
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

sergeantmeat69 · TV
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66 Chs

We Are Not Kids

Two months have passed since Jordan quit as a member of the Batfamily and left Gotham City. In the hurry of leaving Bruce, Dick, and Barbara, and even his mother, he didn't even say goodbye. He has left his hometown and now resides in the west coast city of Jump City. Currently, he sits on a rooftop in a new costume. He still keeps the long black cape, black boots, and gloves, but he no longer has the knee pads, or elbow pads, or grey utility belt, or bat-shaped mask. He now wears a black bird-like cowl with green eyes. a green phoenix symbol on his chest, and a yellow utility belt. He looks at the civilians walking under him until he hears something in his cowl.

"All units, there was a robbery at 24th and King Plaza. The criminal is escaping by foot. He does have a gun, so he is armed and dangerous. Deal with him with caution," said the dispatcher.

"Finally. Something to do in this city," said Jordan.

Jordan pulls out his grappling hook and grapples to another building. He runs across the rooftops, looking for the criminal. He continues to look for him until he sees him run into the alley under him. He pulls out a sharp gadget that he calls a Claw of the Phoenix and throws it at the pistol, knocking it out of his hand.

"What was that?" asked the criminal.

"That was me," said Jordan.

The criminal turns his head and sees Jordan standing in front of him.

"Who the hell are you?" asked the criminal.

"I'm new to this town. The name's Dark Phoenix," said Jordan.

"I don't care what your name is. I won't let you stop me from getting my big score," said the criminal.

"Is your freedom worth less than a few thousand dollars?" asked Jordan.

"Bring it," said the criminal.

The criminal charges at the vigilante, but Jordan punches him in the face and breaks his nose. He then jumps and spin kicks him into the wall, knocking him out.

"I wanted to beat him a little, but this guy was too easy. I can't believe I'm saying this, but why aren't there any supervillains in this town?" said Jordan.

Seconds after he says this, a green shooting star rockets through the sky. The shooting star lands a mile away and creates a huge explosion.

"How convenient. JCPD can find this guy, I have bigger fish to fry," said Jordan.

Jordan grabs his grappling hook and grapples away from the alley. A mile away, people start to gather around the "shooting star". A girl in advanced handcuffs steps out of the crater and starts to yell in an alien language. A random bystander takes a picture and pisses her off. She smashes the ground, dispersing the crowd. She proceeds to smash the downtown area up in her anger. A few minutes pass until she sees a pizzeria shaped like a slice of pizza. She starts to smash the pillar that connects the second floor to the first. Before she can continue to smash the pillar, she is hit by a sharp object. She turns around and sees the young vigilante standing on a car.

"Who are you and why are you destroying my city?" asked Jordan.

The girl responds by pouncing on him like she's an angry lion. He dodges before he becomes ground beef.

"It seems like you don't like to talk. I don't want to fight a girl, but I will have to if you don't calm down," said Jordan.

The angry girl just continues to swing and Jordan easily dodges the mindless swings. He pulls an explosive out of his utility belt and throws it at the angry girl, but the explosion doesn't affect her.

"I have to find a way to take her down. Let's do some experimentation," thought Jordan.

Jordan pulls out an ice grenade and throws it at the girl. It freezes her, but it soon cracks after a minute. He pulls out an electrical gadget and throws it at the girl. He stuns her for a few seconds, but that's not enough. He charges at the girl and pulls out a syringe. He jumps on her and tries to stab her with it, but the needle breaks.

"She's pretty durable," thought Jordan.

The girl grabs the vigilante and slams him on the nearby building, cracking it. She then throws the vigilante into a car, smushing it.

"That hurts. Ok. Plan B. I have to brute force her," said Jordan.

Jordan gets back up and jumps out of the way before he is smashed by the angry girl. He pulls out his bo staff and slams it on the girl. It sends her flying a few feet back, but it shatters into tiny pieces.

"I just repaired it last night. Fine. I'll just have to use some blades," said Jordan.

Jordan pulls out to hilts and clicks a small button causing two light green blades to pop up. He runs up to her and tries to slice her up, but she takes little to no damage, but his blades break.

"And I just repaired these too," said Jordan.

The girl slams her restraints on the vigilante's chest and sends him flying into a building. The angry girl tries to pounce on the vigilante once again, but a green goat comes out of nowhere and headbutts her into another building. The green goat quickly transforms into a green boy in a hero costume.

"Ex Doom Patrol member Beast Boy at your service," said Beast Boy.

"So, you were part of the Doom Patrol? That's cool, I guess," said Jordan.

"Cool? Being part of the Doom Patrol was amazing," said Beast Boy.

"They're kind of nobodies now," said Jordan.

"Nobodies? They're legends!" said Beast Boy.

