
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

sergeantmeat69 · TV
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66 Chs

Class of 2019

A day has passed since Jason and the Titans East defeated their first villain. Everything seemed good until Brother Blood's revelation made the day feel worse. The mood changed in a bad way. Even though they defeated their first villain, it seems that they didn't. What could the HIVE headmaster be planning? Let's find out as Jason contacts Jordan in the living room.

"Jordan, are you there?" asked Jason.

"Of course. I'm always here. What do you want?" said Jordan.

"We defeated our first villain yesterday," said Jason.

"Nice. Did you kill him?" said Jordan.

"Kill him? Of course, I didn't. I've changed," said Jason.

"That's what they all say," said Jordan.

"Do you have no confidence in me?" asked Jason.

"It's not that. You came back from the dead and started purging crime in Gotham and Jump City. Now, you randomly turn up after months and now you're a good guy who no longer kills. It's kind of hard to believe that," said Jordan.

"Big bro, I've changed. I know it may have been quick, but I'm a different person," said Jason.

"I'll trust you for now, but if you revert to your old ways, I will be there to stop you," said Jordan.

"I hope you will," said Jason.

"How's the team?" asked Jordan.

"They're cool. They were super annoying when I first got here, but they're slowly changing. More villains are popping up and we're dealing with them," said Jason.

"Steel City has one of the highest crime rates in the country. If you guys are effective, I want to see a major drop by the end of the winter," said Jordan.

"You will. Their powers and my leadership will make this place a haven," said Jason.

"Criminals won't stop committing crimes until you make them fear you. Do you think that your team will be able to handle this situation? Do you think that you guys will be good protectors of that garbage city?" said Jordan.

"Of course. I put faith in my team. You should too," said Jason.

"Why would I put my faith into Green Arrow's sidekick, Aquaman's sidekick, Hispanic Flashes, and black Atom? The only reason you guys were able to beat that villain was because of you. These amateurs would be nothing without you," said Jordan.

"What is that supposed to mean? Do you think that we can't handle it? Is your ego that big? Do you believe that you're so perfect? Do you think that I'm inferior to you?" asked Jason.

"Of course not. It's just-," said Jordan.

"Just what! I've changed, but you refuse to trust me. I'm a good leader, but you refuse to believe in me. We're supposed to be 'family', but you're nothing but a cocky dick with major trust issues," said Jason.

"Coming from the psycho who returned from the grave and went on a killing spree," said Jordan.

"You probably wish that I was still dead," said Jason.

"Why would I want you to be dead? Look, you're growing older and you're changing. It's weird to see you in such a state," said Jordan.

"This is me, bro. Deal with it," said Jason.

"Fine. I'll just deal with it," said Jordan.

"Do you have anything else to say?" asked Jason.

"If you ever need help, just call. I'll be there in a heartbeat," said Jordan.

"You didn't have to tell me that. I already know," said Jason.

"Good night. Don't let the bed bugs bite," said Jordan.

"Whatever," said Jason.

Jason clicks a button on the large keyboard and ends the video call. From behind a corner, Speedy watches him, but something is wrong. His eyes are red and he holds a HIVE communicator.

"Brother Blood, Jason just had a tense conversation with Jordan. I don't think that they will be talking a lot now," said Speedy.

"Good. The fewer conversations the better. We don't want them talking to each other if we want our plan to work," said Brother Blood.

"I can take him out with only one arrow. He doesn't have his suit on," said Speedy.

"No, my student. I have a more extravagant plan," said Brother Blood.

Nine hours pass. The Titans East now sit at the dining table as Jason puts a large dish on the table. Speedy stares at his communicator as Jason pulls off the top of the dish.

"What is this?" asked Aqualad.

"My world favorite Beyond the Grave Breakfast feast. Eggs, sausage, bacon, oatmeal, cereal, waffles, pancakes, and french toast. This is all of the calories and protein that you need for the rest of the day," said Jason.

"This smells amazing," said Mas y Menos.

"What have we done to deserve this?" asked Bumblebee.

"Well, we've been kicking ass and taking names, so you guys deserve this. If we continue doing good, we may be getting stuff like this more often," said Jason.

"I don't think I will be able to move after eating all of this," said Aqualad.

"That's the point. Now, dig in. Speedy, get your butt on a seat and enjoy some brunch," said Jason.

"Boss doesn't want us to eat that trash," said Speedy.

"Huh? Who's your boss?" asked Jason.

"Not you!" exclaimed Speedy.

Speedy quickly turns around and launches an arrow at Jason. Jason easily ducks and dodges the arrow.

"Speedy, what the hell was that for?" asked Jason.

"Sorry, Jason, but you're not the boss around here," said Aqualad.

Jason surveys the room and sees that his teams' eyes are now glowing deep red. They are no longer his allies.

