
The New Isaac, Teen Wolf

Updates every four days! The New Isaac emerges in teen wolf with his own ideas. Yes this is a slow paced but heavy story, I want to give a lot of character development along with more then just what happens in the original.

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15 Chs

13): Tuesday Pair!

Isaac woke the next morning with a small frown, his body was warmer then he was use to, and it wasn't because of his powers since those were away unless he brought them out. He couldn't remember where he was for a moment, and the smell of lilac and cinnamon, but it didn't take him longer then that to remember.

Pulling the body in his arms closer to him he sniffed Allison's hair, yes it was creepy, but he loved her smell and her being so close to him just felt amazing. Though the tent in his pants were a little painful when he pull her closer, it didn't help either when she started to wiggle her butt into him getting more comfortable.

Groaning he pulled away, for two reasons actually, the first being the his alarm would go off any minute and he needed to get home since he still had the car, and second cause he could hear someone walking closer. Allison seemed to feel that he left though as she woke up the moment he got out of the bed.

"As much as I would love to sit here and watch you wiggle on those Tuesday Morning Panties I need to leave before whoever is headed this way gets here, plus I am still in my dad's car." Isaac said slipping on his shirt that he threw off when he was asleep.

Allison doesn't complain nodding, "To bad, it would have been a great show for you to stick around and watch me wiggle into them."

To make matters worse she got out of bed, and with the swaying of her hips she walked right to the door and opened it before the person who was walking towards it could. She looked back at him throwing him a wink with a flirty smile as she saw that he was staring at her ass the entire time she was walking.

Isaac groaned before heading towards the window, he did not need his pants any tighter then they already were, at the moment he had bigger things to worry about too. Like the fact that he would need to see Ana today, and after being in bed with Allison for a night that just made him even more confused.

Rushing to his car he got in a drove off, he didn't need to hear his father complain today he already had enough on his plate. He also didn't feel like fighting since his first game was coming up, he didn't want to put any more bruises on his body before he got knocked around by another team, it was counter productive.

He rushed home and when he made it he ignored his fathers glare as he went to get ready, he showered quickly before heading back to the kitchen. He laughed to himself though when he saw his father left him behind, not minding at all though he went and grabbed his bike before taking off, this is why he was saving for a car.

Taking off he rode to school with a smile, he didn't mind this and honestly didn't know why he didn't think of it sooner, it got his stamina up plus he was able to listen to music without it just being a distraction.

As he was riding he didn't notice that Ana was following him the whole way, she had seen him riding but decided not to stop him since he seemed to enjoy the ride he was having. She was right though since Isaac would have ignored a ride and kept riding his bike, he was really loving the feel of the wind on his face.

Though it did take longer to get to school, he made it five minutes before the bell was going to ring for first period, which made it where he had to go straight to class rather then to his locker. Allison waved at him as he walked into the room, she looked really happy to see him for some reason but he waved back since he was glad to see her.

'I still want to see Tuesday.' He mouthed to her as he took his seat.

She blushed but turned her head to look at the board rather then look at him, all he did was laugh a little, Danny caught his eye in the room the guy was shaking his head with a smirk. Isaac only shrugged at him telling him they would talk after class which the guy nodded along to.

For the next couple of classes Isaac got bored, while he was happy to be back in school since he got to experience being a teenager again, he hated the class work. At the moment he was in the library, he would be in class but they were allowed in here so they could look things up for their projects, the teacher was strictly books only.

The girl next to him who was his partner for it was talking his ear off, she was a 'history buff' but all she was talking about was celebrity history, nothing about the war they were studying. Rolling his eyes he looked up hearing the doors open, in walking Ana along with someone she was working with apparently, though the guy kept flirting with her.

Isaac just watched her, she felt his gaze and looked over pausing to watch him too, the two haven't talked since last night in her car when she picked him up. He was avoiding her to be honest, it wasn't that he couldn't handle everything she told him, it was more along the lines of not knowing how to fit in with all that.

