
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

sergeantmeat69 · TV
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66 Chs


The alien conqueror hovers above the Pacific Ocean. The Titans just stare at their fate. Will it be possible for our heroes to escape fate and save the world? Let's find out now. Darkseid floats down and the Titans feel chills down their spines. They can't be scared now. They have a planet to save.

"He looks bigger in person," said Beast Boy.

"Everyone looks bigger in person," said Jaime.

"I am death. I am God. Bow down to me before I destroy you and your planet. You won't stop me from acquiring my treasure," said Darkseid.

"He's scary," said Cyborg.

"If the myth is true, then he is very strong. We need to test his strength," said Jordan.

"Who's up first?" asked Starfire.

"Me!" exclaimed Donna.

Donna darts at Darkseid and punches him, but the punch doesn't affect him. She then tries again and again and again, but the punches do nothing. Darkseid just grabs her fist and headbutts her through a building. Connor gets a little angry and rushes Darkseid, He punches him, and once again, the punch is ineffective and he is thrown into the sky. Starfire blasts the conqueror with a barrage of Starbolts, but the blasts don't harm him and Darkseid grabs her and smashes her a few times on the ground. Darkseid then tries to step on her, but Donna swoops in and saves her at the last second.

"Your myth was accurate. He is pretty tough," said Starfire.

"Not tough enough to destroy us," said Donna as she puts Star down.

Donan turns around and rushes Darkseid. She pulls out her blade and tries to cut Darkseid up, but he grabs her arm and cracks both her bones and her blade. She screams in pain before she is punched through a building.

"This is sad," said Darkseid.

"What about a sonic cannon blast!" exclaimed Cyborg as he charges his giant cannon.

Cyborg releases the blast and it hits the alien easily. It takes a few seconds before the blast is completely released, but Darkseid stands there, unaffected. Beast Boy gulps and Cyborg just stares at the alien.

"Is this all you got, human?" asked Darkseid.

"How about this?" asked Jaime.

Jaime releases a laser cannon blast, but Darkseid defects it with his hand and redirects it at Jaime. Jaime is sent flying into a building just like the others. This isn't looking good.

"Who's next?" asked Darkseid.

"Azarath Metrion Zin-," said Raven.

"No, Trigon's daughter. You can't do that," interrupted Darkseid as he speed blitzes her and grabs her neck.

He then launches into the sky, in the direction of the tower. Darkseid turns around and just disgustingly stares at the three remaining Titans standing before him.

"These are Earth's greatest champions? What a joke," said Darkseid.

"Didn't you kidnap the Justice League? You're a cheater," said Beast Boy.

"Foolish boy, There is no cheating in a real fight. Only better strategies," said Darkseid.

"We can take him. Right, Jordan?" said Beast Boy as he turns to his left.

Nothing is there. Only damaged road.

"Where did Jordan go?" asked Beast Boy.

"It looks like your powerless leader fled like a coward. Even he doesn't want to confront destiny," said Darkseid.

"Who are you calling a coward!" exclaimed Jordan as he blitzes Darkseid and tackles him from behind.

Jordan speeds up and sends Darkseid into a building. He then aims his hand at Darkseid and sends a blast of energy at him, sending him flying back a little more. He turns to look at his team and they are shocked.

"Dude, that was so cool," said Beast Boy.

"Ever since Trigon's invasion, I've been working on perfecting this suit. Just in case he ever came back. Now, I can use it against someone as strong as him," said Jordan.

"Then, go get him," said Cyborg.

Jordan hears these words and zooms toward Darkseid. He pulls out one of his crimson blades and slices Darkseid across the chest and then across the face. Darkseid gets angered by this pest, but can't do anything before he is punched in the face and sent flying even farther. Jordan gets close again and starts to go ham with many punches and kicks. He can only land one more hit before he is grabbed and forced to stare into Darkseid's angry eyes.

"Oh boy," muttered Jordan under his breath.

Darkseid first throws Jordan far away like a baseball. Then, he appears behind him and smacks him down to the ground. Jordan reaches it and tries to get up, but is grabbed once again and kneed so hard that his helmet cracks. He is punched in the stomach and sent flying back to where he once was. He doesn't get to relax before Darkseid lands on him and nearly breaks his back. Jordan coughs up a large amount of blood before his head is grabbed and smashed back into the ground. Jordan is then lifted up and then thrown behind Darkseid, right back to his friends. He lands before them and they all gulp.

