FIRST COUPLE OF CHAPTERS ARE GARBAGE. the main character will start in the percy jackson and then travel into other dimensions. this was my first book, chapter 1-6 are really bad, and I didn't know how to write the cover wasn't drawn by me Only one interest. (Ai) and no more.
(not the best teacher writing person, so hope you enjoy) (also its 4 am, cut me some slack with the mispronunciation)
we teleported to the Harry Potter world, and while teleporting I was in my assassin's robes, however now my hood was down.
besides me was Hestia still in her kid form, however, she still has the effect where no one can see her.
"spooky castle," Hestia said.
"yup, now let's go. I got a class to set up," I said entering the castle.
I entered the castle with Hestia on my shoulders and admired the view. ghost flying everyone, peeves, and even the portraits moving.
"ah... smells like teen spirit," I said taking a whiff of air.
"Isn't that a song," Hestia questioned?
"yup, now let's go. I have a class to set up," I said heading to the DADA classroom.
the room was still a mess from Quirrell's classes so I waved my wand and the seats were rearranged, and all the things on the walls were replaced.
instead, on the walls were books of sophisticated magic and monsters. the magic was enchanted to not let anyone grab without my permission, after all, they were only going to be second years.
anyways those books were mainly pranking ideas for Fred and George. what can I say, I'm a major fan of pranksters.
who do you think taught the stoll brothers how to use seals.... definitely not me.
"books on pranking," Hestia said flipping through pages.
"of course. you might not know it but I have seals all over Olympus. shock seals, cake seals, the coo-coo clock, and many more," I said as I went to my office.
inside my office, I set up my bed and some other things. I made sure to have a shower set up, and a bath.
so bath/room is what this is called.
"so when will you be teaching," Hestia asked peeking inside.
"mmm oh, tomorrow," I answered.
"never would imagine you would be a teacher," Hestia said sitting in one of the seats.
"me either. I guess I grew out of my student faze and wanted to become a good adult," I said kicking my feet on my desk.
I felt a ruler hit my head and looked up in shock as I saw Hestia now had glasses and a ruler in her hand.
"Now young lady is that any way to speak to facility members," Hestia said in a playful tone.
I couldn't contain my laughter as Hestia said that. I guess having a child form would make almost anyone nonthreatening.
"alright Hestia, as much as I would love to have some fun, we have classes tomorrow," I said.
"yeah," she said looking around.
"almost forgot," I said as I waved my hand and Hestia's hearth appeared.
"now it's time for sleep," I said activating obito's sharingan and walking through the wall and into my bed.
"children," Hestia rolled her eyes as she tended to the hearth.
the next morning I entered the hall in style. with my cloak, and Hestia on my shoulders.
I saw as the kids watched me walk straight to the DADA seat and sit down with a chair next to me.
"the new defense against the dark arts teacher, Alice Jackson," Dumbledore introduced.
almost immediately rumors were spread about how I got the job. bribing, blackmail, and other notorious means.
however, that couldn't be further from the truth. I just sent an application and it was accepted because the other option was Gilderoy.
I had the first years for my first class and I decided to be the strict teacher. while I may not like it, I decided to imbed my knowledge into them.
"now then students, my name is Jackson. you however may call me miss Jackson. now before I begin my lessons where are your books," I asked as they pulled out their books.
"Those are useless," I said waving my hand and the books were sent to the back and organized.
"my classroom has only three rules.
1: no sneak attacks.
2: you are here to learn, not fail
3: combat over reading."
a student raised his hand and I looked at him.
"question," I said.
"What does rule number three mean," he asked.
"I'm glad you asked," I said as my singular eye showed signs of amusement.
"my class is about defense against the dark arts. now many teachers won't teach you actual spells until your third year but not me.
in my class, you are to learn and practice these spells. spells against the magic attacks, AND wandless magic," I said.
"now then any more questions before we begin," I asked.
"How did you lose your eye," a girl asked.
"I tore it out," I said chuckling.
being a teacher was honestly really enjoyable. I was the strict teacher one second and by the next, I was the fun teacher.
now I gave points to students for their creativity. I showed no favoritism to the houses. if someone gave the correct answer it was good I said good job, but if someone gave a creative answer, that was the money.
my next class had Ginny Weasley in it, and I had to make sure to go over the fact that if an inanimate object was talking to you report it to me immediately.
I was the go-to teacher for the dark arts, and not the others. while they may find a solution, my solution would always work.
my next class was the fifth-year students, and who else would I have than Fred and George?
once the classes were in session I looked over the students.
"I may have gone easy with the first years but you guys are in your fifth year. your class will be extremely harder.
see since you are older, I WILL push you harder. from here on out throw out all of your other DADA classes because mine will lead you to the path of survival," I said patrolling the front of the class
I noticed Fred and George messing around in the back and suddenly a cake was flung at both of them.
"that students is why you never let your guard down. that cake could have been a lethal spell and could have left you in a fatal position, or even worst, dead," I said.
I then went over the different monsters and the best way to defeat or neutralize the target.
I also gave them some homework, the first person to successfully use Episkey by the next class will earn 20 points.
(yes that is a spell).
now that left the question, which class was I the hardest on? well, obviously the seventh year. then the sixth... you get the rest.
I may have let Fred and George take one of my prank books, but where they got it from? oh, I don't know Dumbledore.
Hestia was a lovely help too. see I had the effect of scaring the children with one eye, and she had the calming effect to calm them down.
lucky brats getting to hug Hestia, anyways it was time for dinner.
I wonder what the students were going to say when I arrived.
hopefully something good.
hope you enjoyed it, finished this at 4 am and I'm sleepy.