
A Nameless Legend

At the beginning of time, there was a remote place, with very few people. A civilization was out of the question since they couldn't even create a wheel or fire.

As time passed by, that civilization was ruined, like every other. The only one that survived was a little boy. This little boy had no name. Not knowing what to do next, he just tried to survive day after day.

He continued with his survival routine, hunting for food, and seeking shelter on the rainy days.

After an unknown time, he found a civilization. It was a little village with various people with dark skin. He was shocked. He tried to communicate with them but was greeted with hostility.

Feeling wronged, he decided to leave their territory. This kind of thing would happen many times on his journey.

He didn't know how many years have passed, though the 'time' concept was not defined yet.

This was just the start of his journey to become a legend.


April 21, 1942.


Being forced, Alan was in the middle of the war.

His fate was horrible, he never got the chance to meet his parents, he was poor, miserable and just like a little ant in this war.

As his life had always been like trash, he didn't mind dying right now, at least his suffering would end.


January 17, 1814.


In an unknown territory.

Montsho was 17 years old, he served his lord Antônio as a slave. Every time he made a mistake, he would receive ten lashes. He started to "work" since he was seven, the lord didn't have any mercy, he would whip even seven years old children.

One day, he reached his limits and tried to kill his lord, but was stopped and ended under the guillotine.


March 12, 1843.



September 22, 1923.



September 11, 2001.

The United States.




January 30, 2018.


'No! I was not the one who made this!'

'Hey, look. Why is that plane coming in this direction?'

'I will kill you!'

'Please, don't kill me!'


Awakening from this sudden nightmare, Yuki was extremely frightened.

The door opened with a rush as a middle-aged woman entered hurriedly.

"Are you okay?!"

The woman was Yuki's mother.

Seeing that her son was speechless, she became even more worried.

"Yuki, talk to me... Is it that nightmare again?"

Looking up, Yuki answered, "No, mother. This time the nightmare was different. I... I... saw all those people die. Including me."

His mother was very stressed these days. Ever since the start of the year, her son was constantly being afflicted with nightmares. All those nightmares were of him dying miserably, such dreams were not normal.

"How about we go to the psychologist? Maybe it's because you are growing up, things like hormones..."

"It's not hormones. When I'm inside the nightmare, I feel like I'm really there, as if I'm inside those people's bodies."

In the beginning, his mother didn't think it was serious. But his nightmares kept going on every night. She didn't have a choice but to be worried.

"Yuki, why don't you try to sleep? In a few hours, you will have to go to school... Or would you rather stay home?"

"I don't know. If I sleep, I will have those nightmares again, I don't want it."

"Okay, I will try to stay here with you, I'll just call my boss and see if he can let me miss the work."

His mother left his room.

Sighing, Yuki took his smartphone and turned it on. Seeing some messages from his friends, he ignored it and tried to not sleep anymore. Turning on his computer, he started to play some games, but he got bored.

The nightmares were horrifying, but he couldn't not think about them. The nightmares from the past few days were still very bright in his mind, and the one from today was even more... livid.

The blood, gore, desperation, and fear he felt inside the dream would make anyone puke or faint out of fear.

Thinking about the last dream he had, he noted that it was all in english. He didn't know why, but he could understand everything.

Remembering all the other dreams, he realized that all of them were like this, he would speak a language that he didn't know but he could actually understand it.

"Strange, how can I do this? Am I some type of mystical being?" Yuki thought about seriously, but discarded the idea, as it was pure nonsense.

His mother ended the call and entered his bedroom again, "Yuki, my boss said that I was not allowed to miss the work tomorrow, are you okay with it?"

"I'm okay, you can relax."

Seeing her son smiling and saying such things, her worry has diminished.

"Okay, then. I need to sleep, good night."


Alone in his room, Yuki was trying to not think about the dreams anymore, but it was useless. The nightmares were so vivid that made him remember the pain and agony he felt in the last thirty days.

"This is so frustrating... Why am I like this? Is it possible that I'm sick in the head?" He thought that the possibility of him being sick was high. He would be diagnosticated with madness if he goes to a psychologist.

"No, I'm not crazy!" Yuki imagined him going to an asylum, being locked in there and people laughing about him, this is what a nightmare in real life would be.

"I need to find solutions, yes, solutions!" He opened his notebook and started to search.

He didn't find things that could help him, just similar cases of patients with madness.

"I cannot be a madman, what should I do?"

In the middle of his silent despair, he suddenly thought about one thing. Inside the dream, he noticed a little detail, the date and hour.

"Yes, it was September 11, 2001, at 9:40 am. How could I forget it?" Thinking a little more about it, he suddenly realized one thing.

"Wait... Is not that... the Twin Tower Attacks?!"

Hello there, this is just the first chapter, but I wish that you all would like it.

I'm still thinking about the periodicity of the releases, but I don't want it to be rushed, I want it to have some quality content, so you need to understand me.

Oh, and I'm planning it to be a short novel, but if it gets too long, don't be surprised.

Justawayycreators' thoughts