
chapter 14 the kidnapping

Shinobu looked around getting a survey of her surroundings. She then looked at me and asked, "where is this place."

"Muzan will be here in 8 minutes to kill this family but we're going to help defend this family," I said as we began to walk towards the Kamado residence.

We walked towards the door and knocked. A few seconds later an older woman who I would assume was Tanjiro's mother. She looked over at us and saw our katanas.

"Yes, how many I help you," she asked. She once again glanced at our katanas.

"Sorry for intruding upon your home but we will have to ask you to stay inside your home and don't answer the door for the next twenty or so minutes," I said as I took a bow.

"May I know why I have to stay inside?"She asked.

"Ma'am your kid's safety is my top priority right now and we don't have enough time he's going to be coming soon, "I said.

"Wait, my kids are in danger" She yelled.

I quickly covered her mouth with my hands," Yes and if you don't go inside right now and close the door everyone here is going to die."

That got her motivated as she went back into the house, While she was inside I got to work on sealing.

"Don't you think that was a little harsh" Shinobu asked?

"Harsh but effective we have five minutes before he arrives and I need to set up the knockout seal," I said.

"What's a knockout seal," She asked.

"When muzan comes to the front door he's going to be hit with a paralysis seal then a conscience seal that will shut off his mind so he can't use any powers and the knockout just knocks him out"I explained.

I grabbed Shinobu and FTG we're I marked and made a little snow fort by using my water manipulation. I put Shinobu next to me and we watched the front door.

Twenty or so seconds later we saw Muzan *Michael Jackson* walking out from the woods. I waited till he got closer and when he was right outside I activated the seals.

The seals did their job, they restrained him and knocked him out. I pulled Shinobu up and we walked over to muzan's body.

"Why isn't he disintegrating yet," Shinobu asked.

"Because I didn't want him to, besides we have to get him back to the headquarters," I said as I went to knock on the door.

I knocked on the door and waited till she opened the door. She didn't.

"It's us we wanted to let you know the issue has been resolved and thank you for listening, "I said.

The door slowly opened and out came kie Kamado looking around, she saw the guy knocked out.

"Don't worry he won't be harming anyone and certainly not your family," I said as I grabbed muzan's neck.

"Oh, here as thanks for listening."I pulled out 1 million yen from behind my back," you saved a lot of families."

She opened the bag only to find it full of money. She raised her head to thank us but we were already gone.

I grabbed Shinobu's shoulder and used FTG and arrived at the butterfly mansion. I asked Shinobu to call a hashira meeting while I set up proper defense so he can stay awake while we are sentencing him.

About 15 minutes later I had properly sealed his thoughts so he can't send them to this location to rescue him. I left him conscious enough so he could listen but nothing else.

With that I dragged him by his feet making sure his face was dragging on the ground, I made sure to always hit the big rocks so he could feel that

I made sure to keep him in the shadows so he doesn't get killed early. I threw him into the shadows and knelt in front of master Kagaya.

"What the interesting news Shinobu told us about" asked master Kagaya.

"Shinobu and I have apprehended muzan and brought him here for your orders," I said I looked up at the other hashiras.

Shock could be seen on their faces I didn't want to stay here for long besides I wanted to stay home with my family, so I went over to the shadows and picked him up.

I threw him into the shadows under the house and knelt again," I was going to kill him but I decided it was only right to let you guys kill him.

go ahead punch him hang him up or whatever he can't call on his demons to come to help him. Although try to kill him quickly, The sooner you kill him the sooner we don't have to deal with demons" I said.

That lead to the decision and we voted for death by the sun, As none of Them wanted to be like the demons they killed. I gave muzan giyuu so he could kill him.

He seemed to smile at the thought of killing the demon king. He looked at the sky before he said, "for Sabito" and pushed the demon king into the sun. All around the world demons were disintegrating and becoming dust.

We took a moment to realize they just killed him. We all looked at the sky and prayed for the fallen demon slayers.

"So are we going to a party or what," I asked?

"Yes, let's throw the most flamboyant party ever," said Uzui.

And that concluded my first world, I brought out Dr pepper and beer for the older folks and after that I took Shinobu and we cuddled in the butterfly mansion.

The next day I woke up early and cooked some blue pancakes with eggs and a grilled cheese sandwich. I made it all onto a plate and served it to Shinobu while she was still in bed.

She awoke to the smell of food and looked up to see me holding two plates in my hand. I put one on her lap while I sat next to her I summoned some orange juice for both of us.

We sat there and ate in silence only listening to the sounds of the birds.

"Thank you," she said as she looked over at me.

"It's fine, besides I got to do what I got to do to keep my girlfriend happy." I teased.

She chuckled and kissed me on the cheek and rested her head on my lap. I didn't say anything as I started patting her head.

I began to think about whether or not to go to a different world after this or stay until after the Titan's curse.

I decided that after the Titan's curse I will travel to different worlds. I might even have to wait until after the war with Kronos, After all, getting this done meant she could do what she wanted.

'So I need to do the sea of monsters and Titans curse while training Percy, yeah so next quest Thalia is coming back so that should be fun I thought.

"I'm ready to go back," Shinobu said as she looked up at me.

