
The Mythic Heroes

The world has been at war for over 500 years between the Rebellion and the Empire. With both sides win and lose men, there was no telling who would win until one day two babies were born. One was born on the Rebellion side and was pleased by the gods and is the last descendant of the Pendragon family, and the other one was born on the Empire side with no memory of his father or mother, all he knows is to fight. Over the years, the two boys will learn and fight for their side until a day they meet to fight to the death, but instead they both see what both sides are do is wrong and right. So the two decide to fight together to make the world a better place for the ones that can't fight for themselves. Icibis Pendragon is a man with a big heart. He believes that everyone is the same and that no one, even with nobility, should stand above the others. His goal is to make everyone in the world to feel safe and be at peace. Alek Noblesse is a man who doesn't know anything about himself or where he came from. All his life, he was told to kill, and that is all he has done for the past 12 years. Until he meets a boy by the name Nor that changed everything for Alek. Alek never had a goal or a dream, but when Nor told Alek what his goals and dreams are, Alek wanted the same thing.

Asutashi · Fantaisie
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39 Chs

The Prisoner

Hoshiki walks into the meeting room, where Lord Haro is waiting for him. As Hoshiki enters the room, he walks straight up to Lord Haro and takes a kneel in front of Lord Haro. Lord Haro looks at Hoshiki, then he looks at the door.

"Are you the only one who survived the mission?"

"No, my lord. But Alek and Ash are not too wounded to make this meeting and Malos is doing Malos things."

"I see."

Hoshiki can feel the gaze from Lord Haro, as Lord Haro just stares Hoshiki down.

"So, tell me. Did you fail the mission that I gave you?"

Hoshiki is hesitant to answer Lord Haro straight away, as Lord Haro patience is counting down."

"Well, Hoshiki. Did you or did you not?"

"Yes, my lord. We failed the mission."

Lord Haro stands up from his chair, and slowly starts to walk to Hoshiki.

"The only reason we failed your mission, my lord. Is because the rebellion had some strong members on their side."

Lord Haro grabs Hoshiki and throws him into the wall.

"That doesn't mean anything. You all are a part of my army. Making you all the strongest."

Hoshiki slowly stands up from hitting the wall, with blood coming from his head, Hoshiki still tries to convince Lord Haro that they had no way of winning that battle.

"My lord, they had the Gifted Human, and others that had powers that even made Alek's cancellation, not work on them."

Lord Haro looks at Hoshiki with a confused face.

"What do you mean, that Alek's cancellation was not working on them."

"There was one of the rebellion fights, that had a power where you lose all your physical abilities, but cancellation was not working on it, but at the same time Alek was still not affected by it."

"So, Alek cancellation did work for himself, but can't cancel it out the rest of you all."

"Yes, my lord, that is what I am saying."

"I see now."

Lord Haro walks back to his seat and sits down, as Hoshiki is about to leave Lord Haro spoke.

"What about the girl that Ash swapped with?"

Hoshiki looks back at Lord Haro.

"What do you mean, girl?"

As Lord Haro looks at Hoshiki, down in the dungeon, Josie has been having her way with Maria for about 2 minutes before Ranperuji gets there. As Ranperuji walks down in the dungeon, he sees that Josie is about to cast a poison spell on Maria, as Ranperuji grabs Josie's hand.

"What do you think you're doing, Josie?"

Josie looks at Ranperuji.

"Sir Ranperuji, I was just trying to get this girl to talk, but she has been very difficult."

Ranperuji looks at Maria, and sees that Maria is bleeding from her upper arms and from her right eye, and he notices that Maria's hands and feet have been poisoned by Josie.

"Josie, why did you use poison on the girl?"

"Because she would not talk."

"That doesn't mean to go that fair. There is a possibility that this girl might not know a single thing."

"So, do we get to kill her?"

"That is not my call. Lord Haro, will make that decision. For now, just leave her be."

"But Sir Ranperuji."

Ranperuji turns and drags Josie out of the dungeon.

"That is not fair."

"Don't worry, I am sending Nor, down there to make sure the girl is treated and fed."

"You're going to feed her?"

"Yes, Josie. We can't have our own prisoner dieing on us now."

"I guess you have a point, but if we do kill her. Let me have her soul."

"You can do as you please."


As Ranperuji and Josie leave the dungeon, Maria sits there in pain and scared for her life.

"Please someone, come and save me. Madison. Rose. Icibis. I need you here with me."

As a few minutes have past, Maria can hear footsteps coming from the stairs. Maria gets in the fairest corner in her cell, as she wants to see who is coming down the stairs. Nor appears from the stairs with food and potions for her injuries. Nor walks in front of the cell, and he sees Maria trying to hide from him.

"Hello there, my name is Nor. What is yours?"

 Maria stays quiet. Nor puts down the tray and opens the cell and walks in. As Nor walks closer to Maria he can see what all has happened to her. Nor runs out and grabs the potion and comes back in the cell and tries to hand it to Maria.

"Here take this. It will heal you."

Maria looks at the bot and then at Nor.

"Come on, please take it."

