
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

sergeantmeat69 · TV
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66 Chs

Under the Cloak

A week has passed since Starfire's evil sister was beaten and imprisoned for her crimes. After some reassuring words, Starfire stays and learns that she is an important member of the team. Now, an armored truck speeds down a downtown street. One of the guards in the vehicle looks out the window and sees no one.

"That freak must be gone," said the guard.

"Good. I'm tired of all of these supervillains making our jobs harder," said the other guard.

"Let's just keep on moving on the route and we will be-," said the guard.

The guard stops talking when the armored truck is hit with a light beam. The truck is turned upside down as it slides down the street for a few more seconds until it stops. The supervillain walks up to the armored truck and opens the doors as the money flows out of it.

"This is what you get when you underestimate the abilities of Doctor Light," said Doctor Light.

"Your stupid ramblings have brought your crimes to light, Doctor," said Jordan.

Doctor Light turns around and sees the Teen Titans standing behind him.

"So, I have company? I should have brought snacks," said Doctor Light.

"I am the only one that can make quips here. Titans go!" said Jordan.

Doctor Light shoots a beam of light at the Titans, but they dodge the attack. He turns around and sees that Jordan has landed on the armored truck.

"You're fast, but are you faster than the speed of light?" asked Doctor Light.

Doctor Light shoots a beam of light from his chest and hits Jordan, sending him flying into a building. Beast charges at Doctor Light and transforms into a wolf, but Doctor Light dodges him.

"A wolf can not see when he is blind as a bat," said Doctor Light.

Doctor Light shoots light projectiles at Beast Boy and blinds him. Starfire rockets towards him and launches Starbolts at him, but Doctor Light blocks them with a light shield. He then pulls out a gadget and traps Starfire in a light forcefield.

"Watch out! Things are about to get heavy," said Cyborg.

Doctor Light turns around and sees Cyborg holding a part of the armored truck and moves out of the way before he is smashed like a bug. Doctor Light then shoots a light projectile that binds Cyborg to the truck.

"Hey! Let me out," said Cyborg.

"Now that this fight is over, do you mind if I take the money?" asked Doctor Light.

"I mind. Azerath Mentron Zin-," said Raven.

Raven's chanting is interrupted by an attack by Doctor Light. She is sent flying a few feet back.

"Here's a tip. Find shorter magic words," said Doctor Light.

Raven uses her magic to throw a motorcycle at him, but Doctor Light easily destroys it with a light projectile. He then shoots her with two light projectiles, sending her flying back some more.

"Don't come closer," said Raven.

"Why? Are you afraid of the light?" asked Doctor Light.

Raven responds by turning around, becoming larger, changing the color of her eyes to red, and growing large black tentacles. The black tentacles grab Doctor Light and start to drag him closer.

"No! My suit! Stop it! I surrender!" exclaimed Doctor Light.

"What's the matter? Afraid of the dark?" asked Raven.

"Raven, stop! He surrendered!" exclaimed Jordan.

Raven snaps back into reality and lets go of the villain, but he seems traumatized. Jordan runs up to see him and sees him shaking in fear.

"Are you ok?" asked Jordan.

Doctor Light is too scared to respond.

"What did you do?" asked Jordan.

"It was an accident," said Raven.

"I don't care that you did this to him. I wanna know what you did," said Jordan.

Raven slowly walks away. Jordan tries to run up to the cloaked girl, but he is blocked by a black shield.

"What is up with her?" asked Jordan.

Ten hours pass. The Titans now sit at the table waiting for the changeling to create their breakfast.

"Amigos, breakfast is served," said Beast Boy.

Beast Boy places the sizzling skillet on the table and the smell fills the entire room.

"This smells good. What is it?" asked Jordan.

"It is freshly made tofu," said Beast Boy.

"Not that tofu garbage again," said Cyborg.

"It is not garbage. It's full of protein and tastes amazing," said Beast Boy.

"That's what all you vegetarians say," said Jordan.

"You're just a hater of good food," said Beast Boy.