One of the reason's he wasn't hanging with Scott and Stile was because he didn't want to be implicated with anything that happened to them, he didn't know if Ana would be that way. That didn't mean he was going to go into it willingly though, it was a risk if he decided to follow her, or be with her after learning this.

Not that Allison was any better in that category, he would have to deal with her hunter family if he joined her, and seeing as three of the six he knew were crazy, plus with her being with Scott it brought him in. Not that it would change much seeing as they were best friends and all, but that would be a big mess just waiting to happen.

His heart was a mess.

A slamming of books in front of him brought his attention back to what was happening, which at the moment was Ana slamming her books on the table they were sitting at. She was talking to both of them but her glare never left the girl who was practically hanging on his arm at the moment, "Do you mind if we sit here, everywhere else is full."

"What do you mean, that--" The girl tried to say but was cut off by a harsher glare that Ana was sending her.

"Thank you so much, that is so nice of the two of you." Ana said with a smile that was not one at all.

Isaac rolled his eyes knowing she was only acting the way she was because he had been ignoring her, he could only chuckle in his head hearing a voice there saying, 'I will not be ignored.' Looking back at said girl he raised a brow but she didn't say anything as she opened her book, but she was glaring at him the entire time.

The guy next to her seemed to pick up the glare too as he started talking a little louder, "So yeah, I won state for swimming last year, I am going to lead the team this year too." The guy puffed his chest as he said so.

Ana rolled her eyes at that, Isaac tried to stifle a laugh as he leaned back in his chair, his partner was no longer paying attention to him as she was listening to the guys story. Which just seemed to make him more happy as he had her attention, though he didn't look away from Ana, who didn't even bother to look over to the oaf.

Since it seemed they weren't going to get anymore work done Isaac decided to talk to her, "Is there a reason you are glaring at me?" He asked tapping his pen on the table.

She huffed crossing her arms, "You know exactly why I am glaring at you, I have called and texted more then twenty times since last night, and you have done nothing but left me hanging."

That seemed to shut the guy up as he was looking between the two of them now, "I don't have anything to say at the moment, I am still coming to terms with everything and processing it all. You can't exactly drop a bomb on someone like that then expect them to just be okay with it all."

She sighed rubbing her forehead, "Just at least tell me that we will be okay, that you aren't just going to ignore me after knowing."

Isaac paused, he was well aware that their partners were looking between them but him nor Ana seemed to care as they talked to one another as if they were the only people there. He also started tapping his foot while looking at her, he didn't know what to say or tell her, because he wanted to say yes but didn't know if he was there.

"Give me some more time okay? I.... I can't commit to anything yet." He said while letting his head fall.

Call him a loser or pussy all you want but this was his life, it wasn't some story or anything, he had to look at everything with a rational side rather then jumping into it all. He wasn't a hero, but he also wasn't going to be an asshole that left his friends hanging when the time came and he could actually help them.

She had tears in her eyes now as she looked at him, he knew that it was a big deal that she told him last night but still, "I can do that," she reached over covering her hand with his own, "Please just don't shut me out though."

Isaac sighed pulling his hand back, "That's not fair to me."

She nodded while wiping a tear that was falling off her cheek, which did nothing but made him feel like the biggest asshole in the whole world. Sighing he sat there going back to his book, he couldn't look at her crying but he also did need time to think things over and figure out what he needed.

As he did his phone vibrated at that moment.

[From: Allison

Hey, do you want to have lunch so we can talk more about what happened and what you told me last night? Maybe you can get a peek at Tuesday's pair while were at it.]

[To: Allison

Sorry, I need some time.]

If he was going to distance himself from Ana, then he would need to do it from her too, her life was just as much as dangerous as Ana's was. He couldn't sit there and treat her any different then he did Ana, although he might have met her first and dropped this all in her lap, it didn't mean that he would just choose to help her and not be there for Ana.

As his phone vibrated some more he groaned while ignoring it, he went back to his work writing things while trying to ignore the looks he was getting from Ana, he was just glad Allison wasn't there. He didn't need both of them staring at him while he was trying to get his life back in order.