
The Mystical Wolf.

The Black Vale pack is one of the great packs that protects their land, Winter's Moon, and their Alpha King. When an unknown enemy attacks Black Vale, they lose their Alpha and capture some of the attackers for interrogation. During the investigation, they discover one of the wolves is a Seeker. Winter's Moon hasn't had a Seeker in over a century. This rare, powerful, and sacred wolf may be the only chance they have at winning against this rogue pack and keeping Winter's Moon safe. The only problem is, he's working with the enemy.  Meet Nova an seeker, He's trap in a evil pack that is out seeking power over everything that moves, striking fear to those who hear about them, killing those who see them or not. This is Nova's story as the only Seeker who is different from other seekers one that can only appears rarely, an must be treated with care, be cherished and loved. The seeker who is the last foundation of building/have an Stronger Pack. THIS IS NOVA'S JOURNEY. What will happen if he decides Not to Join The Alpha King Pack. WILL HIS MATE ACCEPT HIM AFTER ALL HE'S DONE OR WILL HE BE REJECTED ?!?.

23mystery · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter three

  "It's because her mate is gone." The small seeker put everything back into his bag. "She's in pain because of it. I've given her some herbs that should ease the pain, but really, it's up to her whether or not she makes it." He looked at her with pity. "I wouldn't blame her for giving up either."

   Luca looked at his sleeping mother and his weeping sister next to her. He nodded to the healer and followed him, and the guard sent with him out of the room. He shut the door behind him, and the healer faced Luca.

   "I'll leave everything she needs with the doctor here. Other than this, all I can tell you is be there for her. She needs her family and friends, whatever support she can get." His eyes lit up as if remembering something. "I heard you have a Seeker now."

   Luca pushed back a growl.

   "Seekers are natural healers. Like me! He should be able to help her too. Honestly, just the presence of a Seeker would be—"

   "Thanks for the suggestion, Basil. And thank you for coming all the way out here to help her. I greatly appreciate it." Luca glanced at the guard and back to the seeker. "I'll walk you out. Or do you want to stay another night?"

   Basil shook his head.

   "I think I should leave. No need to walk me out." He gave a sarcastic grin before turning and retreating down the hallway. His guard sent Luca a glare as he followed along.

   Luca linked to his wolves, who brought his father's body up a few days ago. The doctor autopsied his body before letting them prepare him for war. As soon as his mother was able to attend, they'd hold a ceremony for Alpha Hyde.


   Luca flinched when he heard Lyall, his Delta.

   "I need you to bring my mother up some of my father's belonging. His scent should help her relax. I want you and another wolf on guard at all times in front of her room. Rotate between the two of you. Everyone else can go home until it's time for the ceremony."

   "Yes, Alpha."

   Once his Delta left, he looked to his mother's door. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he sighed and went inside.


   They sat in silence, staring at each other. It had been minutes since the Alpha King asked his question. Minutes since Nova refused to meet his gaze or say anything at all. The king leaned forward and poured himself a glass of water. He held it up in offering and poured Nova a glass when he nodded. Nova couldn't drink it fast enough. Finishing it off in seconds, he set it back down and finally met the king's eyes.

   "River's Edge."

   The king sat back, letting out a long breath. Nova expected more of a reaction, but the king simply waited for him to continue.

   "I've been with them...well...held captive by them for over ten years. They forced me to use my abilities as a seeker to fight...I'm the reason the Golden Hill pack was wiped out. I was there that night five years ago. I watched them murder anyone they could get their hands on. I helped them if they needed it." He stared at his hands in his lap, scratching at his skin and biting his lip to hold back tears. His stomach turned, and bile rose in his mouth. He squeezed his eyes shut then looked at the king. "Please...I didn't want to. I was blackmailed. I'm a seeker. I don't want to hurt others. I didn't want to do all of it. I didn't want to kill anyone."

  He dropped from the chair to the floor and crawled over to the king. He put his hands on the king's knees as he cried.

  "Please believe me. Please. I just ask that you see I'm not evil."

  After a long, painful silence, his head dropped into the king's lap. The king let him cry and slowly began caressing his head, in what little comfort he could offer.

  The king was angry. So angry. If this were any other wolf, he would be dead already. Leon thought of Luca and what he said about the seeker getting away without consequences. Despite his anger, the king couldn't do anything. That's what a seeker did. They were calming and appeared helpless to the point that even the weakest wolf would feel the urge to protect them.

  With a sigh, the king put his hands on Nova's shoulders and pushed him back onto his knees. He looked him in the eyes, his eyes swirling from black to gold.

  "I'm furious," the king admitted. "I've lost a lot of great wolves because of the River's Edge, and knowing you were a part of it...bothers me. To say the least." He let his hands fall. "I won't hurt you. I can't. And I..., I believe you. You say you were blackmailed. Tell me how."

  Nova thought about how to say it. He hadn't told anyone this. He never had the opportunity, but he wasn't ready to talk about it. There was something he had to do first. Someone he had to talk to.

  "We would've succeeded in killing the Black Vale pack that night."

  Leon was taken aback by the statement. It felt almost like a threat.

  "I let myself get caught. I stopped helping them, and as soon as they didn't have me on their side, they fell."

  "You think you would've killed them all? Just like the Golden Hill."

  Nova nodded.

  "I know we would have."

  Leon's lip quivered as he fought back a snarl.

