
Chapter 5

The next morning, it was time to get up and ready for school. They got dressed and ran out the door to the bus stop and waited on the bus.

"Hey Little Crow, how's it?" asked White Eagle.

"Washte, tokhesk he ya un he" (good, how are you)," asked Little Crow?

"Washte" (good)," said White Eagle.

When the bus arrived, they stepped on and walked to the back of the bus and sat down.

"Well, it's the nerds sitting with the cool kids, who said you could sit back here?" asked Matthew in a rude voice.

"I did, he is my brother, I suggest you turn around and sit down," said Kicking Bird.

"Ooh, I am so scared, I am shaking in my boots," said Matthew smiling and laughing.

"He said turn around white eyes," said Little Crow.

"White eyes look who's talking half-breed," said Matthew. "You might look like an Indian, but inside your as much as a white man than me, I'm also a half-breed. You don't belong with your people or mine, that's why the other Indian kids call you Apple, right."

"Your very lucky I don't have anything in my hands to shut that big mouth of yours," said Little Crow in anger.

"Alright boys that's enough, Matthew turn around," said the Indian bus driver.

Matthew just chuckled and smiled and turned around.

Little Crow smiled and borrowed some glue from a kid and poured some on Matthew's head. Then the bus came to a stop at the school, Kicking Bird got off the bus shaking his head. Little Crow quickly smacked Matthew in the head, smearing the glue on his head.

"Sorry, you had a bug on your head, but no worries, I got it," Little Crow and his friends running to leave the bus and going into the school.

Little Crow quickly went to the restroom and cleaned his hands and went back to his class room. In the hall, everybody starred and pointed and laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" asked Matthew in anger.

A freshmen girl handed him a mirror, when he saw the glue on his head. His face turned red, he was very angry.

"LITTLE CROW!" shouted Matthew.

In Little Crow's classroom, everybody started laughing and giggling.

Matthew went to the restroom to wash his head off and went to class.

"That was great, nobody has ever done that to him in a long time," said a boy in Little Crow's class.

"Yeah, you can't let them walk all over you," said Little Crow.

"That's true," said the boy.

Then they started to do vocabulary until the bell rang. Then the bell rang, everybody went to the cafeteria. As Little Crow and his friends were heading towards the door, Kicking Bird was standing there with his arms crossed and shaking his head.

"What," asked Little Crow?

"You know what, he's really mad, that was very childish," said Kicking Bird.

"So, he should be mad, he needs to know who he's dealing with," said Little Crow.

"Brother, you need to grow up," said Kicking Bird leaving.

"Whatever," said Little Crow walking away?

They went through the lunch line getting their food. As Little Crow was walking towards his table, he saw Matthew stick his foot out.

"Nice try white eye," smiled Little Crow.

Little Crow's friends started laughing, they sat down and started eating. Matthew was very angry, so he put some mash potatoes on a spoon and flicked it at Little Crow, but he moved, and it ended up hitting Ivy, White Eagle's girlfriend in the face.

"Again, nice try, but you owe my friend here an apology," Little Crow turning around and went to Matthew's table.

"I meant to hit you, but you moved, so it is what it is," said Matthew smiling.

"Stand up," said Little Crow.

"Why?" asked Matthew.

Little Crow grabbed Matthew by the collar of his shirt and stood him up.

"Now you're going to apologize to my friend," demanded Little Crow.

"Get your hands off me, I am not apologizing to no one," Matthew trying to get away.

Ivy's boyfriend, White Eagle got up and walked over towards Matthew.

"You're going to apologize to my woman, or I'll break your arm if you don't," said White Eagle.

"No," said Matthew.

White Eagle grabbed Matthew's arm and pulled it behind him and lifted his arm up until he said he was sorry.

"Now bring him over to Ivy," said Little Crow smiling.

"Apologize!" shouted White Eagle.

"Ouch! ouch!" Matthew said in pain. " I am sorry."

"Thank you for the apology," said Ivy.

"Let him go!" shouted Kicking Bird from across the cafeteria.

"Let him go," nodded Little Crow.

So White Eagle let him go.

"Brother this stops now, let's go!" shouted Kicking Bird.