
The Never-Ending Path

A random guy dies and meets the R.O.B who has an offer for our Mc. "So You can either go to heaven or you can become my source of entertainment while doing some tasks to make those worlds better" "Who would choose the 1st option? I'm choosing the second option to live my life to the fullest" "Very well, you should prepare yourself for the 1st reincarnation" "Wait, Wait! Let me choose my wishes before I go to another world" "Wishes? No, you are not getting any" "Then, How would I even prepare myself in those worlds?" "I would give you one simple ability though it would not give you any offensive or defensive powers" ________________________ Current World - Mix Of Otome Dori and Metamorphosis World. _______________________ Warning Notice for the new readers:- I would make many decisions in this and you might not like some of them so don't get your blood all pumped up. This is just fanfiction and I'm writing what is coming to my mind.

BitchPleased · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs

Chapter 6. Only "Girl Friends"

I don't want them to creep out from my sudden friendliness so I decided to talk with the boy first. It would help me to make friends with them easily since the boy from their group would be a friend of mine.

"Hello, My name is Ray. Nice to meet you all"

I spoke with a smile on my face which worked. I could see the girls peeking at my face from time to time even though they didn't even know the feeling.

A cute thing would always attract girls attention and for them, I was like a drug. I mean not even the professional maids could control themselves in front of me so how could these little kids hope to control their attraction towards me.

I'm getting too narcissistic these days though I don't mind it either. After all, I was born cute so it is not my problem.

"My name is Okino Kazuki. Nice to meet you as well"

The innocent-looking boy spoke with a shy expression on his face. He reminded me of those Japanese beta Mc who always gets beaten by the girls.

He has black hair with light brown eyes while he was wearing a t-shirt along with pants. His face looked quite feminine and he was skinny as well.

After the introduction of the boy, a girl came in front of me while gazing at my face with wide eyes. Looking at her awed expression, I just smiled at her which caused her to blush slightly.

Why the hell are these kids bushing? Am I even in an Anime world because I don't think I'm? I'm looking for some friends, not for some life partners here.

"M-My name is Otome Sakuragi. Nice to meet you, Ray"

The pink-haired girl spoke while stammering a little. Her hair was very long while her eyes were blue.

She was wearing a yellow long skirt which was covering her knees barely. Under the skirt, she has a white t-shirt with a light green ribbon on it.

I could even see the boobs from her dress. For a little girl to have such large boobs is kinda ridiculous. Though her body looked quite good even by my standard.

Still, her name sounds very familiar yet it does not. I need a very familiar name that would trigger my memories of these. I might have just heard about them in the past which might be the reason why I don't remember them.

"My name is Rinka Okino. Nice to meet you as well, Ray"

The brown-haired girl introduced herself with a big smile on her face unlike the kids before. She has light brown eyes while she was also wearing a t-shirt along with a skirt that was covering her legs.

Hearing her introduction, I immediately remembered these kids. They all were from a famous Ntr hentai manga which got hate from many people across the globe. This dude was very pathetic in it and I don't like his character at all.

I don't understand the whole ordeal of depression after the shit happens with them. Just find another girl for you instead of jerking off to the videos of your precious girl. They all get even harder when they see their girls getting fucked by some other people.

"Are you new here, as I have never seen you before?"

I asked them with a small smile on my face. Even though this is my first time here, I should act like that I have least come here before.

"Yeah, we just have shifted in this town. Our parents know the staff of this hospital so they let us play in the park"

Kazuki spoke with a shy expression while looking around the park. Her sister was patting him on the back to motivate him to something who knows what.

"And you?"

I asked Otome who was still looking at my face with rosy cheeks.

"I have been leaving here since my childhood since I have been adopted by an old lady who works here"

Otome replied to me with a sad smile on her face which caused the other to get sad as well except for me.

Well, I know the best technique for this kind of moment. So I took some steps forward before I put my hand on her head to pat her with a smile. She didn't move from her position instead she just closed her eyes.

