
The Nevada family

he finds his queen

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Chapter xxxviii

Time for fin

They finally made it to Dinosaur island, as John pulled up at the hotel, they got off the bus, and Kari and Viktor put their sons into the stroller. And got off the bus, got their bags on the bus, walked inside the hotel, they check into the hotel rooms. " okay, we unpack, then meet back here. Said, John, they walked into their rooms, and unpack their bags, as they unpack crawled around on the floor having fun, Viktor set up the cribs beside the bed, "babe, we didn't bring the gates to keep them in the room. And we have a bit of time to make out, said. Vikor, " put the chairs in front of the door, boys take a nap. They kissed each other he picks her up and lay her on the bed and they make up. " iwo baby not so rough please, said. Kari, "I am sorry babe. Man, I love you, said. Viktor," I love you too baby. It's okay, they finished making out, they got clean up and dress, " how does your butt feel now, he asked with a grin, she runs her hands down her ponytail and said. " better thank you, baby, * Gah, Dah," we know you six want to crawl out the room, what you said Gah? Said, Viktor. " just this one time, they walked out pushing the stroller as they were in the middle crawling, " hey boys is mommy and daddy letting you crawl today? Asked. John, " just today grandpa. said, Viktor. " did you get a van with baby seats, some are still babies. Asked, Kari. " a course we did, family get in your family vans, said, Sara. They pick them up and put them in the baby seats, they start tofus in crying. " yes, yes, aw my boys you do have no choice but to be in your seat boys. Said, Viktor, kissing his son on the head, as they fastened them and got in the vans, they drive through the gates, the first dinosaur they are going to see is the Dilavasaurus, the guy on starting to speak about it, as they watch it eats, "look boys, a dinosaur. As they drive up the tracks, they didn't like it, they are fusing and crying. " Vance, Vandor, Volance, Vinatone, Volume, and Venton, come it not going to get you, sons, said. Viktor, " this is not a scared cry babe, this upsetting cry. (Take pictures for us, please, we going to have to cut the tour short.) Said, Viktor. "(Aw, what's wrong?) Asked. John, " (they upset dad so we going to head back to the room.) Said, Kari, the van turn itself around and head back to the hotel, as it pulled up and stop. They got out of the car and put them in the stroller and got their bags and walked into their room, they put them in the cribs, and Viktor put on his theme song to calm them, Kari is getting their baby food mix, and ready in their bowls, and Viktor is mixing their shakes. They arrived back at the hotel, " that was a bust, what is the point of coming if you not going to go on the tour? Asked. Beth in a snotty way. " tell me about, they should stay home Beth, Tim and Parker got in their faces. " you do not have kids so you don't know what we go through as parents when they cried we must do for them, they had to turn around to get their sons calm. Said, Tim. " until that you had kids fat butt and drug head, you do not have a right to speak about my sister and brother in law, the only reason why you came of a family trip that is for kids, is to rub it in her face that you got her ex, new flash maroon she doesn't care if you are with him, she happy in love with the right guy, that is way better than David. The only reason why you are here is to make her jealous, who is jealous now that she not crying over you, that she is over you. I going to see how my new nephew is, said. Parker, "I come with you, you both need help, they walked past them into the hotel, " for now you two just stay here, let's see what is for lunch, they walked into the hotel, " the right you don't have kids so you both don't have the right to speak at all, " it not that I don't I do want kids, cried Beth." Save it, Beth, we heard that cry enough, I hope you are happy with who you pick as a partner no wonder why your parents don't want anything to do with you, said. Jasmine, they walked by leaving her behind.They were waking up, they were starting to, fuse, " yeah mommy and daddy are getting lunch ready, said. Viktor, Parker knock on the door,  Kari opens the door to let them in, they walk in close the door behind them, " we got footage for you nephews, what is my buddies don't like dinosaurs, I tell you a secret either does uncle P, we shut up Beth and David for you, Tim your cousin in law Viktor, said. Parker, " welcome to the family man how does it feel to be a dad? Asked. Tim, " Tim I am on cloud nine, I love it, the day that I find out that she was with six, I blast, makes me a better man my wife and children I know every day I leave the ring I get to go home to them, my world, do you have kids? Asked. Viktor, " two girls, they are four, who can anyone not experience what we are doing, said. Tim, " because they do not have it in them to be a good parent like us, said. Parker, " okay boys say cousin T and uncle P go have because that's what we are going to do, and after we joined you in the dining room so mommy and daddy can eat, said. Kari, " get a table of six highs for us, " wi do. They walked out and walked into the dining room, " Parker Tim are they okay? Asked. Jasmine, and Kate, " yeah, dad we could go to the beach, not every kid likes dinosaurs, they got scared. Said, Parker. " or an amazing park uncle John, said. Tim, " John, that pour boys, said. Sara, " they are calm now they getting ready to eat, they are out soon, said. Parker, they finished their bottles, they burped them and got them clean up, they are happy to go, lucky little boys again, they put them in their stroller and give them their pacifiers and Kari pick up their diaper bag, and they walked out of their room, they enter the dining room, " over here guys, said. Parker, "I'm sorry my grandson's grandpa thought you would enjoy the dinosaurs tour, they look at him, " mm, it's okay grandpa maybe when I am older, said. Viktor, " get our plates babe, " okay, come on let's go have seat, she walked over to the table and lock the wheels," what mom I want to crawl around I need free, said. Parker, " after we eat then maybe, those are your uncle's words. You don't need freedom, they laugh, " oh my we are full of o

Pep said. Katie, " Katie our cousin Kari and Viktor, said. Tim, they shake hands. " oh yes, we live wire, our Father calls us to speed demons, he walked up and sat her plate down, " speed demons take a pause why your parents eat. Said, Viktor