
The Mythic Heroes

The world has been at war for over 500 years between the Rebellion and the Empire. With both sides win and lose men, there was no telling who would win until one day two babies were born. One was born on the Rebellion side and was pleased by the gods and is the last descendant of the Pendragon family, and the other one was born on the Empire side with no memory of his father or mother, all he knows is to fight. Over the years, the two boys will learn and fight for their side until a day they meet to fight to the death, but instead they both see what both sides are do is wrong and right. So the two decide to fight together to make the world a better place for the ones that can't fight for themselves. Icibis Pendragon is a man with a big heart. He believes that everyone is the same and that no one, even with nobility, should stand above the others. His goal is to make everyone in the world to feel safe and be at peace. Alek Noblesse is a man who doesn't know anything about himself or where he came from. All his life, he was told to kill, and that is all he has done for the past 12 years. Until he meets a boy by the name Nor that changed everything for Alek. Alek never had a goal or a dream, but when Nor told Alek what his goals and dreams are, Alek wanted the same thing.

Asutashi · Fantaisie
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39 Chs

The Prince

(1 week ago)

"My prince, you need to wake up."


"My prince, we need to get moving."

"Wh... What is going on?"

"You're awake, that is good."

"Reinhard, where are we at?"

"Well, my prince, we have been traveling for a while now. So, to be honest with you, I don't know where we are at the moment."

Icibis seats up and looks outside the cart to see what is outside. As he opens the back, Icibis sees an opened field with flowers and farmlands.

"Prince Icibis, I see you have woken up. Did you sleep well?"

Icibis looks at Rose, which is riding a horse behind the cart.

"Yes, I did thank you for asking. He you gotten any rest yet."

"No, your highness. We are trying to reach the Kingdom of Havoc to meet with Princess Vita."

"O, yeah, I forgot about that."

As Icibis continues to look out the back of the cart, he looks back at Reinhard.

"How long have we been traveling for?"

"We have been going nonstop for about 3 hours."

"If that is the case, then we need to stop and take a break for you'll and the horses."

"But my prince, if we stop now, you could be in danger."

"That is a risk that I will take. I would rather have my team well rested than run for hours just to die from overwork themselves for my sake."

"But my prince, I don't think it is..."

"I think it is best to do what the prince says, Reinhart. If you have forgotten, he is a very stubborn prince. So, it is just best to do what he says."

Madison was listening to Reinhart and Icibis talking from upfront as he drives the horses of the cart.

"Yes, what Madison said. Wait. Did you say I am a stubborn one. I know you did not say that out of all people."

"I was just saying your highness."

"Yes, but you didn't have to say it like that."

As Icibis and Madison continue to argue, Reinhart puts his hand on his head, and Rose just shacks her head.

"Here we go again."

As the four finally stop next to some trees so they can hide the cart from anyone that is looking for them. As Reinhart starts to make a place for them to rest a little, Madison gets in a tree to do some scouting, and Rose stays with Icibis to make sure he has a guard with him.

"Rose, you know I don't need you to always guard me. You know that, right?"

Rose looks back at Icibis, has he sits down on a tree stump.

"My prince, you know that you must always have a guard with you at all times. If you don't, then who will protect you, and who will make sure you are always saved? and..."


Rose stopped talking and looked at Icibis. Icibis stands up and puts his hand on Rose's head.

"You guys worry too much about me that you forgot about your own life's. I will be fine, if need be, I can protect myself when the time comes. You don't have to always protect me."

Icibis gives Rose a smile as he walks over to see how Reinhart is doing. As Icibis walks past Rose, Rose puts her hands on her chest and thinks what her prince just told her, as she starts to blush a little before straight up before shortly following behind Icibis. As the two get to the camp that Reinhart is making Rose looks at the camp and then at Rainhart.

"Is this really what you call a camp. It is just a bunch of sticks and logs."

"Well, yes Rose this is what a small camp looks like, and we really didn't have the right stuff to a really big camp that said come and find us. Did you forget that we are on the run here."

"Yes but still, royalty should never have to sit on logs or on grand. That is not fitting of a royal."

"Rose. That is enough of that now."

"But your highness it is not right."

"It doesn't matter if I am a royal or a commoner. You will treat me has you will treat everyone else from here on out. Do I make myself clear.?"

Rose looks down away from Icibis, as Icibis looks at her then at Reinhart.

"That goes for you to Reinhart. No more calling me your prince or your highness. Just call me Icibis for now on."

"I can't do that your high..."

Icibis gives Reinhart a look of disappointment has he just looks at him.

"Understood Icibis."

"No i can't. I swore an oath to always protect you and I will never break that oath."

Icibis gives Rose a hug.

"I am not asking you to break your oath. I am asking you to look at me the same way you look at others. That is all."

Rose starts to cry a little and she gives Icibis a nod.

"Okay fine you win, but you will aways be my prince."

"You really can be a handful. You know that, Rose."

Rose pushes away from Icibic and wipes off the tiers, then looks at Reinhart.

"O shut up Reinhart. At lease Icibis trust me more than you."

"As if. I am his right-hand man when it comes to battle."

"O yeah, well I am left-hand woman."

"There is no such thing as a left-hand woman. Haha"

"O yeah. Well, I think we should ask Icibis, to see who he trusts more."