Her face showed a happy smile on her face which made me proud since my technique is working very well. Though I could sense a hatred look from beside her so I started to oat the head of Rinka as well causing her to smile.

I would never understand the hentai logic though it is working in my favour. In a normal world, a girl would never let me touch her let alone pat her however everything is different here.

I don't even know them properly and yet they are happy with the attention which I'm giving them. One of them is a Yandere while the other is an innocent girl who is willing to do anything for her love ones.

"Wanna play something together?"

I asked them with an excited expression on my face while removing my hands from their heads.

They pouted for a second before they nodded at me. I didn't even ask the guy since I know that he would do what his sister is gonna do. He doesn't have any kind of self-esteem which is why he always gets cuckold by others.

"Let's play Hide and seek"

I shouted in an excited voice to which they also followed by shouting though I stopped myself since I'm near a hospital where my mother is hospitalised.

Speaking of mother, I would not do anything till she recovers from her injuries and based on what I have seen it would at least take one month. Till then I would prepare something for the rival company.

Since I'm in a hentai world, I would not have t9 worry about getting caught by the police even though they can't touch me at this moment as well. After all, police in a hentai world are always late regardless of what happens to the people.

We all played with each other till the evening before we said goodbye to each other. I got even more closer to the girls while I ignored the guy as he was nothing special.

The girls are now trusting me completely which should not be possible but then again it's a hentai world so what could I even expect to happen.

I have to make my products hurriedly since I don't know the exact time at which these girls were raped by those old bastards. I would make sure to give them a life full of pain.

With slow steps, I made my way back to the corridor where the maid is along with grandpa. No one spoke anything to me when I was walking towards the corridor.

I saw my grandfather talking with the maid with a serious expression on his face. I walked towards them with a calm expression. They noticed me as well so they stopped their conversation.

"How are you feeling, Ray?"

Grandpa asked me with a small smile on his face. The maid was also looking at me with a curious expression since I was in the park for the entire day.

"I'm fine now, grandpa. I even made some friends there"

I spoke with a smile on my face. They raised their eyebrows though they didn't comment on it.

"I am not going home today. I want to stay here for the night"

I spoke with a calm expression on my face. I don't want to leave the hospital without my mom as it would be very lonely without her.

"No problem, you would be staying here along with the maid since I have some urgent work to do"

Grandpa spoke with a warm smile on his face to which I nodded with happiness. The maid looked happy as well at his decision.

He made a phone call to the staff of the hospital before some people entered the corridor with a bed and some things on it. They saluted grandpa before they went back without saying anything.

"Well, I'll be going then"

He spoke with a calm expression before he left the corridor slowly. The maid locked the door Inside the corridor so no one would be able to enter it without their permission.

On the bed were food for both of us. I jumped on the bed with a smile on my face since I was getting hungry. Though the maid did not come with me instead she just stood behind me, following her maid duties seriously.

"Come one, let's eat together"

I spoke smiling while looking at her face. I don't have the habit of eating alone as I don't like it.

She just shook her head negatively. I need to put some discipline in every maid of mine only then they would listen to me. Though that time is very far in future so I should not be thinking about it now.

"If you don't come then I would not eat as well"

I spoke in a whining tone. She hesitated for a second before she leapt on the bed in my opposite direction.

We enjoyed the food together while chatting with each other. Though it was mostly one-sided since she was just answering my questions. We finished our meals in some time before she put the utensils in a corner.

I took one pillow for myself while laying on the bed. The maid also laid on my bed since there was only one. Still, there was no blanket which was a problem since the A.C was on from the outside.

So I did the best thing which was to hug my maid while I buried my face between her soft boobs. Her body flinched for a second before she wrapped her arms around me with a smile on her face.

She must be feeling cold as well since her body was very cold to touch. It was a good thing that the staff didn't provide me with blankets otherwise I would have missed this particular opportunity.

"Good night, Lisa"

"Good night, young master"


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