Updates every four days! The New Isaac emerges in teen wolf with his own ideas. Yes this is a slow paced but heavy story, I want to give a lot of character development along with more then just what happens in the original.
Laying in his bed Isaac had an ice pack on his cheek while there was also one on his ribs, they were back to being bruised so he was trying to chill them out, luckily his father was leaving him alone. There was still some time to the party and he planned to rest while waiting for it, he wasn't to surprised when Lydia asked him to go, but he was happy since he could actually attend a high school party.
In his past life he never had the chance to, sure he had friends but none of them seemed to want to hang with him outside of school, so he never had the chance to go but he was going to take full advantage now. These were the golden years of his life, other then having to worry about going to college, he had nothing else to worry about so he was going to do all he could.
As he was laying there his phone went off, he didn't open his eyes as he reached over and picked it up, "Yeah?" He asked not checking who it was, really it could only be Danny or Allison, no one else had his number.
"Why did you take off? I wanted to talk to you about how well you did on the field today, Mr. Score five goals out of the teams eight." Allison siren like voice said into his ear as he yawned.
"Well you were talking to Scott so I figured I might as well just take off and get some rest, plus my face was hurting some so I wanted to quickly get it on ice." He said saying a half truth, really he just didn't see the reason to stand there and talk when they could be doing what they are doing now.
When in actuality was the fact that he just didn't want to see the two of them flirting, he was jealous about it after all, he should have asked her to the party before Scott but didn't want to rush it. That was something he had a problem with in his past too, he always was the one to sit back and let something happen without actually going and getting what he wanted.
"...Oh well, you did play really well today. I will be seeing you at Lydia's party right?" She said after a pause.
"Yeah, can't believe she actually invited me but yeah I will be there, hopefully I will end up meeting someone there." He said with a grin, it was about time he did start messing with someone, he couldn't say he has changed if he didn't start dating anyone.
"....Oh that sounds fun." She said but her voice didn't sound as confident as before. He raised a brow but he didn't say anything else, the two just listen to one another breath before Allison spoke again, "Well I should go, I need to get ready, Scott should be here soon."
He grunted before hanging up the phone, sighing he didn't think further into the fact that they both were showing signs of liking one another, it wouldn't any good since she said yes to Scott. If she was to had rejected since they were closer then it would have been fine, but he was having to contain the jealousy he was clearly feeling towards the fact that she was with Scott instead of him.
Getting out of bed he decided to get dressed to since the night was just beginning, walking to his closet he set his clothes on the bed before taking a towel and heading for the bathroom. After a twenty minute shower where he was singing the entire time he got out, heading to his room he put on the outfit he chose.
He was wearing a black turtle neck, with grey loose fit skinny jeans, along with some black converse, over his turtle neck he put on a leather jacket that was just sitting in the closet. Grabbing his wallet he walked out the room, he walked into the living room to see his father watching a football game, he didn't bother telling him anything before grabbing his keys.
He didn't say anything about it either, he had earlier in the day how Isaac was going to the party, he was so surprised he was just going to let him go since they both had the night off anyway.
Isaac walked and got right into the car, although he didn't drive much because he was always stuck in the freezer or he was stuck in his room because he was never let out anywhere, or asked to go anywhere. This was literally his first weekend out of his house that didn't include work, after his mother's and brother's passing though he didn't leave it at all because of what his father did to him.
Driving he went right to Lydia's thankfully he knew where the place was, as he arrived he saw that the party was already in full swing, he was thirty minutes late after all. Looking to the sky he saw that it was a full moon and shook his head, Scott would be struggling tonight, but he would make sure that he took Allison home.
As he walked inside he passed the living room bro hugging Danny as he went out back, Danny was with his boyfriend so he wouldn't mess with him since they seemed to be working things out. Heading out back he saw the makeshift dance floor where couples were all dancing as close as possible to each other.
Looking around he got a red solo cup before watching the crowd, eventually his eyes landed on a girl and his eyes grew wide, he had never seen her around school but here she was. She had beautiful shoulder length wavy brown wavy hair, hazel looking eyes that were shinning as she was smiling and a perfect heart shaped face.
He couldn't believe that he was even seeing her, it was Ana De Armas, well at least a girl who looked 99.99% exactly like her, which was as close as possible. Walking over he noticed that she noticed he was watching her, and seeing him walk over she subtly fixed her hair while saying something to her friends, they were not subtle as they looked over.