"That doesn't look good," said Jaime.

"Enough!" exclaimed Darkseid as he lands feet first and smashes the road, sending the Titans flying back.

The Titans fly nearly a mile back. They are lucky. Angering the leader of Apokolips is never good. They land hard and slowly get up.

"So, how was your suit's performance?" asked Raven.

"Decent," said Jordan as he rips off his helmet.

"How do we beat this guy? He's throwing us around like ragdolls," said Connor.

"Easy. We don't," said Jordan.

"What?" asked Connor.

"We need assistance and I don't believe the other squads will be able to help us," said Jordan.

"So, who is going to help us? We're all alone here," said Connor.

"The League," said Jordan.

"How will they help? They were taken, remember?" asked Beast Boy.

"You're correct, so I'm going to save them," said Jordan.

"We don't even know where they're at," said Jaime.

"Vic does," said Jordan.

"I do?" asked Cyborg.

"You were saved by a Motherbox and those things are everywhere on Apokolips, so maybe you could see through them and find the Leaguers," said Jordan.

"I've never tried that before, but I'll do it. Come on, Vic. Everyone's counting on you," said Cyborg.

Cyborg closes his eyes and clears his mind. He needs to find a Motherbox. Cyborg groans as he pushes past his technological limits. His friends watch in confusion and concern, but they don't have to worry. Victory Stone has done it. He opens his eyes and Jordan walks up to him.

"Did you find one?" asked Jordan.

"Yes. Sending you there now," said Jordan before a Boomtube appears behind him.

"I'll be back. Just keep the big

angry alien busy for me," said Jordan as he walks through the Boomtube.

"Yeah. Like that will be easy," said Connor.

"He's coming. Prepare because a broken arm will be lucky for us now," said Donna.

"Don't panic. We got this. Right?" said Beast Boy.

"Yeah. We got this," said Raven.

On the planet of Apokolips, Jordan is fighting his way through the waves of Parademons in his way. He slices them in half or hits them with energy blasts from his hands. He continues to slice through them until he reaches a large set of doors. He opens them with his strength and runs through them before they close. He is now in a room full of kidnapped citizens and aliens.

"So, here is where they are all at. I'm not surprised. League first. Citizens later," said Jordan.

Jordan runs through the room at top speed. It doesn't take him much time to get to the control room. As he reaches the room, he sees an older alien standing before a control panel. He dips behind a wall and listens in on the conversation of the madman.

"It's such a shame that these young heroes will stand no chance against Lord Darkseid. They will be tortured and killed and we will use the Justice League as our new warriors. The Furies will not be needed for Lord Darkseid to conquer the universe anymore," said Desaad.

"You talk too much. Are you lonely in here?" said Jordan as he walks away from the wall.

"How did you get in here?" asked Desaad.

"I walked in. You need more doors in this place," said Jordan.

"Ahhhhh!" exclaimed Desaad as he charges at Jordan.

Jordan casually sidesteps the madman and then delivers a hard chop to the back of his neck. Before he hits the ground, Jordan grabs him and lifts him into the air.

"Where is the League?" asked Jordan.

"You are strong, human, but your strength won't be enough to save your world's most powerful warriors. Your world will just be another that falls to Lord Darkseid," said Desaad.

"You're right-handed from the way you tried to punch me, so the button to release the LEague and the citizens should be on your left," said Jordan.

"What?" asked Desaad.

"If I were to be a lucky man, it would be there," said Jordan as he looks at a button.

He then knocks Desaad out with one elbow and drops his unconscious body to the floor. Jordan walks over to the panel and presses a large button. All around the room, doors open and the League slowly walks out of them. Jordan is at first happy, but he notices their blank face and their light blue eyes.

"Guys?" asked Jordan.

The League members don't answer and just turn to look at Jordan. He looks into their eyes and they are not the eyes of heroes. They are of villains.

"Just great," said Jordan.

Back on Earth, Darkseid inches closer as the Titans just watch. They get into fighting positions and prepare to face the monster once again.

"What's the plan?" asked Connor.

