
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

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Rose hates her father, but he loves her very much in his psychopathic and cruel way. They used to be so close. Rose looked up to her father even though he was a mercenary that killed many innocent people. She wanted to be like him. She wanted to be him, but not anymore. We need to see the downfall to truly understand her character. We shall cut to ten years ago. In the Wilson residence, everything is normal. Adeline reads a newspaper at the dining room table while the kids play in their room. The young Rose digs in her toybox while the young Jericho bounces a ball.

"It has to be in here. I know it is," said Rose.

"Bouncy ball," said Jericho.

"I know. Very bouncy," said Rose.

"Bounce! Bounce! Bounce!" exclaimed Jericho.

"Why did I teach you that word?" asked Rose.

Jericho continues to bounce the ball until she pulls out a little plushie. It is an old tiger that has a few holes that expose the insides of fluff. She places it next to her little brother and he immediately grabs onto it and puts it in his mouth.

"Don't eat that. It isn't a snack. It's a tiger. A big and scary tiger," said Rose as she pulls the tiger out of his mouth.

"Tiger?" asked Jericho in awe.

"Great. You learned another word. Please don't start saying that all the time," said Rose.

"Tiger," said Jericho.

"Of course, you will. That's what annoying little brothers do," said Rose.

For the next couple minutes, the two siblings continue to play until their mother stops reading her newspaper. She puts it down and walks toward her children's room. She stops in the doorway and the two kids stop playing once they feel her presence.

"Alright, kids. Time to hit the hay. It's getting late," said Adeline.

"Five more minutes. We were just starting to have fun," said Rose.

"You can have fun once you get up in the morning. It's Saturday tomorrow," said Adeline.

"Fine," said Rose.

Rose gets up and grabs her toys. She places them all in her toybox and then hops on her bed. Adeline picks up her son and places him in his little bed. She then kisses him on the cheek and moves over to Rose. She tries to kiss her on the cheek, but Rose has questions that need to be answered.

"When is dad coming home?" asked Rose.

"Soon," said Adeline.

"You said that two weeks ago," said Rose.

"Well, soon has many different definitions," said Adeline.

"I just want to see him," said Rose.

"Me too, but your father has to work and we have to live life normally until he returns. Just be patient. He will be here before you know it," said Adeline.

"I hope so. It feels empty here without him," said Rose.

"Wait and we will be a family again," said Adeline as she kisses her daughter on the cheek.

Adeline then turns around and walks towards the light switch. She flicks it before she walks out of the door and closes it. Rose closes her eyes and quickly falls asleep. She doesn't wake back up and enters a deep slumber. A deep slumber that she shouldn't wake out of, but she does. She slowly opens her eyes and sees that she is still in her room. She turns to the right and sees that her little bro is still sleeping. She slowly gets up and gets out of bed. She yawns and then walks towards her door. She opens it and walks into the hallway. She stops walking after taking only a few steps and just feels the uneasiness in the air. She then hears a loud thump from the dining room and turns in that direction.

"What was that noise? I have to find out what's going on?" thought Rose.

Rose creeps in the direction of the dining room. The noises become louder and more rampant as she gets closer. She continues to creep until she reaches the wall right before the room. She peeks over and sees her mother being pinned to the wall by mercenaries.

"Mom," said Rose softly.

"Where's Deathstroke?" asked one of the mercenaries.

"I don't know a-," said Adeline.

"Don't lie to me! Where is Slade Wilson!" exclaimed the same mercenary.

"I don't know alright. He hasn't been home in weeks," said Adeline.

"We will draw him out then. He will come for his family," said the same mercenary.

"You can't. I have children," said Adeline.

"I don't care. My boss only cares about him and he doesn't care about what happens to his family," said the same mercenary.

"You're sick," said Adeline.

"Aren't we all?" asked the same mercenary.

"What do we do, sir?" asked another mercenary.

"Find the kids and grab them. They will be used to draw out Slade," said one of the mercenaries.

"Yes, sir. Spread out and find those rascals. We need them for our plan," said another mercenary.

"Ok. All I have to do is save Jericho and my mom just like dad. Just be like dad and we get out of this," said Rose.

Rose turns around and prepares to be the hero, but she is instantly hit in the face by a gun. She instantly falls unconscious before even touching the floor.

