
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

sergeantmeat69 · TV
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66 Chs

Donna's Labors

A month has passed since Starfire met her brother and defeated her evil sister. Her sister won't be bothering her or her friends anymore because she is in the custody of the Green Lantern Corps. Everything has been normal. Well, everything except for the fact that there is a new Wonder Girl around. Or at least another member of the Wonder family. Let's intrude into the conversation of both of these Wonder Girls right now. Donna sits at her desk and looks at her friend whose face is on her screen.

"So, how is it to like to have powers?" asked Donna.

"Why do you say that? You have powers too," said Cassie.

"I just want your opinion on them because you are a rookie," said Donna.

"They're cool I guess. Being able to fly and having super strength is cool," said Cassie.

"Cool? Is that it? You act like your powers are now just your new toy," said Donna.

"I would rather have super speed. Being The Flash would be cooler," said Cassie.

"You have the chance to work right under Diana. She's way cooler than Flash," said Donna.

"Seems like someone's jealous," said Cassie.

"There's nothing to be jealous of. Wonder Woman has always been more powerful than The Flash," said Donna.

"You're bad at lying," said Cassie.

"I'm not," said Donna.

"You are right now," said Cassie.

"Whatever. Why are you calling me?" said Donna.

"I need guidance. This is my first time ever having powers and I don't want to kill myself," said Cassie.

"I gave you Diana's number. Why don't you use that?" said Donna.

"I want your help. You're like a sister to me," said Cassie.

"Fine. What do you want me to do?" said Donna.

"I'm down in LA right now and I'm going to be here for the next few days. Come find me. I'll be waiting," said Cassie.

"Where's your location?" asked Donna.

"If you know me, you know where I will be. See ya," said Cassie before she shuts off the video call.

"Well, I guess that I won't be spending my Sunday in the house," said Donna.

Thirty minutes pass. Donna fliers through the skies at a casual speed until she reaches the famous Santa Monica Pier. She lands on the beach and turns her head to see her friend waving for her to see her. Donna sees her hand and walks over to her.

"Cassie, you look well," said Donna.

"When do I don't?" asked Cassie.

"You're right," said Donna.

"So, what do we do first?" asked Cassie.

"I thought that you would know. You called me," said Donna.

"I'm the rookie, remember?" asked Cassie.

"Ok. Ok. Let's start with the basics. What are your powers?" said Donna.

"Flight. Super strength. Increased durability," said Cassie.

"So, my powers? This should be easy," said Donna.

"First lesson, sensei?" said Cassie.

"Treat me like your punching bag. Hit me with your best shot," said Donna.

"Gladly," said Cassie evilly.

Cassie winds back her fist and punches Donna with full force. She is sent flying miles away and this just surprises her. She grabs her nose and feels the blood pour into her hands. She then rockets towards Cassie, a little mad.

"That hurt," said Donna annoyingly.

"Sorry. I just suck at pretending to be a girl," said Cassie.

"Huh?" asked Donna.

"I said that I uck at being a girl," said Ares as he transforms into his true form.

"Ares," said Donna.

"I'm back, little lady. Did you miss me?" said Ares.

"Why are you here?" asked Donna.

"I said that I would return, didn't I?" asked Ares.

"Have you come to torment me some more?" asked Donna.

"Yes, but I also have a challenge for you," said Ares.

"What is it?" asked Donna.

"Do you want your friend back?" asked Ares.

"What did you do to her?" said Donna sternly.

"Nothing yet, but she needs you to save her. Ironically, she's a part of your disgusting Wonder Family but needs saving. Sad," said Ares.

"Where is she?" asked Donna sternly.

"I won't tell you that, but I will after you complete my challenge," said Ares.

"What's the challenge?" asked Donna sternly.

"It's as old as time. You will have twelve challenges that you have to complete before the sun falls. Twelve challenges that even Hercules had difficulty dealing with. Your challenge shall be the twelve labors," said Ares.

"The twelve labors? Too easy," said Donna.

"These twelve labors may be the same, but they are just as dangerous. Complete them and you will be able to save your little friend. Fail and she dies. Just like your mother," said Ares.

"Don't bring her up," said Donna.

"I will. A lot. Your first challenge is here right now. Good luck," said Ares as he disappears.

Donna turns around and looks for her first labor. It appears in a cloud of darkness and hops onto the beach. It is a large, strong lion. This should be easy.

"A lion? I have slain hundreds of these," said Donna.

The lion gets enraged and charges at Donna. Donna just leaps over it and slams her feet on its tail. It screams in pain before it gets hit with a powerful right hook and its head flies off and lands on the beach.

"First labor complete. Pretty fast," said Ares.

"Make it harder," said Donna.

"I will. Your next labor is to defeat the Hydra. It will be here in seconds" said Ares.

"This will be a breeze," said Donna.

A few seconds pass before the Hydra appears in the ocean. Its nine snakeheads roar at the Amazonian. Donna smiles and leaps from the beach onto the beast. She pulls out her thick blade and cuts off the beast's many heads with ease before using her lasso to tie up all of the headless limbs and squishing them until they explode.

"Another challenge done? Good. Time for the third one," said Ares.

"This should be easy as well," said Donna.

"Task number four: Kill Geryon," said Ares.

