
The Necromancer returns

This story follows a teenager named Noah. who is fated to suffer. One day hanging around with his friends he was killed and found himself in a body of a teenager named Roy. This story follows his journey to stand at the top of the world and unveil the biggest mysteries of the universe. and most importantly taking his revenge. I'll upload a chapter everyday with word count equal to or greater than 1.5 k words . i won't delete any reviews like other authors do. it's my first novel and i hope to learn from it,so don't shy away from giving your opinions. I will keep the first 50 chapters free. https://discord.com/invite/kg4UTynF

Musa_Chattha · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
27 Chs

Birth of the necromancer.

New York,4:00 pm.2024

In the middle of the alley street lay a boy with a hole in his chest;covered in a pool of his own on blood.His appearance ragged. His chest moving up and down signifying the little life left in him.

"Why..*snob*.. everything was going fine. I was laughing and joking around with my friends...*snob*..how did i end up here."

He was woken up from his thoughts as he heard a metallic chain being dragged on the ground.The voice was coming from the deepest part of the valley.

"Tsk tsk...Why do they want me to clean up their mess all the time"said the black hooded figure as he came out of the depths of the alley.

"Wh..*cough*" the boy was about to speak as the chain latched onto him and wrapped around his wounded leg.He coughed up blood.

"You shouldn't be speaking in this state"The voice mocked in a eeire voice."You can blame your fate for this."

He pulled the chains resulting in the boy being dragged towards him.When he reached the figure and he saw the syth like object in his hands,only one thought came to his mind.'I'm sorry i couldn't keep my promise'. Then.. there was no then,the syth cut his body in half.Leaving his organs falling out of his body. Tears on his half cut face.

1 hour ago.

"Yo kaze,have you seen the new game coming out it's so cool.sigh.. i really want to play it but i don't have the newest playstation."Said a boy with green shoulder length hair,green eyes matching his hair. He was standing at 6 ft 1 inch.

"Don't worry,we can play it on my playstation."replied Kaze. He had golden hair,blue eyes,and was 6 ft. "You can join us as well, Noah."Both of the guys looked at the black haired boy with clear crystal eyes. He wasn't any shorter than them.

"Sure, don't worry i will go easy on you noobs"replied Noah jokingly. After that the boys kept talking to eachother about random things and and were joking around with eachother.

After some time they decided to go home. They exited the park and went different ways.As Noah was about to leave,he saw a message from an unknown number.

"What the" he said as he opened the message. What he saw left his eyes widening in shock.


[Meet me near the near shopping district alley. If you want you to see your family alive.]

[Image received].

He instinctively clicked on the message,and saw a picture of his family sitting in the lounge chatting.

"What do i do?Who is this?why are they doing this to me?" He screamed at the top of his lungs not caring what the people around him would think.

Police headquarters,newyork

"Do you want to grab a bite after we are done with the papers"asked a brown haired man wearing a police uniform.

"Su-" the man was cut of by the entrance of a figure.

"Good evening chief!"Said the officers in the office in union.The chief just nodded and went in his office.As he opened the door and sat on his desk. He got a message.


[Uncle! something bad is happening,please help me]-Noah

Just as he read the message his heartbeat started to rise.He immediately called him.

"What happened" he said through the phone.In a tone of concern.

"My family...*heavy panting*...They are in trouble. Someone is threatening me. He asked me to meet him near the shopping district.What do i do uncle Robert..*snob*.*

"Calm down first. I will dispatch a unit near your house to assure your family's safety. Stall for time and try to figure out the identity of the person. Don't go near the shopping district. Am i clear?"said Robert in assertive manner.

"Yes...i understand". He replied hesitantly.The call ended there.


[You have 10 minutes before i make my move. The police won't reach in time.]

Noah swallowed a mouthful of saliva knowing he was found out.With having no other choice he ran towards the shopping district.

8 minutes after

he got close to the shopping district.He could see the different stalls set up.The place heaving with people.The place illuminated with beautiful lights.He didn't have much time to admire the district and ran towards the depths of it.

As he reached the end,a not so crowded area,He entered the alley next to exit.The absence of light here would make anyone's heart flutter.The sounds of his footsteps mimicking his rising heartbeat.

He took out his phone to send the message,but before he could. A unknown object flew towards his chest at astonishing speeds. The object passed through his body leaving behind a baseball size hole,leaving him drowning in his own pool of blood.

Back to the present

As his body was split into half. His consciousness drifted away.He felt like he was floating in ocean,calm and peace that's what he experienced before he was woken up by a voice.

"It's a miracle...he is alive" He heard a voice of a man.followed by crying of a women and a young girl.Noah opened his eyes. He was welcomed by a blinding light. He reflectively shut his eyes. Slowly opening them.He saw he was in a hospital bed surrounded by a women in her mid therties and a young 15 year old girl.

The women was holding his bandaged hand as she was crying. The young girl also crying and hugging his waist.

"You should let him rest and don't apply force on his body. He still needs to recover."said the doctor

The mother and daughter both took a step back. Noah was confused as to what happened?where was he?who was he?.

"Who are you guys" he asked looking at the pair.leaving both of them with stunned and bitter expressions.They looked at the doctor at the same time.

"Sigh..he has lost his memories due to the accident and is unlikely to ever recover them.You should take care of him and make new memories."said the doctor. As he was about to walk out the door opened. A middle aged man with White hair and blue eyes walked in breathing heavily.

As he locked eyes with Noah,tears formed in his eyes but he didn't let them out.He started walking towards Noah.

"He has lost all of his memories...snob*...He won't ever recover them." Said the mother with difficulty.

The man stopped in his tracks and looked at her."At least he is still alive. We can make new memories but can't raise the dead."he said expressionless. He might look he was fine but he was anything but fine.

'if i don't stay composed who will keep this family together' His thoughts showing his determination to keep the family safe.

After that they started talking to Noah,who found out his name is Roy.This is a fantasy world and is advanced in technology.With hovercars,hallograms,etc.He lives in a family of 4 and his family is well off.His father working for the military.-p.s he has lost memories of his previous life-

"Doctor said he will be discharged in a week."their family time was cut off by the nurse.

In response they nodded to her in they went back to telling him about his childhood,how he used to tease and annoy his younger sister.As the night approached The mother and daughter were sent off by father since they didn't sleep comfortably since the accident and needed rest.

"Roy,there are some important things you need to know about this world."said his father William flameheart."We are at war with demons,have been for the past few decades.We have explored most of the solar system yet we never found any signs of demonic energy. They are only targeting earth. Their goal is unknown,so is their origin.The situation at the west border is getting worse, that's also where i am stationed. So... If anything happens to me take care of the family.Even if you don't have memories of us,we are still family.I hope you understand. I will leave tomorrow. I will teaching you a better way to cultivate. You have been in comma for 2 years. You have missed many years of growth and kids your age are ahead of you."said his father in a serious tone.

"Dad..i..thank you"said roy not knowing what to say. As he was overwhelmed with the info dump.

His father handed him a scroll."This is the technique.You should be able to learn it with some practice,but i haven't mastered it. I can only teach you to the beginner level,rest is upto you."said William. Before roy could reply he was cut off"It is passed done from generation to generation.We don't know where it came from or who it belongs to".
