
The New Vampire (book 1)

zamanyasmeen97 · Fantaisie
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Chapter Nine

After saying to Alex that she was glad that Josh had tried to kill Luke, Alex's reaction was shock because he never thought that Lily would hate her brother as every time he mentioned Luke to Lily she started to burst out into tears so he thought that she actually cared about Luke but she clearly didn't care about her own brother. Alex then made his way to Josh who was sat in the training room feeling guilty about the fact he tried to kill Lily's brother.

" Josh." Alex said as he walked into the training room.

" Yeah." Josh replied nervously.

" I told Lily what happened to her brother." Alex told him with a grin on his face.

" Why are you grinning, what was her reaction, I bet she hates me now." Josh asked Alex while trying not to sound upset.

" No Josh, her reaction was surprising to me but she was happy we tried to kill  her brother." Alex stated whilst going to sit next to Josh.

" Why would she be excited that we tried to kill her brother?" Josh asked him curiously.

" She was mad he tried to hurt me and her." Alex told him.

" Sounds like you have an admirer." Josh chuckled.

"What no i don't." Alex replied to Josh while trying to hide his smile.

After speaking with Josh for a good half an hour Alex made his way to the main hall and sat down to think about what was he going to do now that he was back from being kidnapped with Lily but the thing was that he was wondering whether he liked Lily or just cared for her or both so he sat down on the steps in the entrance to the hall and sat thinking to himself for about a good two hours he finally decided to go and tell Lily how he felt but when he was heading towards Lily's room he got interrupted by one of the guards who was meant to be stationed at the entrance of the den came up to Alex and whispered to him that the tech vampires found where Luke is hiding and once Alex heard this he quickly rushed towards the tech room. As Alex entered the tech vampire was accompanied by Josh who was looking eager to hear what Alex was going to say.

"Where is he?" Alex asked urgently.

"He is currently hiding in an old abandoned warehouse." The vampire replied just as quick.

"What is the plan here Alex?" Josh asked him whilst standing up properly.

"Do you know how many man he has got with him?" Alex asked the vampire whilst looking at the blueprints of the warehouse.

"Around 10 maybe even 20 men as far as i could tell but at the state he is in he won't have more than 30 men." The vampire told Alex.

"Do you know where they are stationed?" Alex asked him whilst still looking at the blueprints of the warehouse.

"Yeah here, here and over here." The vampire replied whilst pointing in the direction where the men were stationed on the blueprints of the warehouse.

"So what are we going to do Alex?" Josh questioned him.

"We are obviously going to attack him but first we need a plan." Alex replied to Josh's question while smiling at him.

"What about Lily?" Josh asked him quietly.

"Lily isn't going to be coming I don't want her to get hurt." Alex told Josh.

"Tell every vampire who is available to meet in the great hall in twenty minutes and no one tell Lily." Alex told everyone in the room.

After informing the vampires that they wefe going to attack Luke and his men. Every vampire started to get weapons and their fangs out and made their way towards the exit of the den and made their way to the warehouse. Back with Lily as soon as she could settle she fell asleep but when she woke up no one was in the den, she checked every room and the last room she checked was the tech room which by her luck and a couple of vampires left and so she decided to back to her room and fall asleep or read a book. Back with Alex, once they all arrived at the warehouse they all hid behind bins and walls whilst they waited for the element of suprise and once the guards were facing the other way Alex signalled to the vampires on his left to attacked the guards quietly and once they did that everyone else made their way into the warehouse whilst being careful with their weapons and fangs at the ready. After about 10 minutes of killing each guard quietly without somehow Luke hearing, who was standing in the middle of a room talking on the phone, they all surrounded the room quietly whilst they waited for Alex's signal to move in. Once they got the signal to move in Alex told them not to kill him but capture him so that he could question him about something. So once the managed to captured Luke, who was a struggle to capture, they tied him up to a chair and faced him towards Alex who had a knife in his hand looking like he was ready to kill Luke.

" Why did you fake your death?" Alex asked Luke whilst coming closer to him with the knife in his hand.

" Because I did." Luke replied with a smirk on his face.

" TELL ME!" Alex shouted at him whilst coming even closer to him.

" No." Luke stated.

" Fine ." Alex said as he walked up to him and started to cut into his leg whilst Luke was screaming in pain.

"Okay, okay I will tell you." Luke shouted as he whimpered in pain.

"Why did you fake your death?" Alex questioned him once more.

" The person I work for said that in order for me to finish my initiation i have to fake my death so that no one i know or loved would find me." Luke replied whilst trying to stop the bleeding in his leg.

" Who do you work for?" Alex questioned him threateningly.

" I don't know his name, no one knows his name, only his nickname." Luke told him while trying to still stop the bleeding.

" Who  is IT!" Alex shouted whilst putting the knife on his other leg but not actually cutting it.

" Okay, okay! He is called the Hound that is his nickname that is all I know. I swear!" Luke exclaimed while begging Alex to leave his other leg alone.

Once Alex heard Luke say the Hound Alex knew instantly who he worked for as the Hound was once someone that Alex knew but he has never told anyone that he knew the Hound who became his enemy when the Hound betrayed Alex to someone and Alex barely made it out alive. Who is this mystery person?