"Sir, I got one," said one more mercenary.

"Go find the others. We have to launch a good trap," said one of the mercenaries.

"Yes, sir," said one more mercenary.

Rose stays unconscious for a little while longer before randomly waking up. She looks around and sees that she is no longer home, but she is in a factory. She tries to move her arms, but she is tied to not just her mother, but her brother as well. She tries to squirm, but nothing happens. It just alerts the mercenaries to her awakening.

"One's up," said a mercenary.

"Don't care," said one of the mercenaries.

"Why not?" asked a mercenary.

"It will make the trap better with them awake," said one of the mercenaries.

"You're right. You're right," said a mercenary.

"Where are we!" exclaimed Rose.

"No longer in Kansas," said a mercenary jokingly.

"Do you think that this is a joke?" asked Rose.

"Yes," said a mercenary.

"My dad's a beast. He will find us and destroy you," said Rose.

"I'm not scared of little ol' Deathstroke. He's washed up anyway," said a mercenary.

"You'll see," said Rose.

"I will see nothing. There's a big chance that he won't even appear. When he does, we will kill him and then you. Shut up and I maybe will have a certain use for you," said the mercenary as he walks up to her and grabs her face.

"Stop flirting with the kid, you creep. Just watch them and shut up," said one of the mercenaries.

"Sorry, sir. I'm just messing with them," said a mercenary.

"Yeah, right," said one of the mercenaries.

"You're lucky," said a mercenary as he removes his hand from her face.

The mercenary backs up and gets back in his guard position. Nothing happens for a few moments until the factory goes dark. In the darkness, the freak comes out and starts to slaughter the mercenaries. A few are ended with bullets while others are sliced in half. Blood splashes everywhere, but it doesn't matter. Slade has to save his family. The mercenaries all fall in only a few moments and then the lights come on. Rose sees her father walking up toward her and she starts to shake in excitement.

"Dad!" exclaimed Rose.

"Shush. We can't alert them," said Slade.

Slade pulls out his knife and cuts the rope. Rose is freed in seconds and leaps onto Slade, hugging him. He gives her a half-hearted hug before letting her go.

"How are your mother and brother?" asked Slade.

"I think that they are good," said Rose.

"Pick up your brother and I will grab your mother," said Slade.

"Ok," said Rose.

Rose gets up and picks up her little bro. Slade moves to the left and picks up her wife. Everything seems normal and happy, but this won't last. One mercenary wants to get revenge and catch a body. He aims his pistol at the girl and fires. Rose isn't fast enough to move and Slade doesn't notice. The bullet flies past him and miraculously doesn't hit Rose, but it slices past her little bro's throat, causing it to bleed. His blood falls on her hands and her eyes start to widen.

"Jericho!" exclaimed Rose.

We now cut a couple years into the future. In his K2 compound, Rose is hit with a hard kick and sent to the ground. She doesn't immediately get up and this angers her father. He slams his foot on the ground to showcase it.

"Get up," said Slade.

"Give me a minute," said Rose.

"I said get up," said Slade.

"We've been going for two hours. Give me a sec," said Rose.

"You want a sec? Fine. Take your second. Second passed. Get up," said Slade as he grabs her and lifts her into the air.

"Let me go," said Rose.

"You don't tell me what to do," said Slade.

"I want to rest," said Rose.

"You won't rest until I tell you that you can," said Slade.

"I'm your daughter. Not your slave," said Rose.

"I'll dictate that," said Slade as he drops her.

"Why did you change? You were never like this," said Rose.

"You know nothing about me, babygirl," said Slade.

"I'm going to grab some food," said Rose.

"We're not done here," said Slade.

"I'm hungry. I'll be back," said Rose.

"Get back here!" exclaimed Slade.

"Relax, old man. I'll be back," said Rose.

"Rose, catch," said Slade.

"Huh?" asked Rose.

Rose turns around and gets hit with a knife right in the left eye. She grabs the knife and starts to scream in pain as blood flows out. She falls to the ground as Slade approaches her.

"My eye!" exclaimed Rose in pain.

"I thought that you wanted to be like me, babygirl? You're hating your choice aren't you?" asked Slade as he grins under his helmet.

"Fuck you," said Rose.

"That's not very nice. Maybe I should aim for the next eye, but for now, let's train," said Slade as he drags her to her feet.