"You guys have the same eyes as that Steamroller guy. Who is controlling you?" said Jason.

"Headmaster isn't controlling us. He's saving us from this messed-up world. We don't play heroes or villains. We play the game of world domination," said Bumblebee.

"So, Brother Blood got to you all. How?" said Jason.

"He'll be here any minute. He will explain it to you when gets here," said Speedy.

"Who said that he will get here in one piece?" asked Jason.

"You may be skilled and dangerous, but you can't beat us all. You don't have the strength," said Aqualad.

"I'll show you the strength of a human. Tower, activate Lockdown!" said Jason.

"Yes, Red Hood," said the tower.

"So, you're going to lock yourselves in with us. You're pretty confident," said Speedy

"I'm not confident. I don't even want to fight you guys, but push has come to shove. As leader of this team, it is my responsibility to prevent yourselves from destroying yourselves, so bring it," said Jason.

"You're a fool. Let's destroy him for Brother Blood," said Bumblebee.

"Hail, Brother Blood," said the brainwashed Titans.

Speedy launches another arrow at Jason, but he jumps over it to dodge the arrow. Jason pulls out a remote and presses a button on it. A suit container rises from the ground, but it's on the other side of the room.

"I should have placed that thing closer to me," said Jason.

Jason makes a break for the container. Bumblebee tries to sting Jason, but he jumps and flips to avoid her stings. Mas y Menos touch each other's hands and zoom towards their leader. Jason quickly takes off his shirt and throws it at the twin speedsters. It hits them and stops them from running. Speedy tries to shoot more arrows at Jason, but he easily dodges them. Aqualad bends the water and tries to make a giant wave, but Jason rushes him and kicks him into the pool. Jason finally reaches the container and presses his hand on the hand scanner. The container accepts the handprint and opens. As the brainwashed Titans run towards him, Jason quickly puts his suit on and drops a couple smoke bombs. He seemingly disappears as the Titans look through the smoke.

"Where is he?" asked Bumblebee.

"Right here!" exclaimed Jason.

The brainwashed Titans turn around and see three disks flying towards them. They don't get a chance to move until they are sent flying backward by a giant explosion. Jason then pulls out a taser stick and throws it at the puddle of water that Titans now stood on. The Titans are electrocuted and are nearly knocked unconscious. Jason then pulls out a canister of gas and throws it at his team. It disperses a gas and knocks the Titans out. Their unconscious bodies hit the ground as Jason walks up to them.

"Sleep tight, team. I will be meeting your boss soon," said Jason.

Twenty minutes pass. The doors to the tower open as the HIVE Headmaster enters it. He walks through the dark hallways until he reaches the living room. The doors to the living room open and he sees his new students tied to poles in the center of it.

"What is this?" asked Brother Blood.

"Your new students. They weren't much of a challenge," said Jason.

"You!" exclaimed Brother Blood.

"Yes, me?" asked Jason confusingly.

"How dare you interfere with my plan and defeat my students! I shall have your head!" exclaimed Brother Blood.

"Then, come get it," said Jason.

Brother Blood leaps towards Jason, but he easily just gets kicked into the wall. He then tries to get up, but Jason shoots him in both of his legs and then shoots him in the stomach.

"Impossible. How are you so strong?" said Brother Blood.

"I'm not strong. You're just weak," said Jason.

"I won't be defeated by the likes of you. I will destroy your friends and take over the world," said Brother Blood.

"You couldn't even take me down. How will you deal with the rest of the Titans?" said Jason.

"You'll see. I will deal with you bastards very quickly," said Brother Blood.

"Whatever you say, Blood. How did you take over my team?" said Jason.

"It was really easy. With the help of Steamroller, I was able to sneak into the tower. I used my powers to hypnotize your friends and force them to become my students. You can't turn them back. They will always be mine," said Brother Blood.

"I will find a way. I always do," said Jason.

"You won't. The heroes won't win at the end of this story," said Brother Blood.

"Would a fist work?" asked Jason.

"Huh?" asked Brother Blood.

Jason punches Brother Blood, knocking him out. He then picks up Brother Blood's unconscious body and walks out of the living room. He walks towards the exit and the large doors open. He walks to the dock and sees a large orange ship floating over the water.

"Whose ship is this?" asked Jason.

"It's ours. You are a Titan after all," said Jordan.

Jason turns around and sees his big bro leaning against the tower with a smile on his face. Weird.

"Why are you here?" asked Jason.

"I have secret cameras and audio recording devices in the tower. I heard Brother Blood conspiring with your brainwashed teammates and I decided to come and make sure you were safe, but you did well. Better than I thought you would," said Jordan.

"You were right. If they were able to be brainwashed by Brother Blood and would have been used to help him take over the world, we would be screwed. We don't deserve to be Titans," said Jason.

