
The new Deity

TEMMPP0 · Fantaisie
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7 Chs


I stood up and bow to show respect as I like to show respect to women.

"I am Luca, Luca BrightDoom, it is a pleasure to meet the princess," I said.

"Guinevere of the Ambers is it also my pleasure to meet the young lord BrightDoom," Guinevere said.

Then I walked towards her and see her hair to toes.

"Hmmmmm... You are beautiful yet dangerous, and I truly love a woman that is dangerous and beautiful" I said that because her level is 110 which is beyond humans' levels, as the human peak is 100 at max.

"What do you mean by that Mr.BrigthDoom?" Guinevere asked me.

Guinevere knows what I'm talking about, so I slowed time in the room and only I and Guinevere can move.

"What did you do?!" Guinevere asked as she looked around the room as her dad sitting slowly to slow.

"I am a Godslayer lady Guinevere, do not take me as a fool," I said as my aura become dark, my shadow become large, and fire came in my eyes.

"Are you a witch?" I asked her.

"....Yes," Guinevere said while I can see her eyes that her scared, then I calmed myself and turn back to normal.

"Hmm...., perhaps are you a muggle?" I said.

"How do you know?" Guinevere said.

"Hmmm... On Hogwarts there I guess you learned to do spells," I said as I walked around thinking what the hell, first gods now witches and wizards.

"Yes I spent 8 years studying there," Guinevere said.

"Well how about I calm myself for a moment lady Guinevere," I said as I walked towards her and kissed her soft reddish lips and play with her tongue as she also kissed me back as I'm about to break off but then minutes later we broke off and leave a string between out lips.

"Well that was unexpected," I said.

"I want to give you an offer if you want to become a stronger wizard, how about marry me?" I asked Guinevere, as she looked shocked by my question.

"Are you asking me to marry you?" Guinevere asked.

"Well, why not I only I wife and I'm sure I can handle two cold ladies," I said as I sat on my couch and sip my tea.

"But how can you make me powerful?" Guinevere asked.

"Well my love obviously wizard and witch aren't the only special begins walking into this planet, gods also walk and demigods," I said as my right arm shows my blue eternal flame and my left-hand shows my diamond ice as my whole body covered in gold aura's and my hair grew and become long.

"My love you seem surprised," I said in Guinevere's as I see her face scared and her whole body is trembling.

"So my love if you want to become strong marry me," I said as I turned back into my normal form.

"Hmph... you are handsome and strong, but give a day to decide," Guinevere said but I teleported in front of her and said, "No, no, no, no... my love give me your answer now," I said.

"Well hun you have now a marriage next week," Guinevere said, "Now undo this doing of yours," she added.

"Oh... of course, anything for you my love," I said.

Then the slowed time went back to normal.

"How we continue to talk tomorrow father... Oh King George," I said as I went out of the room and followed Guinevere into the hallway.

"Now what do you wanna learn from me? my love," I said.

"I want to learn high-level magic spells," Guinevere said.

"High-level magic spell, I see, I will teach you tomorrow but don't you want to learn sword?" I said.

"Will you calm down Mr. BrightDoom, next week we will be married, we still have lots of time," Guinevere said as she kissed me.

"Oh danger," I said as I kissed her back.

After walking to the long halls we also walk into the stairs and went into her own room and spent the whole night fucking each other.


4 Weeks later...

I become a prince of Great Britain, as I married the princess Guinevere of the Ambers thousand appeared at the church, and I while looking at the church I questioned my self does the Christian Patheon exist in this world.

I got coronated after the wedding by the king now my father in law, though when Guinevere told that she will marry me the king didn't agree but when I say my 100 ships and many more on the see will be part of Great Britain, though it is true I summoned 1,000 70 meters long warships to the waters patrolling and controlling peace at the sea and thousands of thousands of crew to run the 1,000 warships.

Then after the wedding and coronation, the night party has begun, lots of nobles, merchants, and other parts of the royals came, Elizabeth Swann, Governor, and commodore also came.

For Mateo also came as he is my assistant, and for the rest of 3,500 men although they didn't come as they rule the sea and make peace at the sea, I did send a letter to 1,100 ships, for the trading business I added 300 merchant ships and 250 warships their route is going to Asia buy there and go back here in England, they also have routes to India.

As I am sitting nowhere in the side of the king and in my left is Guinevere I said, "My love what does make your night fun?" I asked Guinevere and she answered, "Well how about we go outside," Guinevere said, after that, we asked the king to let us go outside.

Though Guinevere is 18 years of age her mind is more mature and maybe even mature than mine. After we got outside Guinevere and I fly into the mountains and watched the starts and falling stars.

"I am truly in love with you Luca," Guinevere said as she kissed me.

"I, too my love," I said, though it's her our first time fucking outside it wasn't that bad because I have created a spell too strong winds not hitting us.