We now cut to the present. Rose leans on the wall of a building. She turns to her right and sees her friends unconscious and attached to the machine that she saw the night before. She only looks for a few more moments until she walks away into the shadows.

"My name is Rose Wilson and I hate myself," said Rose.

At the same time in Titans Tower, there is only one Titan in there. The leader of the Titans slowly opens his eyes and looks up at the ceiling. He then tries to get up but feels a pain in his chest. He then looks down and his chest looks darker than it already was.

"Raven must have healed me. Time to get up," thought Jordan.

Jordan gets off the medical bed while ignoring the pain and walks towards the door. It opens and he walks through it. He hears no noise and smells no one. Something isn't right. He quickly walks into the living room and sees that no one is there. Something is definitely not right.

"Tower, were there any alerts in the last 24 hours?" asked Jordan.

"No, sir," said the tower.

"Then, show me the last footage from the past 24 hours," said Jordan.

"That doesn't exist either, sir," said the tower.

"Give me the location of every member of this team," said Jordan.

"They are off-grid, sir," said the tower.

"Slade," said Jordan.

Jordan walks out of the living room and towards Raven's room first. He enters it and sees that there was a fight. A very good one that he didn't get to see. Bummer.

"A skirmish happened here. Raven put up a good fight, but she was still somehow defeated by Slade. Probably a surprise attack," said Jordan as he surveys the room.

Joran walks out of her room and heads to the next closest, Starfire's. He enters the room and sees a giant gift box. It is open and Jordan walks up to it. He sniffs it and smells something strange. He feels drowsy and backs away.

"Kori fell for the easiest trick in the book again. A trap in a gift box. Probably an odorless knockout gas. She couldn't see it coming," said Jordan.

Jordan exits the room and then walks over to Donna's room. He walks into it and sees blood. A good amount of it. This fight was probably even better than the first one.

"Yet another fight. Donna is a warrior, but she is also a hero. She confronted Slade by herself and lost a very bloody fight. She must have been the last one taken," said Jordan.

Jordan exits Donna's room and walks over to Connor's. It has no blood, but a weird glow of green. This was obviously a trap.

"Connor doesn't have any fancy lights in his room. Definitely not green ones. He was probably hit with a Kryptonite-laced gas. Knocked out before he could even put up a fight," said Jordan.

Jordan walks out of Connor's room and walks into Cyborg's room. It looks normal, but something is wrong. The tech is all out and won't automatically turn on like usual.

"Vic's tech isn't turning on. It's supposed to turn on as long as it's power in this tower. must have been a mini EMP blast only big enough to affect this room. He was shut down by the EMP and taken," said Jordan.

Jordan then walks out of Cyborg's room and walks towards the living room without even looking into Beast Boy's room. He walks up to the couch and sees some crumbs and then some green hair. He picks up the small piece of hair and stares at it.

"Gar was enjoying some chips when he found me at the front door. He must have been watching something. The weird thing about it is that he never sleeps or lays on the couch. He would have to fall if he were to lose some hair on the couch. This must mean that he was hit by something. Probably a tranquilizer dart, but from where?" said Jordan.

Jordan looks in front of him and sees the culprit. A trap with a big red button.

"The dart must have come from there. Come on, Gar. So, the only one left is Jaime and if he's not here, then he must be at the center. That's where I will look first," said Jordan.

Fifteen minutes pass. Jordan arrives at the center on his bike and immediately sees a large crowd surrounding the burning center. He hops off his bike and runs up to the front.

"What's happening?" asked Jordan.

"There's a fire. A boy is stuck inside," said a spectator.

"Jaime," said Jordan.

Jordan runs towards the back and reaches the back door. He then kicks it down and enters the building. By dodging the flame and falling parts of the building, he reaches a locked door. He kicks that one down and sees a chair. He walks up to the chair and sees that it is rigged with a trap.

"Jaime has always been weak to electricity. Must have tricked him into sitting down and shocked him into unconsciousness. Slade has all of the Titans captured except for me. He has made a huge mistake," said Jordan sternly.

Eight hours pass. In the main base inside a mountain, the members of the Cult of Blood stand in front of a screen. The screen is pure black until Brother Blood appears on it in all of his glory.

