
The Mystical universe

To reach the end of the martial way, for enlightment demands a clear mind, ones heart must be true. True is my love for the spear, my curiosity for the martial path, my will to reach the pinnacle. With a spear like a dragon, soaring the firmament, my path to the peak is one to behold. Follow Kaeln Sunblaze and his entourage through a journey of wondrous mysteries, epic battles with divine beings, monstrous talents, mythical beasts, revenge against a powerful ennemy, love and companionship.

Daoistgrandmist · Fantaisie
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51 Chs

Unforeseen incident, the mighty Elder Miao

Perched on the back of the great white crane, Kaeln and the others observed their surroundings with great enthusiasm. One had to admit, the environment of the Free Immortal Sect was the most beautiful in the Coiling Dragon Empire.

Here, nature thrived with numerous mountain ranges, each full of variant plant life. Mystic animals and towering trees, dozens of meters tall, embellished the scene. Amidst this natural splendor were tall palaces, houses, cultivation caves, martial stadiums, and open spaces where countless disciples practiced their arts.

On one particularly beautiful mountain, distinct for its relatively huge size and distinct purple foliage on its trees, hundreds of fairy-like young girls could be seen practicing sword arts. They held rapier-like thin swords, executing swift and precise moves that were beautiful yet deadly. With every step, they would soar meters into the sky before unleashing dozens of sword thrusts into the ground, puncturing it deeply.

The mesmerizing scene captured the gaze of the boys atop the crane.

"If I could spend my life surrounded by so many beauties, I would truly feel fulfilled," fervently exclaimed Rai, captivated by the maidens practicing the sword.

Chuckling, the young man named Yu Hao also looked at the scene. "That mountain is Elder Miao's personal mountain. It is said she only allows women in there. There are thousands of pretty girls living together, all as pretty as they come. Any man who could get one's approval would be a lucky bastard, let alone living with all of them. Best be careful not to speak such words in Elder Miao's presence, lest you wish to be castrated."

As the boys listened to the advice, the thought of being castrated sent shivers down their spines.

"Who's the prettiest girl on that mountain, senior brother, do you know?" Kaeln asked while still admiring the many beauties on the mountain.

Hearing this, Su Yao glared at him. "All men are the same..." she softly mumbled.

Yu Hao glanced at him, and with a light snort, he said, "The most beautiful woman on that mountain is undoubtedly Elder Miao."

"Pwuaah… What!? How can you say such a thing when so many pretty fairies live there?" Rai exclaimed. "How can a senile old woman possibly surpass all these young girls?"

"What do you know? Elder Miao is still incredibly young, only in her thirties. She is one of the youngest elders of the sect, most of them being over hundreds of years old."

"That young! Aren't elders supposed to be incredibly powerful? How could she become one so young? Is she an important person?" Torin, who had been silent until now, couldn't help but ask. Even one as stoic as him couldn't help but gasp at the idea of someone becoming an elder of the mysterious Free Immortal Sect at such a young age. One must know that there are rumors of old fogies thousands of years old in the depths of the sect.

Chuckling once again, Yu Hao, standing proudly at the head of the crane, looked at the top of the lush purple mountain where Elder Miao's abode resided.

"Though rare, sometimes monstrously talented individuals appear who soar through the realms of cultivation at a young age. Though only 31, Elder Miao is a powerful elder at the peak Dao-finding Realm, and a very powerful one at that. She can cross ranks to challenge middle-rank Mortal Shedding Powerhouses of other sects and even defeat them. Rumor has it that she's a peak heavenly talent, having formed seven divine runes in her golden core—a talent so rare you may not find one in 1/10 of the Coiling Dragon Empire's 10 billion population. Her beauty is even rarer, as she's known as one of the 10 most beautiful women of the Southern Desolate Continent, enticing countless sect masters, elders, kings, and even secluded powerhouses' affection. Were it not for her powerful strength and mysterious background, she may have been forced into a marriage by an all-powerful tyrant. People suspect she is from the unfathomable Middle Heaven Continent. It is unknown why she decided to stay and teach as an elder in the Free Immortal Sect, but some say she may have a romantic relationship with one of the teachers. If you ever see her, make sure to be respectful. You may receive her guidance if you are lucky."