"okay I am game. So Icibis, who do you trust more. Me your knight or Rose the want to be knight."

"Who you calling want to be knight? I know you're not talking."

As Reinhart and Rose are arguing Icibis lays down on the ground trying to go back to sleep before he gets dragged into that issue. Both Reinhart and Rose look over and see Icibis trying to sleep so they quit the argue and start taking turns on watch and the other sleeps for a little bit. As time goes on it has been about 3 hours and has the team gets ready the leave, they can hear horses near them. Reinhart and Rose get behind and big bush as they start thinking of a plan.

"Rose, get Icibis and get out of here. Continue south-east for about 10 more miles and you should be able to see the Kingdom of Havoc. Now hurry up and get going."

"What about you and Madison? Wait where is Madison?"

Reinhart gives Rose a smile.

"Don't worry about Madison he does what he does best, and for me. Well, I am the best knight, so I can't go down just yet. I will catch up with you soon enough. I give you, my word."

"Fine I trust you. You better no die on us."

"I just said that I am not going to die."

"Well I don't know, you might have to give you last kiss now or you will miss you chance to."

As a blade is put at Reinhart neck and 6 other soldiers appeared. As two of the soldiers put Reinhart to the ground and kept him there, as the first soldier takes Rose's weapons from her and start to question what they are doing in the woods.

"So what is a young beauty like you doing in the woods with and scum like him."

Rose slaps the soldier in the face. Making all the other soldiers look over at her and all start to draw their blades.

"The only thing you will get from me is death, and if you want to live, I would advise you to run away now, and never come back."

All the soldiers started to laugh at what Rose said, as the soldier she slapped. He punched her in her face, making Rose step back.

"You bitch. I guess you want to die today. Well, it is your lucky day because we are going to start on your boy over there first then we will have our fun with you after. How does that sound to you?"

"Rose. Focus on me you old creep."

"What did you call me you punk."

The soldier started to walk over to Reinhart with the other still holding him down. The soldier holds his blade over his head has he stands over Reinhart.

"You talk a lot of smack for someone who can't move."

"Is that coming from the man who needs others to hold his hand."

"You scum. You will get what you deserve. You two hold him down and you over."

The soldier points at another soldier that is just watch.

"You make sure that girl doesn't interfere."

"Yes, Sir."


"Don't worry Rose it will be okay."

"Do you think your god is going to help you are something."

As the soldier gets ready to cut Reinhart head off, Reinhart smiles.

"A god no. If I even call me archer a god, he will never let me hear the end of it."

The soldier eyes open wildly when Reinhart said that.

"Wait a second. Did you just say an archer."

Reinhart gave the guy a wink.

"You know it."

As an arrow hits the soldier right in his hand making him drop the sword, and after the arrow his hand the arrow exploded into smoke covering up to 30 feet of just smoke. As all the soldiers start to cover their faces, letting Reinhart to get free. As Reinhart grabs his sword and runs over to knock out the one soldier that is watch Rose, but when he got there, Rose has already knock the soldier out cold.

"Well, it looks like you didn't need any help."

"I can handle myself, but we don't have to talk. We need to get going."


Reinhart and Rose run off torse where Madison hid the cart. As they are running the soldiers slowly start to get out of the smoke and started to chance after them.

"Stop them. Don't let them get away."

"Reinhart, what do we do now?"

"I don't know. Are best bet is to fight."

"If you think so, then I am down to fight."

Reeinhart and Rose stop are before the cart. they both get ready to fight as all 7 soldiers catch up to them.

"Sorry, do you need a minute old man or can we take this to the next level."

"You have a big mouth for a weak scum."

"You touch my heart."

"Shut up. Soldiers attack."

All the soldiers started to attack Reinhart and Rose when they all just stopped, and they all failed to the ground like gravity is just forcing them to take a knee.

"What is this. Why can't I move."

"Well it looks like the fun is over. Right, Icibis?"

As the soldiers look up, they see a man wear all red armor with red hair walk up to them.

"I will ask this once. Do you give up and will you surrender to us, or better off do you surrender to the Kingdom of Havoc?"

"I will never surrender to that witch."

"Well I guess you can stay like this then."

"What kind of magic is this? Are you doing it?"

"It is not magic. It was a curse that I was given by a friend, and yes I am the one that is doing this."

All the soldiers try to get up but none of the can move an inch.

"Okay, you win. We surrender."

"But capitan?"

"That is enough. If you can't tell yet that we have lost this one. But before I became a prisoner to Kingdom of Havoc, tell me your name."

Icibis looks at the soldier.

"If that is the only requits you have then I can do that. My name is Icibis Pendragon.

"You're a Pendragon? Like the royal Pendragon?"

"Yes that is correct."

After Icibis, Rose, and Reinhart remove all the soldier's weapons from them, Icibis release them for is curse as the capitan instantly rips out the arrow in his hand a went to stab Icibis in the back. As the capitan and 2 of the other soldiers were frozen to death by ice magic. As Icibis looks over where the ice came from, and he sees a knight from the Kingdom of Havoc standing there.

"You must be Icibis Pendrogen."

"Yes and who might be."

"O, sorry for not stating my name. I am Capitan Conner Redscare of Lady Vita royal guard. Now Lady Vita is expecting you'll."

Icibis and his team with the remaining 4 soldiers follow Conner to the Kingdom of Havoc.