"No. You just have bad tastes," said Cyborg.

"Maybe Raven will like it. Raven, want some breakfast?" said Jordan.

"No. Just herbal tea," said Raven.

"But, it's tofu eggs and bacon," said Beast Boy.

"No one wants your garbage tofu for breakfast," said Raven.

"Why does everyone call it garbage? It's amazing," said Beast Boy.

"It's because it does suck," said Raven.

"You haven't even tasted it. Just one little bite. You're going to need it after you cooked Doctor Light last night," said Beast Boy.

"No!" exclaimed Raven.

Raven's eyes turn red as she screams at her ally after his annoying pestering gets to her. She also uses her magic to throw the tofu back into Beast Boy's face. She quickly exits the room as Beast Boy's smile becomes a scowl.

"What's wrong with her?" asked Beast Boy.

"She's going through a hard time right now. I'll go talk to her," said Jordan.

"Why do you think that she will talk to you?" asked Beast Boy.

"I understand her," said Jordan.

Jordan exits the living room and walks towards the door to the stairway. He walks up the stairs to the rooftop and sees Raven meditating on the edge of the rooftop. He takes a seat next to her.

"Beast boy is annoying, but you didn't have to do that to him," said Jordan.

"He kept on pestering me. It just happened. He'll forget it by tomorrow," said Raven.

"He probably will, but I don't want bad blood in my team. Bad blood always leads to breakups and I don't want this team to disband," said Jordan.

"It won't. It's just a misunderstanding," said Raven.

"Your powers are controlled by your emotions. You meditate, so you will always be calm, but somehow you lost your temper not just against a fodder villain like Doctor Light, but also against your friend. Why is that?" said Jordan.

"I don't know. My powers are still kind of unknown to me," said Raven.

"If they are, we can train together. I have a lot of time," said Jordan.

"No, I'm perfectly fine," said Raven.

"Alright. See you later," said Jordan.

Jordan gets up and walks back down the stairs. Instead of walking to the living room, he walks up to Raven's door. He pulls out his utility belt and pulls out a gadget. He places it on the door and the door opens seconds later.

"She was lying to me, but why? What does she have to hide?" asked Jordan.

Jordan enters Raven's room and the door closes seconds later. He starts to look around but finds nothing suspicious. He walks up to a desk and sees a mirror. He picks it up and looks into it.

"This is a weird-looking mirror. Where did she get this from?" said Jordan.

Four red eyes appear in the mirror and a black hand pulls him in. Jordan tries to escape, but the hand's grip is too strong. Jordan lands face-first on a grey piece of land a minute later. He quickly gets up and looks at the dark sky.

"I'm not at Titans Tower anymore, but where am I? Is this where she was born or somewhere else? I guess that I just have to walk to find my way out of here," said Jordan.

Jordan starts to walk around and sees the same scenery over and over. He continues to walk until he hears something.

"Turn back," said somebody.

"What was that?" asked Jordan.

"Turn back," said somebody.

Jordan turns his head and sees three small ravens with red eyes sitting on a jagged arch.

"Turn back," said the small ravens.

"Ravens are said to be omens. I guess I should just turn back, but I need to get out of here," said Jordan.

Jordan walks towards the arch and the small ravens circle him.

"Turn back," said the small ravens.

"No," said Jordan.

The small ravens grow two more eyes and become hostile. Jordan runs away from the ravens as they try to peck him to death. He continues to run until the ground beneath him cracks and he falls into the abyss.

"Ahhh!" exclaimed Jordan.

"Why are you screaming?" asked Raven.

Jordan looks up and sees that he is no longer falling. It's like he is suspended in the air. He falls onto the grey ground a few seconds later. He gets back up and sees Raven, but she is wearing a pink cloak.

"Raven, why are you here?" asked Jordan.

"I live here, silly," said Raven.

"Silly? You're naturally smiling? Who are you?" asked Jordan.

"I'm Raven, you silly goose," said Raven.