  "So, what was different. Why would you suddenly let yourself get caught?"

  Nova stood.

  "A scent. A scent that had my mind go hazy. A scent that made my heart race, and my senses heightened to the point it was overwhelming, and I couldn't tell what was what. It was faint but strong enough." He looked the king dead in the eyes. "My mate. Knowing they're out there, I got the courage to finally run."

  Leon's eyes widened as he sat forward.

  "You think your mate is there?"

  Nova shook his head.

  "They're here. In your palace. I smelled them on some of the wolves during the attack. I've even smelled them on you." He looked away and blushed. "A few times, I thought it might've been you, but the scent wasn't consistent enough."

  "You haven't answered my question, Nova." The king was growing impatient.

   "I want to see my mate first."

   "Are you trying to bargain with me right now?" Leon stood.

   Nova took a few steps back but tried to stand firm.

   "I need to know I'm safe," he argued. "I need them to hear everything I tell you because I know they'll be furious when they find out what I've done. I need you there to help them understand. I need my mate!"

   The king clenched his fist and looked away. He took a few deep breaths trying to calm himself.

   "I don't know who it is."

   Nova didn't seem to care. He said nothing. As if that was a poor excuse.

   "Fine. I have a lot of other matters to attend to because of what you and your pack has done. After, we'll try to find them. Until then, you're confined to this room. I can't allow you to leave. I can't trust you."

   Nova relaxed his shoulders and nodded in understanding.

   The king had nothing more to say. He stormed out of the room, reiterating to the guards that Nova couldn't leave. From there, he went upstairs to Winnie's room. Luca was inside leaning against a wall, while his sister and mother slept next to each other. He motioned to Luca to the door and didn't wait for Luca to follow him out.

   "What's wrong?" Luca asked.

   "My patience is running thin with the seeker." He stormed down the hallway forcing Luca to keep up. "He claims he let himself be caught because he smelled his mate."


   "Exactly what I thought. He refuses to tell me more than he already has until he meets his mate."

   Luca scoffed.

   "Talk about playing unfairly."

   "Yeah. He thinks his mate will further protect him."

   "Odds are, his mate has no ranking here. And if they did, they likely wouldn't accept him after what he's done."

   The king stopped in front of the door to his office and sighed.

   "That's what he said. Or something like that. He wants me there to help them understand." The king shook his head and pushed the double doors open. "He said the pack he was in was River's Edge."

   "River's Edge?" Luca's eyes went wide. "That's...impossible."

   "I thought so too. I don't, not believe him, but it's still hard to believe. We will know for sure if he's lying when we find his mate. We'll put together a service for your father. Whenever that's over, we'll address this. Until then, we need to make sure your mother is okay."


   Winnie woke two days after the seeker put her to sleep. Another two days followed before she was able to get out of bed long enough for a ceremony to take place. Though she was up and moving, even with the help of herbs and medicine, she was in pain. She forced a smile in front of others, but with every step, she winced in pain.

   A day after the ceremony, Luca and the King didn't want to wait any longer to interrogate the seeker, and in order to do that they needed to find his mate. Before he met with the king he went to his mother's room. His sister, Alice, was braiding his mother's hair, they giggled together, a pleasing sight after everything they'd been through.

   "How are you feeling?" Luca asked as he brought the tray of glasses and water closer to her bed.

   "Much better." She squeezed Alice's hand.

   "We're going to talk to that seeker today. We'll get our answers, mom." He poured her a glass and handed it to her. "Don't worry. We'll make everyone involved pay for what they did to dad and our pack."

   She reached for the glass and instead grabbed his wrist.

   "Luca, I'm angry and sad, too, but...we have to be careful about revenge."

   He furrowed his brows. She took the glass and let him go.

   "Grief and anger blind us, Luca."

   "...Are you saying you don't care if the seeker and his pack get away with it?"

  She shook her head. 

  "All I'm saying," she let his wrist go, "is I don't know what you're looking for out of the seeker, but whatever it is, you may be disappointed."

  He tilted his head, unsure of what she meant. 

   "He may be involved in the attack, but I guarantee you he wasn't leading it. He may not know as much as you're hoping."

  "How can you be so sure?"

  "I'm a Luna, Luca. I know how to read wolves like a book. When he was in my office, there was nothing evil about him. If anything, I saw pain and sadness, and even loss. Just like how we feel."

   He glared at her.

   "I have to go."

   Unable to hear anymore, he stormed out of the bedroom and down the hall. He was meeting the king in his office, and for the first time, meeting the seeker. The one responsible for his father's death. He only hoped he could keep his cool while in the same room as him.


   "Hopefully, we can find your mate quickly."

   The king and Nova waited in his office for Luca to arrive. According to the king, Luca was his nephew, and the next in line to be the Alpha of Black Vale. Meaning, he was also an angry alpha who just lost their father, thanks to Nova. Nova wasn't looking forward to meeting the wolf, but it wasn't something he could avoid.

   The door creaked open, and both pairs of eyes shot to the door. Nova's eyes widened as he breathed in that beautiful scent and looked at the wondrous man in the doorway. His dark hair, dark eyes, and muscular body called to Nova. He was built to protect. Built to lead. Nova's smile faded as he realized who the man was.

   Nova looked at Leon and gave a sad sideways smile and said, "I guess we won't have to look too far."