"Relax, Jason. We have lost fights before. We've been defeated before. The only difference between us and you guys is experience. In a few years, you guys will be unbeatable as well. You guys just defeated Brother Blood, the headmaster of HIVE. I think that by defeating him, you guys just became premier superheroes. I'm proud of you," said Jordan.

"You are?" asked Jason.

"Why wouldn't I? You guys did amazing. No, you did amazing. I'll remove the camera and recording devices," said Jordan.

"You don't have to. If something like this will ever happen again, I may need your help," said Jason.

"Are you sure? Where's the confidence?" asked Jordan.

"I'm confident of course, but a wise man once said that you have to be prepared for everything and this is helping me be prepared for whatever happens next," said Jason.

"Whoever said that must be a genius," said Jordan.

"He is," said Jason.

Jordan sticks out his hand and Jason grabs it, shaking it as the morning sun shines on the two brothers.

"I'll see you around, Jason. I have to get back to Jump City before anything bad happens. Bad things always happen while I'm not there," said Jordan.

"Have a good trip back," said Jason.

"I will," said Jordan.

As Jordan walks away and enters his ship, Jason watches him and a large smile grows on his face.

"This is the best day of my life," said Jason.

Author's Thought Extended (Read this section first or the bottom won't make sense)

Welcome to the season finale. I had a lot of fun writing this season. I know that it wasn't completely original, but it "introduced" a new character and gave him his own arc and a role in the plot. I guess that it was a success. Now, we must move on to season 4 and allow the episodes to take flight. Before that, we have to update the TIMELINE. More importantly, this shift in Jason's character seems rushed. I was thinking of making a special chapter to just flesh him out more. If you want that, just let me know. TIMELINE TIME!

13.8 billion years ago- Earth 12 is created

1,200 years ago- The island of Themyscira is created

1,000 years ago- Wonder Woman is created

June 6, 1934- Alfred Pennyworth is born

May 10, 1941- John Kent is born

March 14, 1942- Martha Kent is born

April 1, 1942- First appearance of Wonder Woman

September 7, 1946- Thomas Wayne is born

February 12, 1950- Martha Wayne is born

April 5, 1952- Alfred joins the English military

October 22, 1956- Slade Wilson is born

July 8, 1965- Martha and John Kent get married

September 13, 1966- Thomas and Martha Wayne get married

April 24, 1972- Slade lies about his age, joins the military, and is injected with a super-soldier like serum

April 17, 1983- Bruce Wayne is born

February 29, 1986- Kal-El is born and sent to Earth

March 1, 1986- Kal-El is found by the Kents and is named Clark

May 8, 1991- Thomas and Martha Wayne are killed by Joe Chill

July 27, 1992- Barbara Gordon is born

December 14, 1996- Victor Stone is born

September 19, 1997- Jordan King is born

March 12, 1999- Dick Grayson is born

August 7, 1999- Koriander is born

October 7, 1999- Bruce starts to travel the world to train

October 9, 1999- Rachael Roth is born

November 11, 1999- Clark learns about his origins

April 27, 2000- Jason Todd is born

June 19, 2000- Terra Markov is born

August 21, 2000- Garfield Logan is born

April 9, 2007- Batman is first sighted in Gotham

June 17, 2008- Superman is first seen in Metropolis, and Azarath is destroyed by Trigon

August 10, 2008- Terra is adopted and experimented on by Dr. Jace

2009- Barbara Gordon becomes Batgirl, Dick Grayson becomes Robin, and seasons 1-4 of "The Batman", and the formation of the Justice League

2010- Season 5 of "The Batman", Jason is adopted and trained by Slade, and chapter 1 happens

2012- Chapter 2 happens, Beast Boy joins the Doom Patrol after receiving his powers, and Batfamily's first dealing with Slade

2013- Barbara is crippled by Joker and becomes Oracle, Jason is saved from Slade, Jason is brutally killed by the same man and revived by Ra's al Ghul later, Thanagraian invasion, Victor gets in his accident and becomes a cyborg, Terra escapes and is adopted by the Hendersons

2014- Starfire is sold to the Gordonians, Beast Boy leaves the Doom Patrol, Raven, Cyborg, and Garfield make their way to Jump City, The Hendersons tragically die and Terra goes on the run, Jason is trained by many assassins and warriors around the globe, returns to Gotham to watch Batman, stalks Jordan in Jump City, and the rest of Season 1

2015- Season 2 and Jason steals the Red Hood suit

2016- Season 3

I know that this chapter is being dropped a little earlier than usual. I have to go hang out with the family, so I have to drop it a couple hours in advance to stay on schedule. You guys will like it anways, so I don't know why I'm explaining this. Enjoy the chapter and have a good day!

sergeantmeat69creators' thoughts