"Today is the end of these false gods. The public praises these so-called heroes, but they do not align with us, so they are just frauds. As the one true god, I will revoke their powers and force them to pray to me as their new god. After this, everyone will be under our control! We will be the hive of humanity! Everyone will praise me, Brother Blood!" said Blood.

"Hail, Brother Blood! Hail, Brother Blood! Hail, Brother Blood!" repeated the cultists.

Under the ground beneath the cultists, we cut to Rose and Slade's perspective. They stand in a dark hallway and look at the Titans stuck to the machine. Rose looks in the other direction while Slade stares at his old friends.

"He's talking. What a creep," said Rose.

"He may be a creep, but he has many followers. A sign of a strong leader," said Slade.

"You wouldn't know anything about that," said Rose.

"You must want to be a blind assassin," said Slade.

"What is going on, bro? My head is killing me," said Jaime as he wakes up.

"You are going to meet your creator, ese," said Slade as he walks up to the machine.

"Deathstroke," said Jaime.

"Just call me Slade. We're super close, bro," said Slade.

"Where did you take us?" asked Jaime.

"To my client, of course. I easily defeated you guys and stuck you in this machine. He will do the rest," said Slade.

"When I get out of here, I'm going to cut you into pieces," said Jaime.

"I'm going to have pancakes after you guys are dead. I wish that I could do it myself, but destiny has more in store for me," said Slade.

"You took us all except for Jordan and Rose. Where are they?" said Jaime.

"Jordan won't be bothering us and Rose is right behind me. Aren't you, honey?" said Slade.

Rose doesn't answer, but Jaime sees her in the hallway. His eyes widen and his mouth opens.

"Rose, why are you just standing there? Save us," said Jaime.

"I can't. I'm sorry," said Rose.

"Did you even try? You can beat him," said Jaime.

"Why would she want to fight her own father? She is my assistant after all," said Slade.

"No," said Jaime.

"Yes, Tell him," said Slade.

"Things happen," said Rose.

"Things happen? You were a spy and you got us captured by a crazy cult and their egotistical leader. What is wrong with you?" said Jaime.

Rose doesn't respond and Jaime gets annoyed.

"Answer me, Rose. Was this all a lie? Was this just to get to us? Did you even feel anything for us? For me?" said Jaime.

"I'm sorry, Jaime, but I can't change anything. Not now," said Rose.

"Awwww. Are you guys having a 'lover's spat'? So cute," said Slade.

"This won't end well. Not for any of you," said Jaime.

"Such big words for the dude who's tied up. You're not scary or intimidating," said Slade.

"Let me go and you will see how scary I am," said Jaime.

"Pathetic. The older generation was so much better," said Slade.

"Slade, it's time for me to see my prize," said Blood as he enters the room.

"They're all yours," said Slade as he backs up.

"They look good from down here, but there is one issue. Where's Dark Phoenix?" said Blood.

"You don't need him. He doesn't have powers," said Slade.

"I need him. It makes the machine look better," said Blood.

"All you would get from him is some fighting skills. If you're so desperate to become a better fighter, then I can teach you. For a price of course," said Slade.

"Calm down, Slade. Our deal can still be salvaged," said Blood.

"How?" asked Slade.

"I want the girl," said Blood.

"No," said Slade.

"Come on. She has metahuman powers just like you. She would be very helpful and you will get your one hundred million," said Blood.

"I'm gonna need a little more than that," said Slade.

"Fine. Two hundred million," said Blood.

"Deal," said Slade as he reaches for Rose.

"No!" exclaimed Rose as she tries to run away.

Rose tries to get away, but she is quickly grabbed by her father. She is then picked up and placed right in front of his face.

"Look, sweetie. Daddy has a job to do and we need the money, so don't cause any trouble and I'll be back later," said Slade.

"You son of a bitch! Get off me!" exclaimed Rose.

"That's rude," said Slade before he punches her in the face to knock her out.

"You need to discipline her," said Blood.

"She is none of your business. Just take her powers and give me my money," said Slade as he tosses Rose's body over to Blood.

"Your money will be in your account before the ceremony is over. Our business is now complete," said Blood.

"Amen," said Slade as he tries to walk away.

"Come on, brother. Do you not want to see the ceremony?" said Blood.

"I have things to do and cities to conquer," said Slade.