"Why are you wearing pink?" asked Jordan.

"It's my favorite color," said Raven.

"Ok 'Raven', how do I get out of here?" asked Jordan.

"Through the Forbidden Door, but I advise you not to go there yet. You wouldn't want to leave," said

"Yes I do," said Jordan.

"Ok, but don't tell me that I didn't warn you," said Raven.

Raven runs away and extends her arms as she makes airplane noises. Jordan's face becomes one of confusion as he watches his usually gloomy friend running like a child.

"Wait up for me," said Jordan.

Jordan runs after his friend through the arch but finds himself in another place. The world has become one out of a fairy tale.

"This must be where angels are created," said Jordan.

"Hahahaha! Good joke, bro," said Raven.

"You laughed at something that wasn't even a joke?" asked Jordan.

"Why wouldn't I? It was funny," said Raven.

"Well, what is this place?" asked Jordan.

"I can't reveal that. That ruins the mystery," said Raven.

"Ruins the mystery? What does that mean?" asked Jordan.

"You'll just have to find out," said Raven.

Jordan tries to grab Raven, but she disappears like a ghost.

"Where did she go?" asked Jordan.

"Over here, silly!" exclaimed Raven.

Jordan sees the pink cloaked girl standing near an arch and runs towards her. He ends up running through the arch and escapes from the fairy tale land. He has now returned to the dark palace that he was before.

"Now, I'm back here. Great," said Jordan.

Jordan tries to walk forward, but Raven appears in front of him and scares him.

"Ahh!" exclaimed Jordan.

"Sorry," said Raven sadly.

"When did you change out of your cloak?" asked Jordan.

"What do you mean? I always wear this," said Raven.

"Is that the forbidden door?" asked Jordan.

"Yes," said Raven.

"Thanks," said Jordan.

Jordan walks past the gloomy Raven but walks into a wall. Hundreds of walls appear around him and create a maze. Jordan tries to escape by grappling away, but he is electrocuted once he reaches the top of the maze. He falls to the ground after taking a high voltage.

"What was that?" asked Jordan.

"This is a maze. You can't escape, only go through. I can show you the way, but I fear that you won't like me anymore," said Raven.

"Why wouldn't I like you anymore?" asked Jordan.

"Follow me. We'll be at the end in minutes," said Raven.

Five minutes pass. Jordan and Raven are near the exit after a long list of apologies from the gloomy cloaked girl.

"When I ate your ice cream without asking you, I'm sorry for that too," said Raven.

"For the very last time, I don't care," said Jordan.

Raven walks over to a wall and touches it. The wall opens like an elevator door and reveals the exit and two statues.

"So, this is the exit?' asked Jordan.

"Yes," said Raven.

"Thanks, Raven. Now, I can finally get home," said Jordan.

Seconds after he says this, the two statues fuse into one and two swords appear in their hands. The fused statue also grows two more eyes.

"Statues? Is that all you got? Raven, lets-," said Jordan.

Jordan turns around and sees that Raven has disappeared.

"Oh great. Of course, she leaves when I need her. Ok, ugly. Let's throw-," said Joshua.

"Eat shit, eighteyes! Hiya!" exclaimed Raven.

Raven comes out of nowhere and kicks the statue in its tone face. She then uses two of her fingers to cut the fused statue in half.

"Huwaah! High fives!" exclaimed Raven.

"I didn't think that Raven had a general side, but I guess anything can happen in this place," said Jordan.

"You're in my head and I want you out," said Raven.

"So, the real one has finally come. I wanted to get out faster before you found out. Sorry about that," said Jordan.

Raven lands in front of Jordan and the rest of the personalities fade away.

"The mirror that you found is used for meditation. It's a portal to my mind. Is that what you wanted to find out? said Raven.

"I just wanted to know why you were acting the way you were. I didn't think that I would end up in your head," said Jordan.

"Now that you know enough, you can leave. I don't like people in my head," said Raven.

As the two friends start to walk away, they hear the cacaw of many ravens miles away.