All listened intently, and the boys couldn't help but take a deep breath as their eyes shone with awe and admiration for the mighty woman. Even Su Yao, who normally keeps a serene expression, couldn't hide her respect at the mention of Elder Miao.

"Well, I definitely wish to meet her. Such a character is one you may not encounter in a lifetime." As the crane kept flying higher and deeper into the sect, it flew above the purple mountain, and Kaeln expectantly looked down at the peak. Furrowing his brows, he seemed to see a pink palace hidden within the purple forest. Inside it was an open courtyard built into the mountaintop. A woman's back could be seen; she seemed to be meditating as she was sitting in a lotus position. Her long silver-pink hair reached her slim and long waist, a mysterious pale golden sacred Qi flowing around her. Sensing a gaze, she turned her head to look up at the sky, staring straight at Kaeln, who was also staring at her. A light flashed in jade-pink irises as she willed her divine senses to pry into the mind of the person who dares disrupt her cultivation.

Locking eyes with the unfathomable expert, Kaeln immediately felt as if he was facing an insurmountable mountain. A glance at her eyes seemed to crush his bones into pieces. He felt a weird will rushing towards him at lightning-fast speed.

"Shit!" He quickly circulated the True Heart Sutra, hastily swallowing the surrounding qi to form a protective barrier. Unfortunately, the qi barrier immediately shattered into smithereens as he coughed up a mouthful of blood and fell unconscious, alerting the others.

"Kaeln!" Rai screamed as he quickly grabbed hold of him. "Kaeln, what's wrong?" Worry took over his face, and Raizel shouted loudly as he shook him, trying to wake him up.

Arriving beside them, Yu Hao injected his qi into him to assess the damage. "Shit, his insides are badly mutilated; we must find a place to land and get him some medicine quickly."

Watching the previously valiant and mysterious young boy bloody and unconscious, Su Yao bit her lip as she extended her index finger. On it was a black ring, embellished with intricate designs. With a flash, an object came out of the ring. It was a gorgeous golden pill with six divine patterns in the shape of dragons inscribed into it. With a deep breath, she put it into her mouth and chewed it before approaching the boy.

"Get back, since he's unconscious, I'll have to feed him the pill directly with my mouth."

The two quickly stepped back as she knelt close to him. Looking at the young boy's incredibly dashing face, the girl blushed slightly before closing her eyes and resolutely pressing her lips against his.

Time seemed to stand still as the beautiful maiden and the handsome young boy's lips tightly linked. Atop the flying crane above the vast floating mountains, the three moons and the huge sun all appeared at the same time, creating a scene of unmatched beauty.


Purple Floating Mountain, Miao Palace Courtyard.

A peerless silver-pink haired woman was sitting cross-legged. Despite being in a meditative position, her eyes were laid bare open. She looked at the situation above with intrigue.

"I was originally going to save him, as I didn't expect the person peeping to be but a mere boy still. Though that won't be necessary, it seems. I would have never thought Yao'er would willingly kiss someone like that. That boy must've made quite the impression on her… Su Tianlong, it seems your daughter made a choice; I hope the old story does not repeat itself." A light smile appeared on her peerlessly beautiful face, bringing the surrounding life, be it trees, animals, or birds, to a standstill, as if nature itself couldn't help but stop to gaze at the heaven-toppling beauty.

She stood up, stretching her long and curved legs. She was only wearing a light pink tank top and long silver cotton pants. A sight at this scene would make any man lose any sense of what he previously thought was beautiful. With a tap of her index finger, her whole body was suddenly covered in light, as her clothes disappeared, revealing a heart-stopping picture. Fortunately, no one could see it. A silver light flashed as she changed into a light silver feminine robe, giving her an air of nobility. It was simple, without any designs or intricate patterns, but all embellishment loses its use as no one graced with her presence would waste time looking at those.

With a will, she floated towards the crane flying towards the depths of the sect, quickly approaching the group.

Atop the crane, Yu Hao was looking at the romantic scene in front of him; a cold sweat dripped down his cheeks as he exhaled loudly. "If a talented junior like him were to die on my watch, I wouldn't hear the end of it from Teacher Long, but this… If the sect master were to see this. Aish. I sense troublesome days ahead. Hmm!?" Suddenly, he sensed a mighty presence sending shivers down his spine, quickly approaching from below.

"Heh!? That's… holy shit, I'm fucking dead." Looking down, a peerless figure was making her way towards them.