He bit the inside of his cheek as he was trying to hold in his smile, moving closer he was finally in range to smell her, weird but he was, she smelled like home it was weird. It was like he knew the scent but couldn't put a name to the smell, she just smelled extremely like home at the moment and it drew him in.
Smiling he walked right in front of her ignoring her friends, "Isaac, and you are?"
She smiled which he saw more clearly up close and he got lost, it wasn't like when he got lost in Allison's smile, no this time it was different compared to that, it was like he lost his soul. He could see that her mouth was moving but the perfect song came on at that moment so he didn't even notice what she said, all he could hear was that she was an angel.
After saying her name though she seemed to notice the effect that she had on him so she smiled shyly while looking down, when she broke eye contact he came back to himself, "I am so sorry, but can you say that again please. I just got so lost in your smile and eyes plus with the song that came on it was like you stole my soul." he said with a sheepish smile.
A blush was clear on her cheeks as she heard him say that, she didn't look away though as she played with her cup looking into his eyes, "I said my name is Ana, nice to meet you Isaac."
He shuddered hearing her slight accent, she couldn't be more like the actress but it clearly wasn't her, what would she be doing at a high school party if it was her. "So I haven't seen you around school, is there a reason for that?" He asked he really wanted to get to know her more.
Hell this way he wouldn't get hung up on Allison, while Allison was beautiful and a girl he loved in the show, Ana was his celebrity crush. No if he could find something to love about this remake of her he would take it and fall for her, it would help with him not having to get into relationship drama.
She giggled and he swore she was trying to bring him to his knees, "Well it is more of that fact that we don't run in the same circle. I don't usually hang out with the lacrosse kids, I am more of a reader then anything so I spend most my time with friends talking about books."
"Ahh and your boyfriend isn't on the team?" Real subtle, he though to himself as her smile grew.
"What boyfriend? This is the first time I have heard I had one." She said with a innocent smile, but he could tell that she was trying to not laugh at how 'subtle' his last question was.
"Bull," He said his jaw almost dropping, "There is no way you are this gorgeous and don't have a boyfriend, how can that even be possible?"
Her blush was back fiercely as she played with her cup some more, "It's not like guys aren't interested, it is just that they aren't after the real me. A lot of guys I dated just wanted the pretty girl on their arm, and when they realized I wasn't putting out that ended things real fast."
He nodded his head while taking a sip of his drink, "Yeah I can see that. Boys can be real asshole sometimes, more then half the time our brains are on sex and seeing who we can get it from."
She nodded along with his words, they got quite after that, he didn't move his eyes though as he watched her every little movement. The rest of the party was going on around them but neither seemed to take much notice of it as they sent little smile and looks at one another.
Isaac had been here maybe twenty minutes but it had been the best minutes of his high school life, he knew that this was a lucky chance for him, and that it wouldn't happen again. So for the rest of the night he planned to spend it with her, why would he waste his time doing anything else when he could be hanging with her.
Sure there was finding Allison who he was sure arrived already, but she was with Scott and he would rather not see her enjoying her time on a date with someone else. Ana here gave him the chance to even not have to think of her that way, with a smile he put his cup to the side while reaching out for her hand, she allowed him to take it, "Come dance with me?" he asked.
Her smile grew as she nodded, a slow song had just came on at that moment but it was a song that more sexual slow as opposed to the romantic slow. When their bodies came together she fit right into him, her hips were swaying hypnotically, out the side of his eyes he caught more then one guy looking.
The soft feeling of her fingers brushing his chin brought his eyes back to her, "Don't worry about them, it is just me and you keep all your attention on me, they can't have have me. You have me right?" she asked with something burning in her gaze that he didn't recognize.
A wide smile took over his face though as he nodded, "Yeah, I have you."
Her grin grew as she spun around, one arm was reached back hooking his neck while the other held his arm that was around her waist, her head leaning back on his chest. He was hard and she knew it too as she gyrated her butt into his front, he groaned into her hair as she pushed back.
His arm that was around her waist gripped her tighter as their bodies moved more against each other, they got lost into the song not even caring who was around them. One song turned into three though as they kept dancing with one another, one was the same as the last but the third song was more of a fast tempo upbeat one.