"Doom Patrol guy, turn around," said Jordan.

Beast Boy turns around and sees the girl lifting a bus. She throws the bus and the vigilante and green boy dodges it, but a dude in a hoodie jumps into the street and grabs the bus. He places the bus on the ground and looks at the girl.

"Yo! Who's messing up my neighborhood!" exclaimed the man.

"She started it," said Beast Boy.

"What is she?" asked Cyborg.

"Probably an alien, but I don't know what species," said Jordan.

"Maybe she's a Kryptonian," said Beast Boy.

"I've met Superman and Supergirl. She isn't one of them," said Jordan.

"So, what is she?" asked Beast Boy.

"We're going to have to find out," said Jordan.

The girl walks towards the three heroes and slams her gauntlet on the street, cracking it and destroying the upper layer of her gauntlets. She aims her arms at the heroes and starts to shoot laser bolts like her arms are Gatling guns. They run as the laser bolts hit everything else than her targets. She continues to spam the laser bolts until she tires.

"She's going to wreck the city if we don't stop her," said the man.

"We have to find a way to put her down," said Beast Boy.

"I need to get a little close. I have an idea," said Jordan.

"Do you need a distraction?" asked the man.

"That would help," said Jordan.

"Then, let's do this," said the man.

The three heroes run from behind the wall and try to get close to the girl, but a large black raven construct appears in front of them.

"What is this?" asked Beast Boy.

"Maybe fighting isn't the answer," said a girl.

The three heroes turn around and see a cloaked girl standing behind them.

"Who's that?" asked Beast Boy.

"I don't know, but maybe she's right. Let's use our words instead of our fists," said Jordan.

Jordan walks towards the girl, but she is still hostile. She swings at the vigilante, but he easily dodges. She then backs up and charges a laser bolt.

"Easy now. My name is Jordan and I don't want to fight you. I want to help," said Jordan.

Jordan pulls out a gadget and walks closer to the girl. He then grabs the girl's gauntlet and uses the gadget to melt the gauntlets.

"See. I'm not your enemy. Now, maybe we can-," said Jordan.

Jordan is interrupted by a surprising kiss by the alien girl. She then pushes him down with only one hand.

"If you don't want to be destroyed, leave me alone," said the alien girl.

The alien girl flies off as the vigilante watches her.

"She must be able to speak different languages if she kisses someone. That's weird," said Jordan.

"Whoever she was, she made a good impression," said the man.

"We made a good impression. We stopped the alien girl, saved lives, and saved the city. Mission accomplished," said Beast Boy.

"Thanks for the help guys, but I can handle the rest by myself," said Jordan.

"Are you going to track the alien?" asked the cloaked girl.

"I have to. People could die if she isn't stopped," said Jordan.

"How are you going to track her?" asked the man.

"I placed a tracking device on her," said Jordan.

"How did you do that when you were getting beat on?" asked Beast Boy.

"I'm fast," said Jordan.

"Umm, sir," said Beast Boy.

"Don't call me, sir. Call me Dark Phoenix," said Jordan.

"Sir, I mean, Dark Phoenix. Are you looking for a sidekick by any chance?" said Beast Boy.

"Sure. I don't care. Just don't annoy me," said Jordan.

"Cool," said Beast Boy.

As the vigilante and his new sidekick start to walk away, a giant alien ship appears in the sky. The ship cruises through the sky and drops a t-shaped object on a small island a few miles away from the city.

"It looks like the alien girl has friends," said the man.

"Or enemies," said Jordan.

The t-shaped object on the small island wasn't just a random thing, it was a hologram projector. The hologram of a big alien appears in the sky.

"People of Earth, we have come to your planet to hunt an escaped prisoner. She is a very dangerous prisoner. Do not interfere and we will leave only minimum damage, but if you do, your destruction will be absolute," said the alien.

The hologram disappears and the ship releases its soldiers onto the city.

"Those are some freaky-looking soldiers," said Beast Boy.

"They're aliens. What do you expect?" said the man.

"They said not to interfere," said the cloaked girl.

"We're going to interfere," said Jordan.

"Why can't we just let them take the alien girl?" asked the man.

"She doesn't seem like a villain and those aliens seem evil. I won't let her be taken by them," said Jordan.

"Can we tag along?" asked the cloaked girl.

"I guess we can team up once again," said Jordan.

"So, where is she?" asked Beast Boy.

"A video store a few blocks away. Let's go before she notices that she is being tracked," said Jordan.

The four heroes turn around and walk in the direction of the video store. They reach it in only a couple minutes and enter through the entrance that once had two doors. They see the alien girl chomping down on many snacks.

"Those taste better without the wrapper," said Beast Boy.

The alien girl turns around and is ready to attack them.