"He can't do anything if he can't see. We will blind him. The most powerful will strike him. The weakest will give support. Donna, get ready to stab his eyes out," said Raven.

"I'm ready," said Donna.

"Then, go!" exclaimed Raven.

The strongest Titans zoom toward Darkseid and tackle him like this is a giant football game. With their entire strength, they push Darkseid very far. All the way to the ocean to be accurate. With a powerful punch from Starfire, Darkseid is sent into the ocean. He quickly gets out of the water, but this is all the time that our heroes need. Raven raises her hands and water encircles the alien conqueror. From the water, Connor appears and starts to rapidly punch Darkseid over and over. After a few more punches, Darkseid is tired of this and grabs him before throwing him into a building. From behind, Cyborg hits him with some blasts of his sonic cannon. Darkseid tries to hit him with his omega beams, but Cyborg barely dodges them. Donna sees her teammate getting pressured and blocks the beams with her blade. She then charges at Darkseid and punches him. It doesn't really affect him, but she knows.

"Do you want me to break your other arm?" asked Darkseid.

"Break my other arm? Is this what you call breaking my arm? You're a joke," said Donna.

"A joke? Laughable," said Darkseid as he aims his omega beams at Donna.

"Hey, Darkseid! Take this, pendejo!" exclaimed Jaime.

Jaime launches a powerful blast from his ion cannon and sends Darkseid flying back. This is all Donna needs to launch her attack. She flies towards the conqueror at top speed and reaches him in seconds. She then flips over Darkseid and lands on his back. She pulls out her blade and holds it above Darkseid's left eye.

"Say goodbye to your eye, alien," said Donna before she plunges her metal blade into his eye.

Darkseid yelps in pain and immediately shakes the Amazonian off him. Blood spews out of his eye and he becomes even angrier than usual. He turns to look at Donna and she just smiles. This angers him more and he blitzes her, grabbing her and spearing her through buildings. He then drags her across the streets before throwing her into a building. He appears in front of her and starts to beat down on her. He does this until Beast Boy hops in to save her. He first transforms into a cheetah to get up close and then transforms into a gorilla to deliver a punch. He does this transformation cycle a few times before Darkseid just slaps him away. He then tries to hit him with some Omega Beams, but Jaime hops in at the last second and blocks them with his shield. Starfire swoops in a few seconds later and hits Darkseid with many Starbolts while Cyborg hits Darkseid from behind with his sonic cannon. Even more annoyed, Darkseid turns, blitzes Cyborg, smashes him on the ground, and then throws him through a building. Starfire tries to take advantage and tries to tackle Darkseid, but she is punched away. Donan gets back into the action and kicks Darkseid in the face before punching him with the mean right hook. She then kicks him in the chin and sends him flying through the building upwards. Unknown to him, he has fallen into a trap and the building explodes while he is still inside thanks to Raven's magic. He is sent flying out of the building, but the assault isn't over. The Titans hit him with many attacks and send him into buildings all over the district. One more kick from Starfire puts him in the right position. Connor grabs a couple of metal beams and then darts at Darkseid. He uses his super strength to tie it around the conqueror, trapping him.

"A little help!" exclaimed Connor.

Donna, Starfire, Raven, Cyborg, and Jaime help the young Kryptonian hold the alien back. Raven turns to look at Beats Boy flying towards them and screams.

"Gar, get his last eye!" exclaimed Raven.

"On it," said Beast Boy.

Beast Boy lands on the ground and detransforms. He quickly looks around and finds a stop sign. He grabs it and then transforms it into a pterodactyl. He quickly flies up towards Darkseid and then stabs the sign into his eye. Darkseid yells louder than he has ever yelled before and sends the Titans flying off him. He falls towards the ground and places his hands over his eyes.

"He's blinded. Now, what do we do?" said Jaime.

"We send him home. Vic," said Raven.

"Already doing it," said Cyborg as he closes his eyes.

After a minute of waiting, Cyborg reopens his eyes and Boomtubes appear all around them. They start to suck up Parademons and even their own creator, but he won't go home without a fight.

"Get him in there!" exclaimed Raven.

The Titans rush the blinded Darkseid. Starfire tries to spear him into the Boomtube, but she is then stepped on. Darkseid presses on her more and makes her bones crack.