"Do you want to say goodbye to the hashira's and say goodbye or do you want to leave?" I said.

"I guess I want to bully Tomioka for the last time," she said.

"You're never going to let that go will you huh, "I said as I shake my head.

And so like that my first world came to end altho I did do Tomioka a favor and gave him Tanjiro's house to make sure he at least has a friend.

Shinobu grabbed onto my shoulder and we traveled back to my original world. When we arrived we appeared back in our room.

It was mid-day and I wanted to enjoy my time with the family I had. Kanao was a little tough to have to express any emotions but mom made it a little easier, I mean, after all, she was a natural mother.

Percy and I had a schedule going on for the next couple of months. In the morning I had cuddle time with Shinobu, afternoon we had school and after school, we had spars.

(Luke still betrayed Olympus and so did a few demigods but other than that nothing else changed)

April came around and Annabeth came and "saved" us from the Laestrygonians. We took Tyson and went to camp.

And just like that, we were sent off on a quest to save the camp (in secret of course.)

We went to C.C.'s Spa and Resort and met Reyna

and Hylla. Of course, I gave them an FTG seal and a couple of daggers so they could defend themselves.

Then we have the Golden fleece, we took it and bailed obviously when Polyphemus tried to come after us.

Like that we had the fleece but we still gave it to Clarisse, after all, I did not want to take credit for her quest.

A couple of days later Thalia had come out of her tree and everything else went according to canon.

Hades told me if I could pick up the di Angelo's siblings and that is why we're currently outside of Westover Hall.

"So your telling me a god just gave you a place to go and pick up his kids and you agreed," Thalia said.

"Well I mean why not I did say I was going to get them, so I'm just doing them a favor," I said.

"So are there going to be any monsters guarding them that we should be worried about"Annabeth asked.

"Oh most definitely," I said," I mean what quest would it be if it didn't have monsters."

"Will you guys be safe, will you need a ride home do you have your phone" mom asked.

"Don't worry mom we will be fine" I reassured her.

Percy, Thalia, Annabeth, and I walked into Westover Hall, When we entered I immediately put Ms. Gottschalk into a genjutsu so we can get easier.

(in case you're going to say "you have to look at their Sharingan to put them in a genjutsu she used Itachi's, he was one of if not the best genjutsu users so he could put people in them without looking, and altho it doesn't work for people without chakra I'm making it so it does).

We walked up to the front desk and we were welcomed almost immediately.

"Oh, Alice I'm so glad you could arrive, I thought you said you won't be able to come," Ms. Gottschalk said.

"I was not planning to but I guess I could use a little time to socialize," I said with a shrug.

She seemed to think that it was reasonable until another person came out of nowhere.

"What do you think you're doing," he said.

I just rolled my eyes and grabbed Thalia's hand and looked him in the eye," Why I was going to enjoy the dance with my date is that a problem Mr. Thorn".

Annabeth quickly followed my lead and grabbed Percy's hand, She then laid her hand on her shoulder.

"Are we going to be allowed entry or will I have to file a complaint to the school district that we were discriminated against? "I asked.

"No no no, of course, there is no need to go threw the hassle of course we're going to allow you entry," Ms. Gottschalk said.

"Good," I said as I pulled Thalia towards the punch, Annabeth quickly followed me pulling Percy.

"How did you do that" Thalia asked.

" Do what" I answered.

"You don't even control the mist and she thought you came to this school, Which you don't"Thalia explained.

"Just some trickery" I answered.

"Now that I think about it Alice you have been able to do things that you are not supposed to," Annabeth said.

"Look we can talk about this another time, as of now we're standing out like sore thumbs let's just dance and blend in," I said.

"Your right, keep an eye on the kids," Annabeth said, "come on seaweed brain".

"But I don't know how to" Percy tried to say before getting pulled by Annabeth.

"So you want to join me for a dance Miss Grace," I said as I held out my hand.

She just rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand as I lead her toward the dance floor. We danced around for a couple of minutes before I noticed Percy leaving and Annabeth looking for us.

Annabeth quickly spotted us and sped and walked towards us.

"Alice quick he took the kids," Annabeth said in a hurry.

"Alright come on," I said as we ran to the exit.

When we arrived and we saw Percy and the di Angelo's siblings getting near the river. I signaled Annabeth and Thalia to get ready to ambush him before suddenly I heard a grunt.

Dr. Thorn had decided that Percy's shoulder would be good for target practice.

"You guys get behind him Annabeth you go to his left since you can go invisible and Thalia goes on his right," I said not leaving them time to react before I slowly walked out.

"You know bullying my little brother is a serious offense punishable by death right," I said.

That quickly got everyone's attention as they turned their heads. Dr. Thorn immediately locked eyes with me while Percy and the di Angelo's siblings looked like they got pulled by an "invisible" force.

"So it was you who's going to kill me. You don't even have a weapon." He said.

"Is that so?"I said as I pulled out my daggers that I transformed into bracelets.

When he saw that I had a weapon on me he immediately started throwing his spikes at me. I just slashed some out of the sky or I just Dodged them, While I was playing around with him Thalia, Annabeth, and Percy hopped into action.

We started attacking him when suddenly we heard the sound of a hunter's horn.

'and so it begins' I thought.