"What was that?" asked Jordan.

"None of your business. I have to get you out of here," said Raven.

"I'm not leaving without you telling me what that was," said Jordan.

"He will show you," said Raven.

"What do you mean?" asked Jordan.

A twister appears in front of the two friends and reveals a large demon with red skin, two horns, and yellow eyes.

"What is that?" asked Jordan.

"My father," said Raven.

"Wait. That's your father? I thought he was a white guy from Metropolis, not Satan," said Jordan.

"I lied," said Raven.

"I see why. How do we beat him?" said Jordan.

"We don't. I'm getting you out of here," said Raven.

"I'm not leaving until we deal with this demon," said Jordan.

"If you wanna then move!" exclaimed Raven.

The two heroes jump out of the way of the heat vision that could easily melt him. Raven creates a shield out of her magic to block the next heat vision attack.

"How strong is this guy?" asked Jordan.

"He has conquered many galaxies," said Raven.

"The Thanagarians did the same thing, but they could always get hurt by some explosions. Cover me. I'll need to get up close and personal with this hellspawn," said Jordan.

"I think that I have a better plan," said Raven.

Raven uses her magic to pick Jordan and fling him towards her father. Instead of panicking, Jordan just pulls a few explosives out of his utility belt and throws them at the demon. They explode on impact and nearly knock the demon off the edge.

"That wasn't enough!" exclaimed Jordan.

"How about a little more oomph to your attacks?" asked Raven.

Raven uses her magic to "possess" the young hero and he rockets towards the demon. Jordan winds up a punch and right hooks the demon off the edge. He gracefully lands on the ground and walks over to the edge.

"He's-," said Jordan.

Jordan is slapped away by the demon before he can finish talking. Raven catches him before he flies off the edge.

"Your dad is strong," said Jordan.

"Even with my power, you weren't strong enough to take him down. He's too powerful for us to fight alone," said Raven.

"Who said that we were alone? You still have the shades of your personality," said Jordan.

"They won't have the power to stop him," said Raven.

"They are all parts of you. Fuse with them," said Jordan.

"Ok. I'll try," said Raven.

Raven does some hand movements and the shades of her personality appear around her. They levitate into the air and fuse into one Raven. A raven with a white cloak. She appears behind her father and uses her magic to stop him from moving.

"It's time for you to go back where you belong," said Raven.

"Why would I? You are my daughter," said the demon.

"You are not my father," said Raven.

Raven shoots out a long and strong energy blast and her father does as well. Because of the fusion, Raven overpowers her father and he turns into an angry version of herself. The angry Raven fuses with Raven as she descends to the ground. She falls over because she feels light on her feet, but Jordan catches her.

"I got you. You did good," said Jordan.

"Thank you," said Raven.

"Don't mention it. Now, let's go home," said Jordan.

Jordan puts Raven down and they walk through the Forbidden Door. They are sucked up and flung back through the mirror. Jordan looks out the window and sees that the sun is still high in the sky.

"It seems that only an hour has passed. That means it's still morning. Want breakfast?" said Jordan.

"I'm not feeling food right now. Maybe some herbal tea?" said Raven.

"I'm down. There's a new tea shop that opened in Uptown. They sell herbal tea," said Jordan.

"That sounds good, but you have to pay. I don't have money," said Raven.

"I can do that. I already have more than enough," said Jordan.

So, I just finished writing the chapter for "Things Change" and now I have moved on to my own original season six. I won't spoil anything, but I will give you guys a little special look, you could say. In this season, three new members of the main Titans team, or we can call them Titans West, will be introduced. I won't reveal the identities of these three members, but they are pretty strong. There will be a few chapters that introduce their character and backstory. Then, they will go on their first missions. The main villains of the season will be unique and pretty unknown, but this season will put the spotlight on the new young members of the team and they will be forced to deal with big threats during their rookie season. Will they be able to survive and become great Titans or will they fold and die? Find out this season starting in the winter. Enjoy the chapter and have a good day!

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