
The Mythic Heroes

The world has been at war for over 500 years between the Rebellion and the Empire. With both sides win and lose men, there was no telling who would win until one day two babies were born. One was born on the Rebellion side and was pleased by the gods and is the last descendant of the Pendragon family, and the other one was born on the Empire side with no memory of his father or mother, all he knows is to fight. Over the years, the two boys will learn and fight for their side until a day they meet to fight to the death, but instead they both see what both sides are do is wrong and right. So the two decide to fight together to make the world a better place for the ones that can't fight for themselves. Icibis Pendragon is a man with a big heart. He believes that everyone is the same and that no one, even with nobility, should stand above the others. His goal is to make everyone in the world to feel safe and be at peace. Alek Noblesse is a man who doesn't know anything about himself or where he came from. All his life, he was told to kill, and that is all he has done for the past 12 years. Until he meets a boy by the name Nor that changed everything for Alek. Alek never had a goal or a dream, but when Nor told Alek what his goals and dreams are, Alek wanted the same thing.

Asutashi · Fantaisie
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38 Chs

The Slave Girl

(30 minutes before the attack on Icibis and Vita.)

Rose and Reinhart are walking around the Kingdom of Havoc looking at the stores and all the small markets that it has.

"O look they have both red and yellow apples here."

"They even have oranges."

"Why don't you get you some."

"Yeah your right. I probably get a couple of apples to."

After Reinhart got a couple of apples and oranges, Reinhart and Rose started to walk to the castle as Rose notice something to her left.

"Reinhart do you see what I am seeing."

Rose points to a little girl that is chained from her feet to her hands to her neck. As the girl is being moved into a cage by a man, Rose rans over to the man that and gabs him by his right arm.

"What in the hell are you doing that girl? Why is she in chains like that? Anwer me."

The drops the chains that he was using to pull the little girl with and raised is left hand to punch Rose.

"Why you little bitch, mean your own business."

As the man is raising up his fist, he feels a blade to a sword stop his hand from raising. The man looks over his left shoulder and see Reinhart holding his sword against the man's hand.

"Why you..."

"Go on and try and do something, but the second that you do, you will lose your hand."

The man gives up and put his hand down.

"Good, now tell me what is with this girl."

"I don't need to tell you anything."

"I think you should, or do we need to make you."

"Why you..."

Reinhart takes a breath as he puts away his sword.

"There is no need to make anyone to do anything Rose."

"What are you talking about Reinhart. What this man is doing to this girl is wrong, can you not see that."

"Yes I can see that, but the same time you have to look at thing from both point of views. Tell me sir, is the girl your slave?"

Rose face was shocked when Reinhart asked the man that question.

"Yes, she is. What does it matter to you knights?"

"You have a slave. I should take your head for that."

Rose goes to draw her blade as Reinhart stops her from drawing it.

"Reinhart why did you stop me."

"There is no need for that Rose. Sir if I may ask one more thing."

"What is that."

"How much for the girl?"


"She is not for sell."

"Everything has a price. So just name it."

"You can't be for real."

"She is move then you can offer for her."

"If that is so, how much is that going to be."

"Reinhart, if Icibis finds out that you're trying to get a slave, he will be very disappointed in you."

"You are right, if I was trying to have a slave."

"Do what."

The man stands there thinking of a price for the little girl has Rose start to think about what Reinhart just said to her. The man eyes looked at Reinhart has he points one finger up and smiles.

"The girl is worth, 🝗50,000."

"Well you are right. I only have around 🝗10,000."

"I guess we are done here then."

"Hang on a second I will still take the girl."

"Do what. You just said you only have 🝗10,000 and she is worth, 🝗50,000."

"Yes I know, but you never said others can help pay for her?"

"What do you mean, are you saying that woman with you has the of 🝗40,000 on her."

"O no she does ever have 🝗1,000 on her."

"What the hell Reinhart."

"But I had someone give me to other 🝗50,000 not to long ago."

"Other 🝗50,000?"

"Yes. I figured you was going to try and get it out of us for the girl."

"Well then you got yourself a deal."

Reinhart gave the man the 🝗60,000 for the girl has Rose removed the chains from the girl's feet, hands, and neck.

"How do that feel now? Are you cold? Are you hungry? I know you need a blanket."

"Rose your trying too hard. Here you go."

Reinhart gives the girl the apples and oranges that he got at the market. The girl looks at both of them before eating the apples and oranges.

"My name is Reinhart, what is your."

After the girl finishes eating the apples and one of the oranges, she started to cough.

"Rose get her some water."


Rose gets out her a cup and filled it with water and handed it to Reinhart and he handed to the girl. The girl drinks all the water and clears her throat.

"My name is Maria. Thanks for the food."

"Where you from Maria? O Yeah my name is Rose."

"Rose, I think it is best we save the question for a later time when she is ready to answer them."


"But you can do is go and get the girl some new clothes."

Rose looks at what Maria is wearing and back at Reinhart.

"Yeah you are right, but why me."

"Because I just used all my money to get her, so you have to."

"Okay. Well, I guess you and me are going shopping Maria. Don't worry I know what exactly what would look good on you."

Maria looks at Reinhart has Rose grabs her hand and starts to drag her to a clothing store.

"Don't worry I will be here. So have fun."

As Reinhart takes a seat on a nearby bench, he has a rock thrown at him. Reinhart looks over from where the rock came from and standing there was Madison and Tristen.

"Well, look what we have here."

"Where is your female partner go?"

"She is somewhere over there, looking for some new clothes."

"Really, she is getting clothes at a time like this."

"The clothes are no for her. They are for a girl that we kind of bought and freed at the same time."

"What a second, did you just say bought?"

"Look it is a long store okay."

Before Tristen is about to say something, he hears a voice in his head."

"My young Lord, your Princess and Icibis will be attack by assassins in the next minute. You don't have time to talk or tell anyone, just move and get to your princess."

Without thinking, Tristen jumps on top of the building and takes off faster than both Reinhart and Madison have seen.

"Where is he going?"

"He is heading back to the castle for some reason."

Both Madison and Reinhart both think the same thing.

"Prince Icibis."

Tristen gets closer to the castle and jumps into a widow that is near the room where Icibis and Vita is. Tristen uses True Sense to sense the assassins and he pick them and moves into action. Tristen run into the room and see the assassin where he uses the sword style Heaven Style, Heaven Walks. That kills all 6 assassins, as Tristen hears to voice again.

"I have already got the knights getting Icibis team, you need to get him to join you and head to the front lines whenever you can, because the Empire is attack."

After hearing this Tristen tells Princess Vita and Icibis what he knows. After Princess Vita and Icibis listening to Tristen, Icibis and Tristen leave Princess Vita to head to the front lines to fight the Empire.