"I will crush you like a little nut," said Darkseid.

Darkseid is stooping from crushing the Tamaranian like a nut after Cyborg grabs him with a grappling hook. Donna helps him pull the alien back and this angers Darkseid even more.

"You can't do this to me. I'm Darkseid," said Darkseid.

Well, our heroes don't care because big blue speeds out of the Boomtube and tackle him from behind. He is pissed off from being kidnapped and controlled by this alien.

"And I don't care!" exclaimed Superman.

"How?" asked Dakseid.

"I'm how. Justice League, go!" said Jordan as he and the missing Leaguers rush out of the Boomtube.

"The cavalry has arrived," said Cyborg.

"We can't just sit here and look. Let's go kick this guy's ass!" said Connor.

Darkseid has made the biggest mistake in his life. First, he is pummeled on by Superman and his clone. Then, he is kicked away and pummeled more by Diana and Donna. Green Lantern and Jaime send blasts toward Darkseid from their giant cannons and Raven, Doctor Fate, and Zatanna use some magic to push him back more and more. Starfire and Flash blitz Darkseid and delivers a large number of punches, pushing him even further. Beast Boy and Martian Manhunter transform into giant monsters and jump the alien conqueror. Aquaman rises the seas and hits him with a giant wave while Shazam hits him with a large amount of lightning. Darkseid screams, but this won't stop Batman and Jordan from throwing explosives at him, sending him right into the portal, but he grabs the edges.

"I shall not be beaten!" exclaimed Darkseid.

"Oh shut up!" exclaimed the heroes as they land one more punch that sends Darkseid flying into the portal.

Cyborg quickly closes the Boomtube once the alien enters it. The Titans and Leaguers take a deep breath before doing anything else.

"We won?" asked Beast Boy.

"Well, it smells like a victory to me," said Jordan.

Four days fly by. After their defeat of the evil alien conqueror known as Darkseid, the Titans have become even more popular than before. They can maybe even surpass the Justice League in popularity, but they don't care. Saving the world is good enough for them. Now, the Titans just chill in their tower. Connor, Cyborg, Garfield, and Jaime sit on the big couch and argue while playing a classic video game. Donna, Starfire, and Raven silently meditate in the corner. The only person that isn't there is Jordan. He lies on his bed and stares at the ceiling.

"We saved the world, mom. Wish that you could have seen it," said Jordan.

Speak of the devil. Seconds after he finishes speaking, his phone, next to him, rings. He picks it up and sees that it is an unknown number. This doesn't affect him and he just answers the call.

"Hello?" asked Jordan.

"Is this Jordan King?" asked a man.

"I am him. Who is this?" said Jordan.

"It's your mother. She has woken up," said the doctor

"What?" asked Jordan surprisingly.

"She has just woken up and she's begging to see her boy. She wants to speak to you," said the doctor.

"Put her on," said Jordan.

"Yes, sir," said the doctor.

"Mom?" asked Jordan.

"Jordan, my boy," said Carla.

"You've finally woken up. I can't believe it," said Jordan.

"What's the date?" asked Carla.

"December 31, 2022," said Jordan.

"No way. I've been asleep for twelve years. How have you been able to get so far without me?" said Carla.

"I've had the drive and the motivation," said Jordan.

"So, when are you coming over? I want to see you," said Carla.

"I'll be there before the day ends. I promise," said Jordan.

"Don't rush. Take your time," said Carla.

"I can't wait to tell you all types of things. So much stuff has changed in the past twelve years," said Jordan.

"Things sure have changed," said Carla.

"I'll see you in a little bit. Bye," said Jordan as he hangs up.

Jordan happily hops out of his bed and quickly walks up to the door. It opens and he slowly steps out. He takes a look at his friends in the living room and for a few seconds, he sees himself and his mother and then the entire Batfamily. He smiles before turning to walk to the exit.

"This is the best day of my life," said Jordan.

Boys (and girls), we finally made it to the promised land. We have reached the conclusion of this story. Hallelujah! I really loved writing this tale and this is probably my favorite one that I have ever written, period. I hope that you enjoyed the long ass journey. I'll see you in a couple of weeks with my new story. It may be a little titanic. See ya.

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