked her gently while concerned.

" I...I'm okay Alex." Lily told him while lifting her face up to his face.

" W...what has happened to you Lily.?" Alex question her with shock on his face from seeing Lily's face.

" T...they beat me and hit me because I wouldn't tell them how I knew you." Lily told him with tears flowing down her face as she was in a lot of pain.

" Why would you get hit for me, Lily don't do that ever again." Alex stated with pain in his voice.

" Because after everything you have done for me I wouldn't do that to you." Lily told him while attempting to get out from the chair but couldn't as she was still weak.

" Who took us, do you know Lily?" Alex asked her with some urgency.

" Y...yes." Lily told him.

" Who Lily?" Alex asked her quietly.

" It's Luke." Lily told him with even more tears flowing down her face.

After Lily told Alex how they took her and what they did to her, Alex was furious with what they did to her and after she explained what happened Luke and his posse came in. Luke went towards Alex with a massive grin on his face, he came close as possible to Alex whilst whispering to him that he would hurt Lily and Alex was so mad at him for saying that, he broke free from the ropes which meant that he now had his strength back. Alex went for Luke and kept punching him until his nose started to bleed and then he attacked the rest of them and freed Lily and they both ran as far as they could until Alex was sure that they were safe.