Maria grabs the potion from Nor. She looks at the potion then at Nor, as Maria hits Nor in the head with the potion and tries to run but with her feet being poison, she doesn't go fair at all, before hitting the ground.

"Aaaahhhh, it hurts."

"That is why, I said take the potion."

Nor picks up the potion and sees that the bot is still together.

"Hear, take it so you can walk again."

Nor hands the potion to Maria again but this time, Maria drinks the potion. As Maria heals all the cuts on her body and the poison on her feet and hands. Maria looks at Nor then the food.

"You want the food to?"

Maria looks away from the food and Nor, but her stomach grows.

"Well, you might act like you're not hungry, but your stomach said otherwise."

Nor walks over and grabs the food for Maira, and walks back over and hands her the food.

"Hear, eat up."

Maria was hesitant to take the food at first but with stomach grows, she takes the food and starts to eat it quickly.

"Now, you don't need to eat so fast. You will get sick."

Maria looks at Nor and speaks.

"Why do you care? All you're going to do is torture me some more."

"What, no. I am not like them. To be honest I am like you."

"Sure, you are, you're just trying to get on my good side."

"No, I promise."

Nor look at the stairs.

"They want to kill me the same amount they want to kill you."

Maria gives Nor a confused look.

"That makes no sense. Why do you work for them, if they want to kill you?"

"It is because of my big bro, well that is what I want to call him, but his name is Alek, and he is really strong and cool too."

Maria just stares at Nor.

"When he found me in the woods a while back, they ordered him to kill me, but instead he fought them and stood up for me. And ever since then, I have been learning how to use a sword and spear, from bigger bro Hoshiki."

"You have a lot of bros."

"They are not my real family, but they treat me like a little brother to them."

Nor gives Maria a smile. Making Maria remember how Reinhart, Rose, Icibis, and Madison treated her.

"Yeah, it is nice to have people to be there for you."

Nor sees Maria start to cry a little.

"I am sorry, I was not trying to make you cry or anything. Here take this."

Nor grabs a napkin from his pocket and hands it to Maria. Maria takes the napkin and wipes off her tears. As Maria looks at the napkin in her hand, she speaks.

"This world sucks."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean this world is ran by people that don't care for the ones that are fighting to live everyday of their lives. They don't care for the ones who have lost everything, they don't care about that fake smile just to get by or that they have to prove themselves to others to make a little money here and there. I just wish for all the ones that are running this world, to row over and die, and I will take over and run this world, like it should be."

Nor sits there, amazed by Maria's feelings for this world.

"We both believe in the same thing."

"Do what?"

Maria looks at Nor with a confused face.

"What I am saying is, I believe that everyone should be free and live their lives the way they want to, and let people go wherever they want to. We don't need these Demihuman lands and human lands, but one land for every race to walk together. A world where everyone is free from everything."

Maria smiles for a second and Nor sees it.

"See you can smile. I knew it."

"What, no. That was not a smile."

Maria looks away from Nor, as Nor stands up and walks out of the cell. Maria looks at Nor as he closes the cell.

"Don't worry. I will talk to big bro Alek and see if I can get you out. I promise."

Maria gives Nor a nod as Nor starts to pick up the tray and starts to head up the stairs when he hears Maria speak.

"My name is Maria."

Nor looks back with a smile.

"It was nice talking to you, Maira."

As Nor gets to the top Maho is standing there.

"What do you want Maho?"

Maho crosses his arms and looks down at Nor.

"Watch you tone boy, or I will burn you to a crisp."

Nor bits his tongue and speaks.

"Sorry, Sir Maho."

"That is more like it. Now then, tell me Nor, what was the conversation you were just having with our new prisoner."

Nor looks back down the stairs and then back at Maho.

"I was just seeing what her name was."

Maho grabs Nor by the throat and pins him against the wall.

"Now, you see Nor. You don't have permission to even speak to the prisoner. Do you understand me?"

Nor nods.

"Good, but now I have to punish you. Oh, I know. What about a good burn across your face?"

Nor tries to get free but Mahos grip is too tight.

"The more you move, the worse it will be."

Maho puts his hand on Nor's face.

"Here we go Nor. The brat is going to love this, when he wakes up."

As Maho starts his fire magic, Nor starts to burn a little as Maho starts to laugh.

"Hahaha, how does it feel, Nor? Please tell me."

As Nor though there was no way out, Maho's hand was cut off and then, Maho had a spear at his throat. Nor started to cough out blood as he looked over and saw Hoshiki standing there. Maho looks at Hoshiki with a face of disappointment before speaking.

"Hoshiki, why you little..."

"Maho, I will give you a good 2 seconds to let Nor go, or I will just kill you. Right here, right now. You pick."

Maho lets go of Nor and walks away.

"You luck brat."

"Yeah, keep talking, Maho. That is all you're good at."

Hoshiki looks down at Nor and helps him up.

"You good kid?"

Nor passed out from the burns. Hoshiki picks Nor up and walks to the doctor.

"Wait until Alek gets up. He is going to have a field day with Maho."