"Calm down. We're not here to attack you. We're your friends," said Jordan.

"Friends? Why did you free me?" asked the alien girl.

"We were just trying to be nice," said Jordan.

"Nice? That word does not exist on my planet. The closest word is rafta, or weak," said the alien girl.

"Your people must be mean," said Jordan.

"What does mean mean?" asked the alien girl.

"Being rude or a bully," said Jordan.

"If you don't want us to be mean to you, tell us why the Lizard King wants you back," said the man.

"I am not his prisoner. I am his prize. I am supposed to be sent to the citadel to serve out my days as their servant," said the alien girl.

"What are the citadel?" asked the cloaked girl.

"Mean," said the alien girl.

"You're not going with them. We won't allow it," said Jordan.

The wall behind them is blown up by the aliens looking for the girl.

"There she is! Seize her!" exclaimed the alien.

"Let's kick some alien ass," said Jordan.

The alien forces and the five heroes clash. With a combination of strong attacks, the aliens are easily dealt with, except for a few. The last few aliens try to capture the girl, but Jordan, Beast Boy, and the metal man launch a combination attack that sends the rest of the aliens flying away. The only damage that they receive is the destruction of the metal man's hoodie.

"Oh no. My hoodie. This cost 60 bucks," said the metal man.

"You look better without it," said Beast Boy.

"Right. Like I'm going to take fashion advice from a green dude in a goofy mask," said the metal man.

"Goofy? My mask is cool, isn't it?" asked Beast Boy.

"No," said Jordan.

"But, what about my secret identity?" asked Beast Boy.

"What secret identity? You're green," said the cloaked girl.

"You're right," groaned Beast Boy.

Beast Boy pulls off his mask and reveals his green face.

"Now that we have interfered, they will want our heads on spikes. It's only a matter of time until-," said Jordan.

"You fools!" exclaimed the alien leader.

"Right on cue," said Jordan.

The five heroes look up in the sky and see the giant hologram of the alien leader once again.

"You earth scum were warned. Your insolence will be punished. Your city will be destroyed," said the alien leader.

The alien ship casually arrives back in the city and aims its giant laser at the city.

"Great," said the cloaked girl.

"We destroyed a pizza place, a pizza place, and now we got a bunch of aliens that want to destroy our town," said Beast Boy.

"Go team," said the metal man.

"This is all your fault. I told you to leave me alone, but you chose to be the nice," said the alien girl.

"My fault? You were the lunatic who was destroying the town. You caused so much property damage, kissed me, but you didn't stop and say "Jordan, they have a Death Star laser cannon."," said Jordan.

"I don't know why I allowed you guys to talk me into this," said the metal man.

"We didn't talk you into this. You chose to join us. Stop shifting blame," said Beast Boy.

"Listen here, you munchkin bit-," said the metal man.

"Quiet!" exclaimed the cloaked girl.

"Huh?" asked the four heroes.

"Hi," said the cloaked girl awkwardly.

"It doesn't matter who got us in this. We have to get ourselves out of it. We have to fix our mistakes. Who's ready to save the city?" said Jordan.

"I'm in," said the heroes.

"Good. Now, let's send those aliens back where they belong," said Jordan.

Ten minutes pass. Our young heroes now stand in a hallway on the ship, cloaked by the cloaked girl's magic. Once a few alien soldiers run by, the cloaked girl uncloaks her friends.

"That dark magic stuff gives me the heebee jeebees. I mean they're cool in a weird way," said Beast Boy.

"There's no time to play around. We have to find the firing controls before they turn Jump City into Ash City," said Jordan.

Three of the heroes move deeper into the hallway. The only ones left are the cloaked girl and the metal man.

"Do you wanna tell me why you are always alone?" asked the metal man.

"You heard the green guy. I don't fit in," said the cloaked man.

"Half of me is metal, the girl is from space, that guy is green, and birdboy is edgy. You fit right in," said the metal man.

"Maybe," said the cloaked girl.

The two young heroes group back up with the other young heroes as they continue to trek through the hallway.

"It's too quiet. They know that we're here," said Jordan.

"How do you know that?" asked Beast Boy.

"They're right in front of us," said Jordan.

The aliens walk out of the darkness a few seconds later.

"I wanted to get through here undetected, but we have no choice. Let's go," said Jordan.

The five heroes proceed to easily defeat the aliens blocking their path. Jordan runs up to the door of the control room and places three explosives on the door. He backs up as the doors are blown up.

"What is that?" asked the alien leader.

"Your worst nightmare," said Jordan.

"Get them!" exclaimed the alien leader.