The entire time he noticed that she had amazing rhythm, although he wasn't much of a dancer she was able to lead him the entire time. Although he saw some of his sweat fall and hit her face she didn't seem to mind as she got more and more into the dancing, they didn't stop until both agreeing to get something to drink.
Walking over to the chilled drinks he gave her a water while getting one for himself, the tight black shirt she was wearing was now clinging to her skin letting him see her curves. He was feeling stuffy in his turtle neck but he was cooling off now that they weren't so close.
"So do you take dance classes or something? Cause if not then you need to do something with it because you are an amazing dancer." He said with a smiled while moving a piece of hair out of her face getting a smile from her.
"No that wasn't serious dancing or anything that was just me having some fun." She said while walking over to him, she turned leaning back into him while taking his free hand making him hold her again, "I love being held by you."
He leaned down his chin resting on her shoulder, although it would have been more comfortable to put his chin on her head he still loved smelling her. He had been trying to place the smell all night but he was never able to get it down, it was frustrating but he was going to keep smelling until he got it down.
"Well you can stay in my arms as long as you want." He said while squeezing her waist tighter.
She nodded her head, eventually her friends walked over to them again with him meeting them all, but he honestly would forget them soon. That was how little presence that they had around him, he didn't pay much attention after that unless she asked him something, she noticed this too but didn't mind.
Isaac took that moment to look around the party and saw that Allison and Scott were no longer dancing, in fact it was at that moment when Scott ran away not being able to control himself. He saw how crushed Allison looked, he also noticed Derek but he didn't stop the guy from what he was doing, he didn't mean any harm.
Allison looked over catching his eye at that moment, he didn't know when they even arrived or if they were here before him, he was so caught up in Ana he didn't even notice. She sent him a small wave while also chewing on her lip, moving over she took a hesitant step before squaring her shoulders and walking over more confidently.
"Hey Allison, something happen?" he asked while also feeling Ana tense in his arm, he rubbed her waist making the tension leave as she looked over at Allison too.
"Yeah, well you see Scott just ditched me. I was wondering if you could give me a ride home, I would ask Lydia but she seems a little bust with Jackson at the moment." She said while looking down at Ana for a quick moment, he could see she had maybe a few inches on Ana.
"Want to come with me while I give her a ride, she is one of my best friends." Isaac said looking down at Ana, there was no way he was going to leave Allison hanging if she wanted a ride from him.
Ana paused a moment before nodding, she said something to her friends before waving, "Allison before I forget this is Ana, a new friend I made tonight. Ana this is Allison she just moved here, she is also my best friend, maybe you two can hang out some time."
He saw Allison look over to Ana before she answered nervously, "Yeah that would be fun, is that with you Ana?"
Isaac couldn't tell anything was off since he was fishing out the keys, he had been at the party two hours now, he could go home too, "Sounds good, we can exchange numbers so that we can think of a time to meet."
After unlocking the doors Ana got shotgun while Allison hopped in the back, he didn't ask questions about her night with Scott, she also seemed to be lost in thought as she sat in the back. He reached over taking Ana's hand on instinct, she sent him a smile as she held his hand tighter while letting out a content sigh.
It didn't take him long to get to Allison's, he had only been here once which was the day before when he had to pick something up from her, but he remembered the way there. "Thank you for the ride Isaac, I will talk to you later." Allison said with a strained smile as she got out the car.
Isaac nodded while looking at he house, the only light on was the living room light and he saw her mom move away from the window as Allison got out the car. When he saw her go inside he drove off, he didn't even know where he was going though as Ana didn't tell him where she lived.
Looking over at her he saw that she was passed out, but looking in the cup holder he saw that she had a message from her mom asking when she would be home. He was conflicted at that moment, on one hand he wanted to shake her awake while he also wanted to just let her sleep, in then end logic won out as he lightly shook her.
"Ana? Your mom is asking when you will be home, plus I think that I should take you seeing as you are sleeping in the car." He said smiling lightly at her sleepy expression, he moved some hair out her eyes as she frowned when it was tickling her.
"Will I be seeing you again?" She asked not even bothering with her phone, there was worry in her expression as she asked though.
Isaac didn't realize it yet but his next words sealed a fate that he didn't even see coming, "Yeah I will absolutely be seeing you again, just try and keep me away." He said with a smile.