"That can wait a few minutes. You need to see me transcend into an even stronger godhood," said Blood.

"I'll catch it on the news," said Slade.

"No. You need to catch it live. It's always better in person," said Blood.

"I don't get paid enough for this," said Slade under his breath.

Twenty minutes pass. Now, the ground rises and rises until they reach an arena. In the arena, the cultists cheer and holler at their divine leader, who is now dressed in a weird getup. He smiles as he receives the cheers.

"A packed crowd? How many of these guys are there?" asked Beast Boy.

"Don't joke, Garfield. Not right now. We need to get out of here," said Starfire.

"Our powers aren't working at the moment. We're sitting ducks," said Donna.

"Just wait it out. Jordan will save us," said Connor.

"Dude, he is probably still resting on his bed. He can't save us when he is stuck in the tower," said Beast Boy.

"We can't do anything, but pray that he gets here. I like my powers," said Connor.

"Start missing them. You won't have them for long," said Blood with a smirk on his face.

"You won't be able to take our powers. You're trash, Blood. Just like your predecessor," said Raven.

"You dare compare me to that insolent fraud. I dealt with him long ago. False gods shall be struck down by me," said Blood.

"You're insane," said Raven.

"No, sinner. I'm God," said Blood.

"Reptar," said Jaime.

"My devout followers, my time has come. It is time to ascend and become even more powerful by siphoning the powers of these sinners. Hail me as your god becomes even stronger," said Blood.

"Hail, Brother Blood! Hail!" exclaimed his followers.

"Mayhem, start the machine," said Blood.

"Yes, my lord," said Mayhem.

Mayhem presses a button and the machine starts. The Titans groan as their powers are sucked away. Blood turns around and takes a seat on his throne in the middle of the machine. He places his hand on the chair and he starts to feel different. Their powers are assimilating with his body.

"Yes! I can feel the power!" exclaimed Blood.

"Hail him! Hail, Brother Blood!" exclaimed Mayhem.

"Hail, Brother Blood! Hail! Hail!" exclaimed the cultists.

The followers continue to hail and Blood continues to steal the Titan's power until the large window above them bursts. They all look up and see Jordan dive-bombing the ground. Jordan pulls out a few explosive disks and throws them at the ground, creating enough space and defeating the armed cultists. He then lands on the ground and quickly throws an Explosive Claw at the machine. It explodes and frees the Titans while blowing Blood away.

"No!" exclaimed Mayhem.

"You better get going. Don't piss me off more," said Jordan.

Mayhem takes this to heart and runs away from the Titan. Jordan turns to look at the other Titans and runs up to them. They slowly get up because their powers just got zapped from them.

"You came," said Raven.

"I'm always on time," said Jordan.

"He took our powers. We need to get them back," said Raven.

"I destroyed the machine. Everything should have gone back to normal," said Jordan.

"There is no normal, sinner. The only normal is the realm created by me. A god," said Blood as he rises over them.

"That doesn't look good," said Beast Boy.

The "god" doesn't look good. His skin and body are a mix of all of the Titans. Some parts are blue, others are orange, grey, and green. He has grey hair and green hair, white hair, and orange hair. He looks more like a demon than a god.

"You can handle him. I'm taking Slade," said Jordan.

"But, we don't have our powers," said Connor.

"I don't have powers. This will be a breeze," said Jordan before he jets toward the mercenary.

"We need a strategy and a good one," said Cyborg.

"He's like Amazo. He has our powers and our weaknesses. Abuse them," said Raven.

"Yes, ma'am," said the other Titans.

Now, let's cut back to the perspective of Jordan. He charges at full speed and pulls out his katanas as he gets closer. Slade senses this and turns around just to catch a kick to the face. He stumbles back but catches himself.

"Don't leave yet. The fun is just getting started," said Jordan.

"I have other business to attend to," said Slade.

"We didn't finish our fight. Let's go," said Jordan.

"Fine. Just for a little while. I need to go," said Slade.

"Wait for me!" exclaimed Rose as she leaps into the air and Superman Punches her father.

"Rose," said Slade sternly.

"It's Ravager," said Rose.

"Whatever. You're coming with me," said Slade.

"She stays with me. I don't think she likes you," said Jordan.

"Grrrr," groaned Slade.

"Father, I rescind your invitation to return. I like it here," said Rose as she pulls out her blade.

