
The New Vampire (book 1)

zamanyasmeen97 · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Chapter Eight

After establishing whether they were safe Alex and Lily started to make their way back to the den. Alex kept Lily in front of him whilst he was looking behind him every step of the way back to make sure that no one was following them and as far as Alex could tell no one was following them but what Lily was thinking was, Why would he fake his death?, What does he want with us? Once they arrived at the den Lily went to get some blood that they stored in a fridge and got a bottle out and started to drink while Alex went to speak to some of his closest friends about what just happened to him and Lily, so he went to the tech room where they would most likely be hanging out in.

" Alex there you are." One of them said as Alex walked in the room.

" I need to speak to you lot about what just happened." Alex told them.

" Why where were you?" Another one piped up.

" I was also taken by the people that took Lily when I went to look for her outside." Alex told them with a look of confusion as he would've thought they knew he was gone.

" Okay and what happened?" Josh asked him.

" The person who organised a group of guys to take us was Luke." Alex replied to Josh.

" W...wait as in Luke who we killed?" Josh questioned him curiously.

" Yes, well Luke who you killed for no reason." Alex told them with disappointment in his face and his voice.

After speaking to the other vampires Alex went to check on Lily who was in her room. Back with Lily she walked straight to her room once she got back from that weird event and she sat on her bed and started to think about how the hell was he alive, he died in front of her and she was like there is no possible way that he was alive but then again it was him but how did he know that she knew Alex and that she was staying with him. After thinking for about a good ten minutes Lily just realized that she was going back to school tomorrow. As she started to drift off to sleep she heard her door opened but ignored it and went to sleep as she was so exhausted. Back with Alex once he got to Lily's room he knocked on the door but there was no answer so he opened it as quietly as he could and peeped his head through the door to find Lily fast asleep on her bed so he left her to sleep and went to his room to think how was he going to let Lily go to school if she wasn't safe but he knew that he was being paranoid so he eventually drifted off to sleep.

In the morning Lily woke up with a startle thinking that someone was in her room but there was no one there so once she realised that no one was there she got up and started to get ready for school. Once she was ready she made her way out of the den and started to walk through the park but whilst walking she got stopped by Alex who was persisting that he walk her to school and home from school so they continued to walk to school and once they were there everyone started to look at Lily weirdly as the last time she was in school she ended up getting suspended, Lily ignored everyone as she walked to her first class. Alex stood at the school entrance and every girl was staring at him and whispering why was he with Lily but Alex paid no attention to all the girls fangirling over him and kept his eye on Lily to make sure she got into class safely and once she went into class, Alex wandered back to the den. Back with Lily as she walked into her first class someone walked up to her.

" What are you doing back here?" A girl questioned her.

" I was only suspended for a week." Lily replied quickly.

" Well, why are you hanging out with that cute boy when you came in?" The girl asked her while twirling her hair.

" He is my boyfriend." Lily told her while remembering that Alex told her to say that to anyone who asks about him.

" Oh." The girl replied whilst walking back to her seat.

After Lily's first lesson was over, she went to the cafeteria and sat down by herself as no one liked her after what happened before she got suspended. She sat in the corner of the cafeteria when a boy came up to Lily and sat next to her and throughout the day them two hung out and laughed all day until it was time to go home. As Lily was walking out of the school she seen Alex and walked up to him and they both walked back to the den and once they got back Alex told Lily that he needed to speak to her so she waited in her room for him but what Lily didn't know is that Alex was going to tell her that Josh killed him and that Alex tried to cover it up.

" So I need to tell you something." Alex told Lily whilst closing her bedroom door.

" Okay what is it?" Lily asked.

" You need to promise me you won't get mad at me with what I am going to tell you." Alex asked her.

" Okay just tell me." Lily said impatiently.

" You know how your brother was dead." Alex asked her.

" Yeah what about him?" Lily questioned him curiously.

" Well, Josh was the one who killed him." Alex told her with regret in his voice.

" W...what." Lily stuttered.

" He didn't mean to your brother went for him and so Josh only defended himself and ended up beating him up too hard which resulted in him killing your brother." Alex said to Lily while looking at her concerningly.

" Well, I don't care if he did kill him since Luke took me and hurt me and you, I'm glad Josh killed him but I kind of wished that it had actually worked though." Lily told Alex whilst looking shocked.

" I thought you would be mad." Alex stated.

" Well I'm not mad and if I was, you would know." Lily told him while smirking.