"Geryon? You should be ashamed of yourself. A beast so weak shouldn't be a threat," said Donna.

"We'll see," said Ares.

Geryon, a beast with three bodies patched together, appears in front of Donna. The disgusting beast roars and Donna wickedly smiles. With one swipe of her blade, the multi-bodied beast is sliced in three and killed.

"Yet another one down. Truly impressive. Your next labor is to kill the Cretan Bull," said Ares.

"A fire-breathing bull? You anger me, old god," said Donna.

"Just deal with the beast and shut up," said Ares.

The fire-breathing bull appears behind Donna and tries to get a sneak shot, but Donna does a backflip and then throws her lasso around the bull's neck and starts to strangle it. It spits out fire as it struggles to breathe, but Donna doesn't care and snaps its neck.

"You know what? This is not entertaining. One last challenge and then you can come save your friend. Defeat Cerberus," said Ares.

"I thought that this would be a challenge. This is just sad," said Donna.

"Keep on talking and your friend dies," said Ares.

"My lips are zipped," said Donna.

"Here comes your last beast to slay," said Ares.

Cerberus appears in front of Donna and she just speed blitzes it and slices it in half with her blade. She has completed her last challenge.

"You have completed your twelve labors. Nice work," said Ares.

"Those were only like six," said Donna.

"Find me in Star City. If you know our history together, you will know where I am," said Ares.

"Great," said Donna.

Two hours pass. Donna reaches her old home. She took so much time, so she could not be forced to relive that tragic day. She lands in front of her home and slowly walks up to the door. She opens it and walks through the door. Old memories flash right before her eyes as she gets closer to her apartment. She reaches the door to the apartment and opens it. She enters the apartment and continues to walk until she sees the god of war sitting in her mother's favorite chair.

"This chair is very comfy. I should have taken this seat with me. It's better than my throne," said Ares.

"Where is she?" asked Donna.

"She is in a safe place. You can go get her once you complete your final challenge," said Ares.

"I already did that. You told me you would let her go if I did," said Donna.

"I have changed my mind. Those challenges were too easy. You need an actual challenge. You need me. I am your last challenge. Slay me and you will have your friend back," said Ares.

"I love that. Let's start now," said Donna.

"No. Let me create a suitable environment," said Ares.

He snaps his fingers and the apartment morphs into a makeshift roman coliseum. Ares hovers over a few feet away from Donna as she backs away. Patrons appear in the stands and start to cheer.

"Hello, peasants to the battle of the century between the Amazonian warrior Donna Troy and me, Ares, the god of war! This will not be a long fight, but it will be entertaining! At least for me," said Ares.

"Let's do this," said Donna as she pulls out her blade.

Donna and Ares charge at each other and their blades clash in the center of the Colosseum. This clash creates a huge shockwave that covers the entire arena. Ares punches Donna in the face and sends her flying into a wall. He then tries to end her with a stab to her heart, but she jumps out of the way and leaps into the air. She then knees Ares on her way down and creates a huge crack in the ground. Ares throws her off him and gets back up. A hammer appears in his right hand and he jumps toward Donna. He tries to smash her with the giant weapon, but She rolls away and then kicks him in the kneecaps. He is forced to kneel and is then kicked in the chin and sent flying into the stands.

"Is this all you got, Ares? I can't believe that I ever feared you," said Donna.

"Fear my strength, girl, as I destroy you," said Ares as he gets up.

Ares picks up part of the arena and throws it at Donna. She easily cuts it in half, but she is then tackled by the god of war and slammed to the ground. On the ground, she is then punched repeatedly and her blood flies around the arena.

"Am I weak now, girl, or are you just a loser who talks too much?" asked Ares.

"Ares, you shouldn't try pushing my buttons. Especially, if you want to live," said Donna.

"You're not doing good at keeping up with those threats," said Ares.

"Don't push it," said Donna.

"Even after I killed your mother and I took your friend, you still are too weak. Will you really be the next Wonder Woman? If so, you will not be a menace to my plans," said Ares.

Ares continues to rapidly punch Donna over and over and over. He won't stop and Donna doesn't have the strength to stop him. Not until he sees someone. It's her mother, and next to her, Cassie, and next to her, Diana.

"Get up, Donna. You have an enemy to defeat. You can't give up right now. Not when you're so close to divine victory," said the three women.

"I won't quit. Not yet," said Donna.

"Hmmm. Are you getting empowered by your friends and family? What a cliche," said Ares.

Ares tries to punch her one more time, but his giant fist is grabbed and his arm is twisted until it breaks. He tries to scream, but he is then punched through a wall. He doesn't get a chance to land until he is suplexed into the ground, breaking it, and then getting kneed into his face, breaking it. He tries to move, but his legs are quickly broken and his arms are ripped off. He is then stepped on and driven to the ground.

"What are you?" asked Ares.

"I am Donna Troy of Themyscira and your killer," said Donna as she raises her blade.

"Ahhhhhh!" exclaimed Ares in fear.

The scream doesn't stop her from doing what she has to do. She brings the blade down on his head hard and ends the evil god of war. She pulls it out after a few seconds and stares at the desecrated corpse of the old god.

"Burn in Hades, Ares," said Donna.