"Fine then. Let's get this over with," said Slade.

"Together!" exclaimed Jordan and Rose.

Jordan charges at Slade as Rose leaps over him. They start their double-team now. Jordan slams his blades against Slade's before Slade tries to hit him with the back of his hand. Jordan easily dodges this and Rose is able to land a punch on his back. Slade reacts by kicking her without turning around, but he is met with a hard fist from Jordan. Slade stumbles back and is almost kicked by Rose, but he kicks her away. Jordan leaps on him but gets kneed in the stomach. Jordan then flips back and looks at Rose. They both nod at each other and Rose charges at her father. She dodges his attempted slices and leads him into a trap. Jordan grabs him from behind and suplexes him and then hits him with a powerbomb. Slade kicks him off, but Jordan just backflips.

"We're getting more hits than I thought," said Rose.

"We're not done yet," said Jordan.

"We're just getting started," said Slade.

"No. I was just saying that we weren't going to be done for the next few seconds," said Jordan as he pulls out a trigger.

"What is that?" asked Slade.

"How we got out with a bang," said Jordan as he presses the button.

They will go out with a bang as bombs explode all around the arena. The walls start to crack as the base starts to come to its knees. Rocks fall from the cavern, killing some cultists and also distracting the transformed Blood. A giant rock falls between Slade and the heroes, dividing them.

"We need to go after him," said Rose.

"I know," said Jordan.

Rose leaps over the rock and chases after her father before Jordan can stop her. Jordan follows after his student and chases Slade as well. Slade pulls out his dual pistols and tries to shoot them, but they dodge the bullets easily. He then throws some Sladarangs at them, but they dodge them as well. They both pull out their grappling hooks, grapple to the wall, and kick the mercenary in unison. He flies into a wall and Rose rushes him. She angrily punches him a couple times in the face, completely breaking his helmet. She then starts to pound on him, drawing blood. Jordan walks up to her and tries to grab her, but Rose won't stop.

"Rose, he's through. Let's turn him in," said Jordan.

"Can't do that. Need vengeance," said Rose.

"Justice. Not vengeance," said Jordan.

"Easy for you to say," said Rose.

"You want to see Jericho. Let him see you as a woman and not a murderer. Slade is trash, but even he has a heart somewhere. Stop this and allow someone else to carry this burden. Don't do this for him, but for Jericho," said Jordan.

"I can't stop. I need to do this. It stops the pain," said Rose.

"You're very strong. Don't ruin your life just to get over the trauma. Let us help. Let me help. Please," said Jordan.

"You will never understand," said Rose.

"I understand more than you know, kid," said Jordan.

"If you want me to stop, then stop me with force. Words won't work," said Rose.

"I won't. It's your choice. You're almost grown, so you have to make these hard decisions. I can assist of course, but you have to make the final call. That's how you become a hero," said Jordan.

Rose continues to beat on her father and he doesn't stop her. She lands one more punch until she stops. She looks at her hands and sees that the hands are just like her father's. Full of blood and hatred. She gets up and stares at her father's beaten face.

"You made the right choice. Now, let's put him in handcuffs," said Jordan.

Jordan pulls out a pair of handcuffs and tries to grab his hands, but he is punched in the gut, and Rose is kicked away.

"Cute moment, but I have to go. Have a good day," said Slade before he drops a smoke bomb and disappears.

"We gotta go," said Jordan as he grabs his grappling hook.

"Such a bummer," said Rose as she also grabs her grappling hook.

The two heroes grapple away as the base comes down around them. They reach the surface while hopping on and off rocks to not die. They think that they're alone, but the other Titans are waiting for them. Thinking that they will hate her, Rose backs away.

"Where are you going?" asked Jordan.

"Well, this is kind of my fault," said Rose nervously.

"We don't hold grudges. Don't we, gang?" said Jordan.

"Eh," said Beast Boy.

"Eh means yes in BeastBoynease," said Jordan.

"Look. We don't hate you, but you need to deal with your issues and gain our trust," said Beast Boy.

"Gar's right. You almost got us killed, but we're alive, so that's nice," said Cyborg as he rubs his head with his robotic hand.

"I apologize. I never wanted this to happen, but you heroes have taught me the error of my ways. I will redeem myself and hopefully become as good a hero as you all," said Rose as she bows.