The alien leader sends his fodder soldiers towards the heroes. Jordan easily defeats one with a kick, the alien girl uses her laser bolts to take a few down, the metal man uses his strength to take down a few, Beast Boy transforms into a Kangaroo and kicks a few, and the cloaked girl uses her magic to take down a few as well. As the minutes pass, the number of alien forces slowly falls. The number of aliens left is only one, their leader.

"Stand down," said Jordan.

"The Gordonians never lose. Especially to mere humans and a servant," said the Gordonian leader.

"You can't win, bro, so give up," said the metal man.

"Never!" exclaimed the Gordonian leader.

The Gordonian charges at the heroes, but the alien girl easily knocks him out with one laser bolt.

"That was easy," said Beast Boy.

"Now, we have to shut down the laser," said Jordan.

"I can do it," said the metal man.

"How?" asked Jordan.

"My brain is practically a supercomputer. I can do this," said the metal man.

"Go ahead," said Jordan.

The metal man walks up to the control panel and clicks a few buttons. The laser stops charging and the heroes hear a loud boom.

"What was that?" asked Beast Boy.

"I also started the self-destruction sequence. This ship is going to blow up in minutes," said the metal man.

"Then, let's get out of here," said Jordan.

Jordan throws explosive Claws at the window and they blow up the window. The heroes hop out of the window as the spaceship explodes and rains small pieces of the ship onto the city. The heroes land on the ground and watch the ship fall to the ground.

"We saved the city two times in one night. We rock," said Beast Boy.

"We should do this team-up thing more often," said the metal man.

"Maybe we can do it every day," said Jordan.

"What do you mean?" asked the metal man.

Jordan sticks both of his hands into his utility belt and pulls out four communicators.

"I haven't been able to pass these out, but I have friends now, so each of you take one. If you guys want to team up, you will know who to call," said Jordan.

From a hideout with a large number of large gears, a mercenary watches the heroes from a large screen.

"Interesting. Jordan has found friends. Who are they?" asked the mercenary.

"The robot guy is Victor Stone, former football star. After an accident that killed his mother, his father used technology to save him and he became this. The gray girl is Rachael Roth. A girl from a different dimension. She can use magic and her parents are unknown. The green one is Garfield Logan. Former Doom Patrol member and animal expert. After contracting an animal disease, his parents injected him with the blood of different animals and he gained the ability to transform into them. The alien girl is still unknown," said a goon.

"We will find out more about her later. For now, let's keep an eye on them. Playing with them will be fun," said the mercenary.

Author's Thought Extended (Read Author's Thought First)

Now, the last piece of evidence comes from the second part of "The End" when Slade needs to guide someone through Hell to save Raven. In reality, he just wanted to spend some time with Robin. He could have just saved Raven himself but chose to help guide Robin through Hell. He knew that Robin would be the only one that would take up his offer and he did and they talked throughout the entire trip. They even fought together and did the exact same movements. This theory makes Slade an even better character and makes the series even more enjoyable, but sadly, it's just a theory that will never be confirmed by the creators.

I got a little theory for you guys. Even though it's a theory, it makes a lot of sense. The theory is Slade actually cared about Robin. Slade was characterized as a psychopathic criminal mastermind. In the first season, he eyed Robin and wanted him as his apprentice, but I believe that he wanted more. He wanted a son. In the series, Jericho, Slade's son, is introduced in season five and Rose, his daughter, is introduced in the comics. He is obviously a terrible father and obviously a bad person and he feels bad. He feels bad for not being a good father for his children, so he wants to be a father figure for another in his weird and crazy way. The first piece of evidence is when Slade says he wants to be like a father to Dick in part two of "Apprentice". He could just be saying this to manipulate Dick, but there is one thing about Slade. He never lies. He may be a master manipulator, but he never says things that he doesn't mean. He does want to be a father figure for Dick. It just seems that he is manipulating Dick because of how evil he is. The second piece of evidence is Slade destroying the nanobots after Robin infects himself with them in the same episode. You can say that he is only destroying them to save his apprentice, so he can't lose, but I believe it was for a different reason. He actually cares for Dick and the only reason that he destroyed them was to save him. If he didn't care, he would have just let them all die and found a good replacement. There are many sidekicks/skilled heroes or people that he can make his apprentice. Hell, he can even choose his daughter who is pretty skilled, but he doesn't. He saves Robin because he wants him to be his fake son. The third piece of evidence is the entire "Haunted" episode. Even though it was never confirmed, it can be inferred that Slade possessed his mask and sent the agent after Robin. Many believe that he sent him to kill Dick, but I personally believe that he did that to help him. Robin was still a little obsessed with Slade, even after his death, so Slade saw this and saw an opportunity to not just please Trigon and become his right-hand man, but to also help Robin get over his obsession. It's his weird way of helping a friend. Enjoy the chapter and have a good day!

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