
The New Vampire (book 1)

zamanyasmeen97 · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Chapter Eleven

Back with Alex, who was trying to explain to Lily's principle why she wasn't in school but he couldn't say the real reason so he had to make up an excuse as to why she hasn't been in so he just said the first thing that came into his head.

" Why hasn't Lily been in?" The principle asked Alex.

" She doesn't need to tell you!" Alex said to her while raising his voice a little.

" There's no need to raise your voice, but as the principle I need to know where she has been and why to see if it was suitable she hasn't been in school." The principle explained while standing from her chair.

" Okay, you wanna know that badly!" Alex shouted whilst standing up himself.

" There's no need to shout and yes I want to know." The principle replied.

" One her brother died a few weeks ago, two her parents have just disappeared from her life and she doesn't hear from them, she no longer has anyone else but me, so she hasn't been in school because  she needed time to think but to you and this school education is more important then a students mental and physical health!!" Alex yelled as loud as he could.

" Okay, um...well who is Lily living with now then." The principle asked while trying not to show her fear.

" Out of all I have just said that's all you care about, she is living with me." Alex replied while trying not to get angry.

After the conversation, back with Lily as soon as the door swung open she stood up as quick as she could and seen Alex leave the office looking angry. Once he came out he grabbed Lily and took her home. Once they arrived back to the den Lily went straight to her room to be alone but Alex followed her anyway because he wanted to speak to her to make sure she was okay but Alex was confused as to why he cared so much about Lily when he doesn't care about the other vampires as much as he does with Lily.

"Why did you follow me back to me room?" Lily asked him curiously.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay that's all." Alex told her while looking at her.

"Well i'm fine." Lily stated firmly.

"I also wanted to ask you something." Lily told him.

"Yeah." Alex replied.

"What did you tell my principle when you made me leave the office." Lily asked quietly.

"I think it is best if i don't tell you that Lily, sorry." Alex replied hesitantly.

Once they finished speaking to each other Alex made his way to his room and Lily fell asleep instantly the second he left her room as she was so exhausted from the events that occured today at school. Back with Alex, who was lying on his bed thinking how was he going tell Lily that liked her more then a friend but he put that thought away from his mind and went sleep. In the morning Alex called a meeting for all the vampires except Lily as he didn't want to include Lily in the business he had with the hound. As she didn't know the past that he had with the Hound and certainly didn't know that the Hound was a female and was Alex's ex girlfriend and so Alex didn't want to involve her for her own protection not his because he knew that if Lily found out about the Hound she would keep digging into it and find everything out about the Hound and wouldn't leave it.

Once Lily was asleep Alex made his way to the park on top of the den to meet someone who had information about the whereabouts of the Hound, he walked iut of the den towards a tree with a bench next to it and sat down waiting, impatiently with his hands on his knees with his arms crossed. After waiting about a good twenty minutes someone came down the path that led to where alex was. Alsx stood up as quick as a light when he heard someone come down the path. What the othe vampires didn't know is that Alex was meeting the hound. The shadow of a figure Alex turned around as quick as he heard the sound and he seen the person he thought he would never see in his life ever again.

The Hound was someone who Alex hoped Lily would never find out their true identity or who they were to Alex in the past because he didn't want her to freak out and stop seeing him. His fear was that if Lily found out the identity of the hound then she would never speak or see Alex ever again and he didn't want that to happen and if it did then his nightmare was happening.

Back at the den Lily was in her room fidgeting in her sleep as she was having a nightmare. She was tossing and turning in her sleep and back with Alex he could somehow feel that Lily wasn't okay so he quickly rushed into her room and seen her tossing and turning in her bed. He quickly walked over to her side and started to cuddle her to try and calm her down , whilst he was cuddling her to try and calm her down Lily woke up with a fright.

"Get off me !!!" Lily shouted which scared Alex as he didn't expect her to do that.

" Lily calm down! " Alex whispered loudly in her ear which made her stop turning around in her bed.

" What happened why are you hugging me? " Lily questioned him curiously.

" I think you were having a nightmare because i could hear you tossing and turning in your bed from where i was." Alex explained to her.

" Oh okay, but why were you hugging me?" Lily questioned him further.

" My little sister used to have nightmares and hugging her would stop them so i thought i would try it with you." Alex admitted to Lily.

" You have a sister?" Lily asked astounded.

" Yeah i had a sister." Alsx confessed.

" What happened to her if you don't mind me asking Alex?" Lily asked while Alex's arms were still holding her.

" The person that got Luke to kidnap you killed my sister a few years ago which is why i want to catch him to get revenge for my little sisters death." Alex explained while trying to make it sound that it doesn't bother him.

" Oh i'm so sorry Alex no one should ever have to go through that." Lily told him while hugging him back.

After this conversation Alex left Lily's room and headed back to the tech room to check whether or not The Hound appeared. With Lily once Alex left her room she started to think how Alex was there for her when she didn't even expect him to and after thinking about Alex for a good half an hour Lily went back to sleep. Alex checked the cameras but there was no signs of The Hound so he made his way to his room and tried to sleep but couldn't as he was up all night thinking about Lily.