"And we will be here. Waiting for your return," said Jaime.

"I have a friend in Miami. She has a knack for taking in troubled youth. Plus, she has had a life similar to yours. She will help you. You will love it there," said Jordan.

"I will have to be the judge," said Rose.

"She's not as bad as Slade, so that's a start," said Jordan.

"We will catch my father one day. He's getting older and weaker. We will take him down the next time he acts," said Rose.

"Justice," said Jordan.

"Not vengeance," said Rose.

"Nice. Now, who wants some pizza?" asked Cyborg.

The next two weeks are not very eventful. The Titans return to Jump City and fight crime, but Rose doesn't join them. She is currently bunking with Jade in her Miami residence. Jade is not pleased with having to provide for three kids. Now, we cut to a news broadcast. The JCNN has a super important guest for an interview.

"This is Cat Grant with a special interview. We don't get these often, so I am happy to introduce a brand-new Titan. She goes by the name, Ravager. So, how are you doing today?" said Cat.

"I've never been better, Cat," said Rose.

"So, let's just cut to the chase. How is it being a Titan?" said Cat.

"Amazing. Well, that's what everyone thinks. They're right, but I don't deserve the gratitude," said Rose.

"What do you mean?" asked Cat.

"I was never supposed to be a hero. I was bred to be evil. I used to look up to my father, but now I hate him. I don't know why he changed, but time corrodes the mind," said Rose.

"Can you tell us a little more about your father?" asked Cat.

"He is Deathstroke. Is that what you need?" said Rose.

"You are the daughter of Deathstroke? I didn't see that coming," said Cat.

"It's strange, but not too rare for a hero to come from the DNA of a villain. I know firsthand," said Rose.

"What did he do to you?" asked Cat.

"Well, he took my eye. He also did other bad things, but you can make inferences about them," said Rose.

"Seems like a bad dude," said Cat.

"Obviously," said Rose.

"Why are you not with the team? You are a Titan," said Cat.

"I need to earn that spot. I didn't come to the team with good intentions, but I've changed. Their friendship and love have turned a cold person into a teenager again and I will never forget that," said Rose.

"So, where are you now?" asked Cat.

"I have a spot in Miami. I'm protecting it while I'm there," said Rose.

"You heard it folks. Miami has a hero watching over it," said Cat.

"Cool it, Cat. Jeesh. You're ruining my cover," said Rose jokingly.

"So, do you know how the Titans are doing?" asked Cat.

"Yes. We keep in touch. They are doing good," said Rose.

"Any details?" asked Cat.

"They may kill me for this, but I will do it anyway. Ready your ears for some insider details. First, Phoenix and Raven are improving their relationship. They have been on the rocks lately. Secondly, Superboy finally got to talk to Superman. They work together fine. Finally, Blue Beetle has been with family. Working with each other to make up for lost time," said Rose.

"That's very nice. Do you want to tell us anything else?" said Cat.

"Remember, just because you were born to do something, doesn't mean you should do it," said Rose.

On the fiery planet of Apokolips, Darkseid watches the broadcast. He watches it with a frown and his servant quickly turns off the broadcast. He then bows in front of his leader before starting to talk.

"That was just aired today, my lord. Brother Blood has been dead for the past two weeks," said the servant.

"Sad, but not surprising. I was going to deal with him later anyways," said Darkseid.

"He could have been very useful for our conquest of Earth," said the servant.

"We can find the Anti-Life Equation without him," said Darkseid.

"And we will, my lord. All we need is a little time," said the servant.

"I want to be there by the end of the year. I don't want to wait any longer," said Darkseid.

"Yes, my lord," said the servant.

Look who's back. Back again. Joshie's back. Tell a friend. So, I have finally returned. Where have I been? Well, it's a long story. My internet went out again. Yay! It was only for a couple weeks. Then, I got lazy and decided to go on hiatus for the rest of the summer. Then, my internet went out again. Yay, once more. It was out for a week, and I got it back a few days ago. Now, we're here. To compensate for my laziness and bad luck, I will pump out the next few chapters until we get to the endgame. The last three chapters of the story, I think. They're kinda fillery, but they're not bad. You'll enjoy them if you've enjoyed the story so far. Enjoy the chapter and have a good day.

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